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Tickling the Soldier

by Christopher Trevor

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My name is Sommers, Ron Sommers to be exact.

I’m a sergeant in the United States army and damned proud of it. I’m forty-eight years old; a career soldier I suppose you would call it. I joined up when I was nineteen. I’m married and I have two daughters. Recently I was cleaning out a closet and came across an old photo album. I dusted it off and sat down on the living room couch to look through it. In the album there were pictures of me in my uniform when I had first joined the army, twenty-nine years ago to be exact. There were pictures of me with my parents, (God, but they looked so damned proud) friends, and neighbors that I had grown up with. As I looked through the photo album I could not believe that so much time had gone by, and so quickly at that it seemed. I turned the page again and saw a caption on top of the page which read “Ron’s first homecoming.” It was my mother’s handwriting and beneath it was a picture of me in my olive colored dress uniform, standing with my parents in front of the house we had lived in.

I recalled that day vividly.

I had been in the army almost a year and had been granted my first week of leave. Of course I spent it with my parent’s at their house. I was their only child and they had missed me as much as I had missed them. On the next page was a picture of me with a few of the neighbors and when I turned the page again and saw the picture it felt as if my heart had stopped for a second. It was a picture of me with my four best buddies from the neighborhood. Their names were Eddie, Lester, Arnold and Ted. As I stared at the picture my heartbeat accelerated and suddenly, without any warning, my cock got hard in my pants. The next picture was of me sitting perched up on Eddie’s shoulders, his big hands wrapped around my black socked ankles, and my other three buddies standing around us. I looked totally triumphant sitting on Eddie’s shoulders. When my mother had seen Eddie hoist me to his shoulders she thought it would make a great picture. My cock pounded harder yet in my pants. I was remembering what my four so called buddies had done to me as a way of welcoming me home, and as a way of playing a very horrible joke on me. As I said, I had joined the army when I was nineteen. When I was granted my first leave I was twenty. I took a Greyhound bus to my hometown and my father picked me up at the bus terminal. He looked so proud when he saw me get off that bus, me clad in my olive colored dress uniform. We ran toward each other and hugged till it hurt.

“Damn, it’s good to see you Ron,” my father said, choking back tears.

“You too Dad, you too,” I sniffled as he held me, my tears streaming out of my eyes, his hand on the back of my neck.

He drove us home and when we pulled up in front of the house I saw that my mother and a few of the neighbors were there, waiting for us. Before I could get my duffel bag out of the trunk of the car I was hugged, kissed, and hugged even more by the older women of the neighborhood. Even some of the young girls came to welcome me home. Some of them kissed me more than once, their lips really pressing hard against my face. I wondered if they were leaving lipstick smears on me. I felt like a damned war hero. My mother cried as she hugged and kissed me over and over. She was acting as if I had been gone for years or had been to war. But then, I was her little boy after all. We took a few pictures in front of the house and slowly the neighbors started dispersing.

“I didn’t expect all this fanfare,” I said to my parents. “I feel like I’m returning from a war or something.”

“Well, when I told everyone you were coming home they were all very anxious to see you,” my mother said proudly.

“Yeah, I gathered that,” I said as I wiped lipstick off my face with my fingers, smiling like a kid.

“Well, let’s go in and have lunch,” my mother said. “I have all your favorite dishes ready for you.”

“Okay, you and Dad go on in,” I said. “I just have to get my duffel bag out of the trunk.”

As they went in the house I opened the trunk and hauled out my big duffel bag. Suddenly, from behind I heard someone letting out a loud whooping sound of sorts. I dropped my duffel bag on the ground and quickly turned around, but not quickly enough to prevent my buddy Eddie from charging up to me, sliding under my legs, and hoisting me up off the ground and to his big shoulders.

“UHHHNNNNFFF,” I gasped as my feet left the ground and I was hoisted high and quickly balanced up there.

“WHOOOOO!!!” Eddie howled happily. “Welcome home Ronnie boy!!”

Looking down I saw that my other buddies, Lester, Arnold and Ted were there also.

“H-hey you guys,” I said a little shakily, afraid that Eddie was going to drop me as he got me well positioned atop his shoulders. “G-good to see all of you.”

They weren’t so much my buddies as they were the neighborhood bullies. And man did they delight in bullying me every chance they could get. Mostly because I was the little guy on the block and they were all bigger than I was. Seems like that is the law of the jungle when it comes to neighborhood kids huh? But now the tables had been turned. I was a well-trained soldier and could swat them like flies if they tried to give me any trouble. I had no idea at that moment just how much trouble they planned on giving me. Eddie and Lester were both pretty big and muscular guys with dark hair and dark eyes. Arnold had blond hair and was kind of chunky and Ted was tall with light brown hair and sinister looking eyes. At the time of my first leave I had a body like iron, thanks to all the basic training I had gone through. Eddie spun around a few times while still holding me atop his huge shoulders, his hands gripping my black socked ankles firmly.

“Ed-Eddie, easy man!!” I yelled, fearful that he would let go of my ankles and send me sprawling on my back to the ground. “Be careful.”

“Yeah Eddie, he’s only home for a few days and we don’t want to send him back to Uncle Sam all broken and ruined,” Lester said mockingly.

Just then my mother came back over with her camera and asked if we all wouldn’t mind posing for a picture or two with me atop Eddie’s shoulders.

“Mom, please, just make it quick,” I said as politely as I could to her. “I-I’m getting dizzy up here.”

Lester, Arnold and Ted gathered around Eddie and we all smiled for my mother’s camera. She took two pictures and then walked back to the house, thanking us as she went. Eddie finally put me down and I smoothed my uniform jacket and straightened my tie.

“So, you’re looking pretty damned good Private Sommers,” Eddie said, jiggling the nametag on my jacket. “The army must be treating you right.”

“Yeah, they’re treating me as well as can be expected,” I replied. “How are things with you guys?”

“Pretty good,” Arnold replied.

I could tell he was lying just by the way his voice sounded. The four of them were the laziest guys I had ever known in my life, the kind that would never amount to anything.

“We should all hang out one night before you have to leave to go back to your base,” Ted suggested. “Why don’t you invite us over?”

“Yeah sure,” I said, not really meaning it at all. “We could bullshit over a few beers.”

“Soldier boys like beer eh?” Eddie asked me and squeezed my shoulder.

“Yeah, we do,” I said and picked up my duffel bag. “Listen, it was great to see all of you but I want to go inside and eat now. I’ll talk to you guy soon.”

As I walked toward the house I could feel their eyes on my back. Had I known what they were planning for me at that moment I would have been on the first Greyhound back to my base. No United States soldier should ever have to endure what those four bastards put me through.

Two days later my parents decided to go out to a late movie. Actually, I think it was my dad’s idea because he felt that I needed some time by myself. He was right. So, at around eight-thirty PM I kissed my parents good-bye and told them to enjoy the movie. With the house all to myself I decided to chug a few beers, watch some television in my room, and then conk out for a long night’s sleep. I didn’t know at that moment that I would not be getting much sleep at all that night. I stripped out of my casual army khakis down to my white briefs and calf length black nylon dress socks, got a few beers from the refrigerator and walked up to my room. As I passed a full-length mirror in the hallway I stopped to look at my muscular reflection.

“Fucking sexy devil you are Ronnie boy,” I said to my reflection, smiled stupidly and walked to my room.

I flicked on the television set, stretched out on my bed and opened the first beer. I took a long hearty gulp and said, “Ahhhh, good,” as the cold beer slid down my throat. As I watched television and drank beer my cock bulged hard in my briefs.

“Mmmmm, wonder what the chances are of having Margie from down the block stop by for a while,” I murmured as I chugged down more beer. “Fucking girl couldn’t stop kissing me the other day when I got home.”

Thoughts of Margie filled my head as I opened the second beer and took a long hearty gulp of it. My cock had gotten even harder in my briefs, and not just rock hard, but piss hard as well. Yeah, beer will always do that to me. I finished my second beer ad as I sipped the third one I began to feel really good and woozy. I had to piss like a fucking racehorse, but I would take care of that later. I actually like waiting till the last minute to drain my vein, it feels so good as relief fills me as I piss and piss like crazy.

“Oh yeah, fuckin’ hot Margie,” I whispered throatily as I lay back on the bed, stretching out my muscular well-toned body.

I dropped my half-full bottle of beer on the floor and conked out, cold. What I didn’t know at that moment as I lay there snoring (sounding like a goddamned buzz-saw) was that my four buddies were silently climbing up the trellis on the outside of the house, toward my open bedroom window. (It was a warm night so I had left the window open a crack to let the air in, bad mistake, huge mistake.) Eddie was the first one to get to my window and when he saw the empty beer bottles and me conked out cold he gave the other three guys a thumbs-up sign. They were about to give the soldier boy a welcome home celebration he would not soon forget. Silently, Eddie slowly pushed my window the rest of the way open and climbed into my bedroom, followed by Lester, Arnold, and lastly Ted, who had a backpack in his hand. Eddie pressed his index finger against his lips, indicating for all of them to be silent. They tiptoed over to my bed and stood two of them on each side of me as I lay there slumbering. In my drunken induced sleep I heard them whispering about me. I didn’t react because I thought I was having some kind of sleazy dream. The two and a half beers had seemed to have taken a strong toll on me.

“Damn, Sommers looks fucking great since he joined the goddamned army, he’s built like a bull,” Lester whispered as he stared down at me. “And look at the size of those nipples on him, Gawd, bigger tit tips than a woman’s…”

“Forget his tits man, look at the size of that fucking bulge in his briefs,” Arnold whispered breathlessly. “Fuckin’ cock of his is pulsing with a life of its own.”

“Both of you forget all that,” Ted whispered as he knelt at one of my black socked feet and inhaled deeply. “These big feet of his look like they’re size fucking eleven, and they sure as hell smell funky.”

“Listen you guys,” Eddie whispered, taking on an air of authority. “If we’re going to get this party going we have to get Private Sommers here roped up, and tight. Ted, get some rope out of that backpack and let’s get started.”

I squirmed a bit in my sleep at the sound of Eddie saying they were going to rope me up. The four men all stood silently and they did not even breathe till they were sure I was totally conked out again. Watching me squirm made a couple of their cocks’ stir I’m sure. When they were sure I was in dreamland again Ted smiled, opened his backpack and pulled out some rope. As they slowly, methodically and carefully twined rope around my wrists and ankles I stirred again in my drunken induced sleep.

“Mmmmmmmhhhh,” I murmured as I began to slowly wake up, in full this time.

“Hurry up you guys,” Eddie whispered harshly.

Quickly, they secured the ropes around my wrists and ankles and then tied the slack of them to my headboard and footboard.

“Mmmmmmmmhhhh, wh-whass goin’ on?” I slurred as I woke up, slowly opening my eyes, and by then it was too late to do anything.

When I fully opened my eyes I found myself tightly tied to me bed in a sexy spread eagle position.

“WH-what the fuck???” I gasped when I tried to sit up and then saw my four so-called buddies in my room. “Eddie!! You fuckers, you fucking guys!!! Some things never change do they?”

I thrashed wildly on my bed, trying desperately to get untied.

“AAARRRRHHHH GAWD, fuckers got me tied to my damned bed,” I seethed and my cock pounded (filled to overflowing with piss and jazz) like crazy in my white cotton briefs. “What’s the point of all this???”

“We just want to give you a welcome home that you’ll remember for all time Ronnie boy,” Eddie said, opening up one of my bottles of beer.

“Fucker, you gave me that when you hoisted me up on your mammoth-sized shoulders and nearly dropped me on the sidewalk the other day,” I spat up at Eddie as he sat down on the bed next to me.

Then, he lifted my head up and put the open bottle of beer to my lips.

“Drink up Soldier boy,” Eddie said commandingly.

With no choice but to do as I was told I chugged the beer down. When I looked at my bound-socked feet and saw Ted sniffing heartily at one of them I pulled my lips off the bottle. Some beer spilled onto my chest but I really didn’t give a fuck at that moment. I mean, a guy was sniffing my goddamned foot after all.

“WH-what the fuck is he doing???” I blurted angrily and in utter disbelief. “Fucking sleazy bastard is sniffing my rancid feet!!”

“That isn’t all we’re going to do to your feet Soldier,” Ted said fiendishly and reached into his backpack.

He took out two Q-tips, and holding them together began running the tips of them over the bottom of my foot that he was kneeling by.

“UHHHHHH!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” I gasped as I bucked wildly on the bed. “F-fucker is tickling my damned foot!! SH-shit!! HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! Ohhhhh fuck!!!”

Smiling eagerly Arnold knelt at my other bound foot, grabbed it at the ankle, and pressed two fingertips against the meaty bottom of it.

“OHHHHHHRRR no, no!!!” I pleaded miserably. “N-not you too Arnold!!!”

Arnold pressed his fingertips against the bottom of my foot and began running and strumming them up and down, up and down, and up and down, tickling me like crazy.

“OHHHHHRRRR you crazy fuckers!! HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” I laughed helplessly. “HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HOOOOOOO, ha!!! PL-please stop, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”

“Tickle those tootsies of his good you guys,” Eddie said as he put the bottle of beer down on my night table and pressed his fingertips into one of my hairy and sweaty armpits.

He looked down at me meanly and fiendishly.

“Soldier boy, we are going to tickle torture you till you can’t take it,” Eddie said, practically drooling over me. “And then we’re going to tickle torture you some more just for the fucking fun of it.”

“NO, no, oh GAWD, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” I roared uncontrollably. “Y-you fucking shit heads!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

Lester sat down on the bed near my other bushy armpit and pressed his fingertips into it. Then, he and Eddie began tickle torturing my armpits as Arnold and Ted tickled my feet.

“OOOHHHHRRRR HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” I laughed loudly. “M-my parents are d-downstairs!! Th-they’ll hear.” I gasped miserably.

“No they’re not,” Eddie said, taunting me, leering at me. “We saw them go out earlier. When we wished them a good evening they told us that they were going to a late movie and then out to a late dinner. Soldier boy, you are ours for the next few hours and then some.”

Eddie went on tickling my armpit like crazy; really pressing his fingers into the sweaty crevices in there and then leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I looked up at him in total disbelief.

“Bastards!!” I yelled in between laughing. “Y-you guys went from being bullies to being faggots!!”

Within minutes I was sweating miserably as the four men tickled my feet and my armpits at the same time. My cock was throbbing long and hard, beefy in my briefs, dribbling beads and beads of piss.

“HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!” I laughed loudly and wildly. “Faggots!!”

I watched as Ted and Arnold licked and sucked my socked feet in between tickling them. They ran their tongues all over the arches and sides of my feet and really went to town sucking the sweat out of my socked toes. Every fucking time those two perverts sucked my toes they had looks of ecstasy on their faces. When Ted tired of tickling me with the Q-tips he tossed them aside and took a feather duster out of his backpack. He stood up and ran the feather duster over my stomach and ribs as Lester and Eddie went on tickling my now sweaty and stinking armpits and Arnold continued tickling one of my feet. I bucked up and down on the bed, laughing loudly as Ted ran the feather duster over my torso. When he touched my very erect and large nipples with it I really howled and went into frenzy.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” I roared as Ted noticed the effect that tickling my nipples was having on me. “OHHHRRRR SHIT!!!”

The other guys stopped tickling me (momentarily) and stood and watched as Ted slowly ran the feather duster over my nipples. My cock was throbbing wildly now. I had to fucking piss!!!

“G-guys plea-please, no more,” I grunted as I lay there sweating and heaving, catching my breath. “I-I have to piss like you would not believe!! I drank a few beers before you pranksters captured my sexy ass like this…and that always makes me have to piss like a racehorse…so please…”

Ted stopped running the feather duster over my nipples and the four guys looked down at me, a gloating _expression in all their eyes.

“Piss?” Eddie asked me with a wicked smile. “Soldier boy, we aren’t untying you for a long fucking time so you’re either going to hold that piss or you’re just going to have to piss into those sexy briefs you’ve got on.”

“RRRRRRRR!!! FUCKERS!!!” I roared and thrashed wildly on the bed, trying more than desperately at that point to get myself untied.

The four men laughed at my peril and Ted reached into his backpack again.

“Oh no, no,” I murmured helplessly. “What now?”

With a wicked grin on his face Ted held up two toothbrushes.

“Gentlemen, shall we resume tickling this hot soldier boy?” Ted asked and handed Arnold one of the toothbrushes.

“Oh no, no, no,” I said miserably as Ted and Arnold settled back at my feet and Eddie and Lester readied themselves at my armpits. “Fucking bastards!”