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Lost a Bet but Gained a Fetish: Part 1

by Joseph Vacca

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What can I say but I'm extremely competitive. Ever since we were kids Jesse and I have always tried to one up each other. But as we grew up we kind of became enemies because it seemed I started winning more and more especially when it came to popularity and getting girls. What Jesse didn't know though was that I never did anything with girls, actually I was gay.

Unfortunately for me I didn't know Jesse really had a thing for Rachel. Rachel and I are like bestys. That is until she decided to have a crush on Jesse.

Jesse played hockey and football, while I played soccer and was in the band. Rachel was in the band but was also a hockey cheerleader. Apparently the 2 of them started hooking up after hockey games about a month ago.

I found this out about a week ago when out of nowhere Jesse stopped me in the hall to punch me in the stomach and told me I was a jerk for telling Rachel I was a no good loser.

I was so shocked and confused until he said, "listen fag, if you ever try breaking us up again I'll make sure you live to regret it."

Rachel got really upset at Jesse for being childish, using violence, and for telling everyone they were dating.

I was really upset with Rachel for going behind my back, telling Jesse my secret, and lying about her feelings for Jesse. We didn't talk for almost a whole week, until today, since I was really really upset with her. She came crying and apologizing profusely saying she'd do anything for forgiveness. I told her the only way I'd forgive her is if she broke up with Jesse and tell him you lied about me being gay cause you really love me and we pretend we are boyfriend and girlfriend. That made her extremely pissed off and she slapped me.

I felt awful once I realized how wrong that was to do to my best friend. She was my real friend too cause she knew my secret and still was my friend. I tried calling her after school a few times but she didn't answer. It was Friday so I thought I'd let her cool off over the weekend.

All of a sudden my doorbell rang. I was shocked to see Jesse in tears at my door. He felt awful about calling me a fag and said Rachel broke up with him for doing what he did to me. I invited him in to chat. We actually worked out a lot of the problems we had, which mostly stemmed from his own insecurity and jealousy of me. I learned that I should be a better winner and not gloat so much and be arrogant. Then he shocked me further by saying he was totally cool with me being gay too. I never knew but his older brother was gay.

In fact Jesse and his brother want me to come over tonight and spend the weekend. I jumped at the chance since I've never been able to talk to anyone about my sexuality.

I went upstairs and quickly packed a bag and hitched a ride with Jesse to his place. I walked in and Paul, Jesse's bro gave me a big hug as a warm welcome. Jesse had hockey practice and a scrimmage so while he was gone Paul and I got acquainted and hit it off pretty well. Paul was funny, sweet, charming, and very cute too. He apologized for his brother and said Jesse was still in training with a kind of devilish smirk. Apparently Jesse is extremely straight and doesn't understand homosexuality. Paul thinks I might be perfect to help him since a brother can only go so far.

Right then we got interrupted by Jesse. He asked if we had a good chat. Then he said he wanted some alone time just us two, so we went upstairs. Jesse all of a sudden whipped out a chess set and said during the hockey scrimmage he remembered the old days playing games for many many hours. I laughed cause they were some fond memories. He called white and I said no let's wrestle for it. He pounced right on me to try and pin me quickly. He had me on my stomach and was sitting on my back with his knees pinning my hands by my side. All of a sudden I felt him shift his weight slightly as if to grab something. He took off his right shoe and held it over my nose while I was pinned. I tried moving my head cause his sneaker reaked but it was no use he just held my head in a head lock laughing and taunting me. After about a minute I had to give up and say uncle.

Jesse got off of me and said ok so I guess I'm white and chuckled a lil bit. I got up and sat on the bed when I noticed I got a lil chub in my pants. Good thing he didn't notice though it probably would've freaked him out.
We decided to play a best of five round robin. After four games we were tied 2 to 2. I decided we should make a bet. Jesse immediately said if he won I had to help him get Rachel back. I explained to him that isn't possible because she's upset with me and won't talk to me. I offered a money bet but Jesse thought that idea was lame. So Jesse yelled to Paul. He came in the room and Jesse asked him what the winner gets. Paul laughed and said that's easy, "the loser has to be the winners slave for the weekend". We both looked at each other and agreed.

The game was intense and lasted the longest of any we've played. Jesse killed my rook with his queen which I thought was a stupid move since I killed his queen with my knight I was evilly and condescendingly laughing I heard him say checkmate. He tricked me by distracting me with his queen. He knew I would fall for the trick.

Jesse got all excited and then said, "I've never had a slave before! Anytime my brother and I make that bet he's always won and I've had to be his slave. He was always so cruel too. Called his punishment part of his training. I think I will do to you what he did to me, since you actually are gay this should be fun. Actually this is even better than getting Rachel back."

I got really worried, but I am a man of my word so I won't reneg on the bet.

Jesse told me to strip down naked and tie the bandana he handed to me over my eyes like a blindfold so I can't see. He said to stay right there and don't move. Then I heard both Paul and Jesse come in the room. Paul said he was just there for support and safety. Jesse told me to stand up straight with my hands by my side. All of a sudden I heard a crinkling sound and felt a cold material being wrapped around my shoulders, arms and torso all the way down around my legs to my ankles. I asked what he was doing and was told no talking. Then came the unmistakable sound of lots and lots of duct tape. I was being mummified and the jerk left my dick out too. I then started to panick and said I don't really think this is cool. Jesse replied, "I told you to shut the fuck up you little fag slaveboy, don't say another word!"

"Paul, you're gonna let him say that shit, please help me and get me out of ... mmpph mmmpphh".

"Nice wrap job lil bro, hand me the duct tape please, I don't want him spitting out the sock hahahaha. Watch and learn how to properly gag a slave." Paul then proceeded to wrap duct tape really tightly over my mouth, around my head four times, then under my chin up over my head three times. I was completely tied up and gagged. I could barely even squirm.

"Paul let's keep him in your room since mom and dad won't bother you. Plus you have all the fun toys. " The next thing I know the two of them picked me up and carried me into Paul's room and put me on his bed. Paul then said, "bring your hockey bag for his training though. I just did laundry yesterday."

While Jesse went downstairs to grab his hockey bag Paul took an extra shoelace he had and decided to tie up my cock and balls. He said, "as I was saying before my bro interrupted our convo downstairs, I've been trying to train him to be more gay by making him my footslave, but its no fun cause he just stays limp and its totally weird to play with his dick, but you...I think we will have lots of fun with you this weekend. Plus I think Jesse will find it fun being dominant and in control. I kinda feel bad for you though cause my bro has a major foot odor problem."

"Hahahaha yeah I do! Actually he got a lil taste of my sneaker before." Jesse said, "I don't know though Paul I don't think you can make someone like the smell of rank feet."

"Just keep an open mind and by the end of the weekend you will see. Just do exactly what I did to you and I'll assist with the dick part, but that won't be til tomorrow night." Paul claimed. "Tonight you just stick to my routine and I'll help you to learn when to stop ok?"

"Yes Paul." Stated Jesse. All of a sudden my head was lifted up and I felt a rope go around my head and something was tied to my face. "We'll start with just my sneaker first slaveboy, smell my rank shoe! I've worn those pretty much every day for almost a year now. Some days without even socks on hahahaha. God I can smell them from here, I can't imagine having my nose in them!"

"Mmmmmmpphhh mmmmmph mmmmmphhh!" I was trying to yell for help while helplessly wiggling squirming trying to get out and away from his awful smelling sneaker. Then I heard a humming noise.

"The more you helplessly struggle boy the harder and deeper you breathe hahahaha. This should keep you busy for a while." Taunted Jesse as he placed the vibrator on my tied up cock and balls. It took about ten minutes before I was fully erect and Paul said stop.

"Let's leave him alone for a while to enjoy his new role as your footslave and get accustomed to your foot aroma, I mean obscene odor hahahaha. Let's see how long it takes for his erection to go limp." Paul told Jesse.

What seemed like hours passed, but in reality it was only 25 mins, and they came back in the room. At this point I was only semi hard. Paul chimed in, "hey lil bro I actually think he likes your smelly feet."

Jesse said,"wow I think you are right I went limp in less than 5 mins and its been almost a half hour."

Paul then said,"time to crank it up the stench a notch." Jesse then untied the sneaker for a quick second and then retied it just as quickly.

"I changed to the other sneaker and stuffed my hockey socks from today in there too hahahaha!" Jesse taunted and then turned on the vibrator. This time I was erect in only about five mins and Paul said stop. They waited until I was limp again which took longer, about 50 mins.

"Jesse he likes your stank too much we are gonna have to speed up training. I think one more round of vibrator but this time with him smelling your lucky socks and he will truly be your slave and will do anything you want to cum." Paul said.

Jesse replied,"really?! Wow this is amazing, I can't believe it how fast he's hooked. Do you think he will truly be my footslave and do anything for me?"

Paul said, "Hell yeah bro. It's getting late though so just tie your rankest pad to his face for the night."

"Oh man my pads are really nasty though, I think its too soon I don't want him to die." Jesse claimed.

"Man up and be a sir not a pussy and just do it!" Paul sternly yelled.

Jesse grabbed his smelliest pad and replaced his sneaker and socks, and of course then came the vibrator. I was absolutely throbbingly hard in less than 3 mins, I thought my dick was gonna explode with cum but just before climax Paul said stop. Then they both went to bed.

To be continued ...