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The One and Only

by Denis O'Bell

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James was a musician.


He made his way to the stage of the Lounge 23 and picked up his guitar.   This handsome baby-faced youth then stood in front of the microphone and said, "Hey people! I'm just going to play a few songs!" He got a few cheers and some groans but he just flipped them off and started to play a sad song, it was one of the many songs he had written after his fiancée had broken off their engagement.  He had gone through a sever patch of depression, but (now that he'd rediscovered love with his friend T.B.) he was over that now ... or so she hoped.


He finished one song, and a girl ran up onstage and planted her mouth on his for a long, wet sensuous kiss.  After making out for at least fifteen minutes, James broke the kiss, he suddenly realized that the girl had kissed him to distract him ... probably was going to make an attempt at robbing him.  It had happened to him several times when he and his band had played gigs in Germany.  So he pushed her aside, grabbed his guitar and ran from the club, leaving the girl standing sitting there dazed and confused. 


Baby-faced James ran as fast as his slender, handsome body could carry him.


He dodged green apple trees and rocks as he flew through the woods in a desperate attempt to reach his car and his friend.  When he saw his vehicle sitting along the side of the road in the distance, he sighed with relief. Along a nameless waterfront, passing a heard of rams and more green apple trees.


In the passenger seat beside him was a 21-year-old called T.B. who was heir to a multimillion-pound fortune.  This was a young man who had suffered serious mental problems before he took up with his famous musician friend.  He was the grandson of a "Sir" ... and this "Sir" was the founder of a business that employed thousands of people around the world.  Why was T.B., who had everything, depressed?  No one knew.  But everyone knew one thing; his friend James knew how to lift his spirits. 


That's why the two were on this spontaneous road trip.


James and T.B. were going 73 miles an hour at 59th street when a Volkswagen Beetle swerved in front of them causing James to hit the brakes causing a spin.  His car then slammed into a lamp post.  James was dazed but managed to climb out of the vehicle, which he feared might somehow explode.


And then he noticed that T.B. was still inside


The youth lay unconscious in the wreckage for two-and-a-half-hours while a weakened and dazed James fought to free him. T.B. had his seatbelt on, but his head was hanging.   James went to the driver's side and opened the door, got the twenty-one year old's seatbelt off and got him out of the car.  But T.B. was gone. Passing motorists stopped to give aid to the two young men who now lay side by side on the road, but there was nothing they could do to help except keep an eye on T.B. 's body while James himself made his way to the nearest call box to phone for help. 


Sprinting northbound through Wilson Bill he managed to reach a call box two miles down near Clark.  James tried to use this call box to phone for help, but it was too dark and he couldn't really see the buttons.  So he dialed a number he could activate blindfolded--the number of his friend Rich.  He told his pal that he and T.B. had been in an accident and that T.B. was dead.  He also told him that some passing motorists had offered their help, and that he would be okay. 


James hung up before he could tell Rich all the details.  In truth, James was still stunned by all that had just occurred. 


And he was just about to make another phone call when, out of the fog, he sees a big man dressed in black walking toward him.  It was one of the motorists who had stopped to lend him a hand.  There was something menacing about the way his benefactor was advancing on him, and James had just begun his second phone call when the stranger suddenly rushed at him full speed--pounding the baby-faced youth right and left with his fists. The blows dazed-him, and the already weakened and James was unable to really defend himself. The next moment the youth felt a shove and realized that he was being pushed over the embankment.


And over he went.


So James went tumbling down the face of the embankment. His body rolled down it until the young man was roughly deposited at the foot of the crag. Upon landing, the soft area of his temple gave way to the sharp, unyielding edge of a large rock. Bright colors danced before her eyes and began to erase all memory of the vicious car accident and even the death of his good friend.  

As blackness lowered its dark curtain over him, James thought he heard T.B. calling him from the next world.






Robert, a young doctor from University College London, was driving down the road near an orchard when an OPP officer passed him and then turned around and followed him.  Robert suspected this happened due to his vehicle's loud muffler. the cop followed at a very close rate and followed him for at least ten minutes. As he was watching this officer in his mirror he went over the speed limit 80 in a 60 km zone ... but his speedometer said 55.


After the officer pulled Robert over he smelled pot in the young doctor's car and searched the entire vehicle while Robert waited.   In his car the officer then found the bag of pot that belonged to the young doctor's friends. Robert thought that he was about to be taken in. 


The officer made him step out of the car.  A record-breaking athlete in college, Robert had been nicknamed the Polar Bear for his pioneering swims in some of the coldest waters in Europe.   He was surprised when the policeman let him off with a stern warning, but didn't hang around long to question his good fortune. 


He drove on, not intending to stop until he reached his home.  But then something caught his eye--A dazed-looking young man was wandering aimlessly on the side of the road.  He was handsome and barefoot and Robert could see the manicured grass sticking out between his perfect pale toes.  The feet that these toes belonged to were possibly the most beautiful things Robert had ever seen; slim and almost blue, beneath a irradiance of smooth pale skin, the toes long and slender, the nails so perfect it was obvious that the pampered young man had pedicures.  The grass around the boy looked like the smoothed green of a billiards tabletop.


He took the dazed boy by the hand and led him to his car.  He then drove the bewildered lad to his home. 


Once they arrived Robert undressed the dazed boy.  He named the clearly amnesiac young man Billy because of how the area where he'd first spotted the lad looked like a "billy-yard" (billiard) table.  Then he lifted the now naked baby-faced youth into the tub and plunged him into the hot water. Billy gurgles with the pleasure of the hot water on his body. First Robert washed his dark brown hair and used his fingers to thoroughly scour the boy's scalp. Billy holds his nose and dunks his head in the water to rinse out the shampoo, so he knew the drill even if he couldn't remember his own real name. Then Robert soaped a washcloth and gave the dazed young stranger a good scrub all over. Billy giggles when the young doctor rooted between his young toes with the washcloth. He giggled even more when Robert washed under his armpits. But he roared with laughter the loudest when his benefactor washed his dick and testicles.


The washing was such an ordeal that, after Robert tucked him into bed, Billy closed his big brown eyes and slept clear through to the following day.






As the amnesiac boy drifted off to sleep Robert stayed at his bedside for several minutes, watching his face. His dick was hard, so he intended to have some fun with this houseguest while he was unconscious. Stripping himself naked and climbing into bed with the boy, the young doctor explored every inch of the baby-faced stranger, licking and tasting his sweat, plunging his tongue into every crevice ...smelling and tasting the unconscious lad everywhere. When Robert was done he merely snuggled next to the snoozing Billy before drifting off to sleep himself.


Robert awoke with the deeply slumbering Billy now lying in the opposite direction he had been put to bed in.  His feet bare feet were now in the young doctor's face.  Seeing this, Robert started kissing the tips of sleeping baby-faced Billy's toes.  Then he began kissing and licking the soles and heels, and then back to the tiny spaces between each toe.  Soon he was sucking those toes, loving feel of them as they curled in his mouth.  Robert sucked and kissed the sleeping amnesiac boy's young toes like he was starving, paying special attention to the dark curling hairs on each of the longer toes.


The young doctor moaned with pleasure as he continued licking Billy's toes and sucking them into his mouth. He mercilessly tickled the amnesiac when he licked the bottom of the lad's soles. He then spread Billy's legs and started working his way up the amnesiac youth's thighs.   Soon Billy was incredibly hard--pre cum dribbling down the head of his penis. 


Robert swallowed that swollen penis head, licking the cum around it like crazy and waiting for young Billy to cum into his mouth.


Realizing that an unconscious boy was unlikely to cum, the young doctor rolled Robert onto his stomach and spread the amnesiac youth's asscheeks.  Billy's ass was so hot and Robert could smell the sweat coming from his crack. The young doctor put his nose in the sleeping amnesiac youth's butt. He was overwhelmed with his ass fragrance and thought he might even faint from bliss.  Then an almost uncontrollable hunger overwhelmed the doctor and he shoved his face hard into the baby-faced boy's ass crack. His tongue shot out and starting sucking on his young houseguest's pink ass lips. He ate the boy's sweaty butt for some time.  


When he was done, Robert returned to the sleeping lad's feet.  He opened his mouth and lifted Billy's left foot and stuck the boy's big toe in his mouth. After sucking on it for a time, the young doctors sucked each toe in turn while caressing Billy's toes with his tongue--wrapping it around each digit while the amnesiac baby-faced youth slept on.






"Billy" awoke in a bright sunlit room. The window was open to the outside breeze and he could hear voices coming from the yard. His body ached, and he was thirsty. Looking around the room he could see that it was modestly furnished. A bed, a washbasin, a mirror, and a chair against the far wall. His head felt like it wanted to explode, and he couldn't recall his own name or how he'd come to be at his present location.


As he tried to sit up in bed he became almost violently nauseous and immediately fell back onto the pillow and lost consciousness. When he next awoke, the room was dark, for night had fallen. He closed his eyes once again and slept until the following day.


A knock on the door startled him and without warning the door swung open. An attractive man carrying a water pitcher approached him. "You've slept for two days, son," he said. "Glad to finally see some real life in those big brown eyes of yours."


"Who are you, where am I, how did I...? " the baby-faced amnesiac youth couldn't finish his words, so he closed his big brown eyes as he began to speak.


“My name is Robert. This is my home, such as it is. You were wounded ... probably in a motorcar accident. I found you wandering in a daze over on the side of the road and brought you here, Billy."


"Billy?  Is that my na-"


"I don't know.  I've taken to calling you that, but I was hoping that you could tell me your real name."


"I can't think of my real name is.  I can't think much of anything."


"Billy" swung his legs over the side of the bed and made an attempt to stand, but immediately gave up on the idea. 


The sight of the young man's perfect bare feet was too much for the foot-loving Robert.  He immediately knelt before the dazed boy, took hold of those perfect feet, stroked them, massaged them and extended them towards himself.  For some reason the young doctor's ministrations to his feet actually seemed to ease the pain in his head.  He sighed, loving the feel of his benefactor's hands as they kneaded and massaged his toes, pads and insteps.


Suddenly Robert began licking Billy's feet. First the toes, then the soles and heels, and then the spaces between each toe.  He dragged his tongue across the bottom of the baby-faced boy's foot, tasting the sweat of his shoe and the natural fragrance of youth. And the young doctor kept at it, running his tongue between Billy's toes and around his ankles and against his arch.


Billy himself was in a state of complete bliss.  His aching head was completely forgotten and he felt himself swooning in ecstasy.  The feeling of his benefactor's tongue around his toes was sensational.  He let Robert lick his feet for almost thirty minutes before he thought he might faint.

Finally he felt the young doctor's fingers brush up against his balls. His benefactor grabbed the base of his penis and pulled it down towards him, causing the boy's tool to swell with excitement. Robert stuck out his tongue and licked Billy's pre cum. "Mmmmmmmmmmm" was all the boy heard, the sensations running through his penis were beyond description. The young doctor sucked the head into his mouth, and the boy could feel his benefactor's tongue run all around his penis head, and slip into his piss slit. 


And Robert licked that penis as if it was the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted. He sucked Billy's tool for ten minutes before informing the baby-faced amnesiac that he wanted him to cum in his mouth. He kept sucking the youth's penis down his throat. He loved sucking the young stranger's penis, and it was turning him on in ways he'd never have anticipated. He reached down to jerk his own tool, when he felt Billy shudder. His balls tightened up closer to his body, and he started wriggling. The boy grabbed the back of the young doctor's head and shoved his entire penis down his benefactor's throat.


Robert felt my mouth fill with the baby-faced youth's spunk ...  and then he lost it-shooting his own spunk all over Billy's calves and feet. The boy was breathing heavily, and he himself was shaking almost violently from the most pleasurable orgasm he'd ever had.


He used his remaining strength to lick his own cum from Billy's calves and feet.


This was going to be a great day.


To be continued…