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My Mechanic Neighbor and Friend Trample Me Unknowingly

by Brandon McCurry

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So this is a dream I have in detail from start to finish it involves my mechanic neighbor and his big footed friends and customers and I decided to become the ground in his shop.

Whew! let me tell you so I would have to know they’re was a lot of people who came to joes house and trampled around his shop behind his house I know this from hanging out with joe and he himself has nice soles and I being a total foot submissive rug playing type I have been walked on before under the rug at my grandmother’s house and as terrifying as at hot as it is to be the ground by the front door I thought why not under a tarp or box or something on the ground that I see other people already walking on and then lie under said objects and try to be as still and as flat as possible I use the Latin transformation mihi in tapeti to try to become like a carpet then wait its tense and scary as a unwilling person approaches and doesn’t know and probably won’t care that there is  something underfoot most guys trample and crush things underfoot all day and have no clue!!!!

So, I wait until after I have found an excuse to go over there to talk and the whole thing would be like surveillance looking for the best place to get flattened under foot and if there is anything I could possibly use to hide myself and go ahead and hide it, so I can cover up and lay beneath it as unsuspecting people come and walk all over my body and head and the side of my face. Then I wait and observe once I am back home for him to have people coming and then go run over and get under said item from before make sure I am as flat as can possibly be and wait… under there being still flat and quiet I lay motionless and wait as I lay there I try to drowned out all other noises and listen for that truck and imagine him pulling up in the driveway he doesn’t know I’m here remember then he gets out and walks in the house my heart is beating a hundred thousand times a minute…



And I also thought: What if he doesn’t discover me and walks on me all night and my phone is at home so no one knows where I went?   Just then I hear the back door open back up and I hear his foot falls as he walks out of the back door onto the porch and all I can think is I’m flat under this rug now let’s see if I’m going to hell forever as he walks closer my heart is pumping I’m frozen in terror as any rug would do knowing there master is home to crush them some more see the area I’m laying in has been beating down from joe trampling it all day all week long so I am fitting in all the grooves and diverts just perfect and as he gets closer he stops lights a cigarette I hear him say hey you going to come help me work today?

Uh huh yeah ok sir I’ll see you then.

And then as I am just staring at his feet they start moving towards me I guess he hadn’t seen me yet that’s a good sign maybe I can get  the trampling I have been looking for and then I can’t see him anymore he’s not slowing though and then strike his foot lands right dab on top of the side of my head and like I said he wasn’t slowing down he stepped down forcefully on my head then my upper back and all the way down my back and kept going then I heard him tinkering in the actual building part of the shop the place where I am is soft ground covered over by a carport thingies but anyways I was laying here thinking omg he just crushed me fully beneath his soles those amazing bare soles I saw when he first moved here I was young then.

But now that I’m older and he’s older I know how to be a rug better I guess then I felt his foot depress my lower back then my upper back then head then off and I watched his feet as they went to the vehicle in front of the carport over hang where I had been laying between a car and the wall only place to walk thru thus being high traffic I’m going to get my full rug experience because just then joe stepped fully on my head again and then my upper back then lower back buttock region which smashed my already flatten cock even more flat.

Then I heard his foot falls as he went in the building walked down me then stopped directly on me then walk back to the building flip on the light scramble thru some things then walked back down me crushing me under his large feet again then walking out to the car he was working on this time as I laid there and watched his feet I started thinking this might not have been a good idea because it’s very apparent from under here he either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that his feet are crushing something.

So I am thinking this is a bad Idea another car pulls down into the driveway and I hear a redneck guys voice and then I see these incredibly big shoes walking towards joe and I’m just laying here already being flattened by joes big feet and him not knowing what if this person crushes me and doesn’t know it I mean I can’t see anything about this random guy and I’m here as the rug now I know I’m doomed I shouldn’t have done this but there’s nothing to do as I lay there I watched in horror as joe says yeah come look in the shop and see if it’s in here then they both start heading my way which isn’t far I am immediately crushed beneath joes feet again as he none chantey walks down me I see the sole of one of the big shoes as it zooms overhead I am crushed like a bug the minute the big massive foot and nearly 7 ft. tall man steps down on me I am further squashed flat as his giant feet crushed the rest of my body beneath them I had made a terrible mistake doing this then I hear them inside the building moving things around I’m listening to their foot falls.

I’m thinking I’ve made a terrible horrible mistake this new guy just crushed me beyond belief and he’s going to do so again I’m the only way in or out this little building I’m just going to have to pray that I survive long enough to get out of this situation and not end up so squashed I begin to blend in and become the ground for real as the big foot comes crashing down on me again all I can do is just take it and pray I make it I am crushed like any common bug beneath their feet over and over and over for what feels like hours my dad has already asked joe if he’s seen me and joe said no and the other guy said he hadn’t see anyone else around until he walked up it was getting late and so joe said they would pic this up tomorrow they both walked the length of me one final time and joe told him bye and said he was going inside to take a bath and I had made it I survived being crushed alive underneath something and I would do this again. So as the guy got in cranked up and pulled out joe turned the light out in the building then walked slowing crushingly slow down me then walked up the stairs then shut the door and turned the lights out I whewed and laid there for a second or two longer to make  sure no one had come back outside or come over got out from underneath the rug and snuck back across the street to my house smoked a cig let mom know I had walked down to the park and had been there and then took a shower and laid down.

I told mom I had met a new friend and didn’t catch the name though and was meeting them tomorrow sometime in the park then went to jerk off about my experiences