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Bryan - The Game

by Jason Masters

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My buddy Bryan offered to come over to watch the Seahawks with me. I had been surfing the other teams off and on all day but nothing too exciting for me. The 49ers had won this morning, which my friends were stoked about, but with the fact the Hawks would probably lose tonight it made it even worse. How could a team that loses so much have the most obnoxious fans?

Vikings had won and Packers won. Broncos got stomped which was a little sad but still all in all a pretty good football day except for the fact we played Philadelphia tonight. Come to think of it, Bryan had them at the end of his fantasy league, so I shouldn’t have let him come over. We’d have fun anyway, he’s a cool dude. Hopefully not too annoying about it.

I hear a knock on the door so I get off my couch to let him in.

“Hey man.” He says and walks in after I open the door.

He’s got a fuckin Eagles shirt on.

“Bro, you’ve gotta be kidding me?” I’m smiling so he doesn’t think I’m a douche but inside I’m rolling my eyes.

He starts busting up laughing.

“I had to. I knew it would get you.”

He sits on the couch. He’s got athletic shorts on, with his Nike elite socks and his Nike running shoes on. I could never help myself from noticing that he had awesome legs. I know he’s my buddy and I shouldn’t think like that but damn.

“You want a beer?” I ask, mine already opened on the coffee table.

“For sure. Thanks dude.”

I go in the kitchen and he starts in.

“You don’t think you’re gonna win tonight, do you?”

I smirk. He’s annoying but he looks good while he does it.

“I can’t wait for your bracket to get fucked up.”

I can hear him laugh while I open up the bottle. I come back into the living room and he’s looking at me with his hat on, so the tops of his eyes are cut off but he’s smiling with a shit eating grin and I can’t help but laugh.

“I hope it’s a good game at least.” I say as I sit down next to him and hold up my beer. “Cheers to not killing you tonight.” I laugh and he snickers and clinks his bottle to mine.

The Raiders game was finishing up on the screen. We sit and watch for a bit before I lean back with my beer and kick my feet up onto the the coffee table. I’ve got my black and white Under Armour basketball shoes on from running errands this morning.

“Ah dude, you even have the socks?” He starts laughing at me, talking about the Seahawks logo at the top.

“You better be careful or you’ll be rubbing these socks later.” I laugh and take a swig of my drink.

He looks over at me and smiles again.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh yeah?”

I stretch my arms and bring my feet over to him and plop them both in his lap, shoes and all.

He starts laughing and takes a drink, “fine by me.” and then looks over quickly, as if he shouldn’t have said it as he rests one hand on the top of one of the under armours, the other hand still holding his beer.

I laugh and take them off his lap, putting them back on the table.

“Maybe when you lose tonight.”

He looks over at my shoes again and takes another drink.

“Right.” He snickers.

We’ve still got some time before the game so I flip through the channels. We talk about some of the random shit we flip through and down a couple more beers. Finally the game kicks off. I can’t help but notice that every time I get up to grab us more beers, when I put my feet up on the coffee table again, Bryan looks over and stares at them for a second before returning his attention to the game.

“You out? I feel like I just grabbed this one.” I’m definitely feeling buzzed.

“Yeah. I’ll get it.” He stands up and moves around the table and I notice his hand brushes the top of my shoe and he keeps walking. Why did I even notice that?

Bryan comes back in with two beers and stops as he sets mine down.

“Dude, what’s your shoe size?” He asks.

“These are 13s, but sometimes I’m a 12.”

He grabs my shoe and lifts, like he might be trying to take it off. Since it’s tied though, it doesn't move.

“You’ve got huge feet man.” He tells me.

I laugh and lean forward to grab my drink.

“I know.” I say, as he continues to stand. He looks up at em and grabs the lace to my show and pulls on it, unravelling the knot on the right one. He starts laughing and sits down.

“You suck.” I say and continue watching the game.

Not too long into the 1st quarter and Seahawks make a field goal.

“Woo! On the board! You getting nervous?” I reach over and poke him in the side.

“Please.” And he drinks his beer.

“Let’s make this interesting.” I smile at him.


“If the Hawks win, you get to give me that foot massage.” I tell him.

“And when they don’t? What do I get?”

“I’ve already given you a ton of free beer and snacks, fucker.” I tease.

“True, but that’s no bet.”

“Fine, I’ll give you a little rub if we lose. But since the odds are in your favor, it’ll be a short one. Mine will be 20 min.”

He looks over with smug look.

“Deal.” He says and we clink beers.

By the end of the second half, Seattle scores a touchdown.

“Alright!” I yell and give him a playful backhand on the chest.

“Philly’s comin’ back!” He tells me and gets up to grab another beer. As he walks by I push my foot out and nudge his leg. He grabs the base of my shoe and pulls. Since he had untied it, it pulled off and fell on the ground. He pauses for a second and looks back before turning into the kitchen.

“That’s what you get.” He says as he opens the fridge.

“Uh huh.” I say, rolling my eyes.

He comes back in and puts my beer in front of me.

“Put it back on.” I say and he freezes in front of me.

“Serious?” He says. I grab my beer and take a big gulp.

“You take it off, you put it back.” I snicker.

He rolls his eyes but gets down on one knee and picks up the basketball shoe.

“These are nice, man.” He says and admires them for a second.

“I don’t have all day dude, we have a game to watch.” I poke fun at him.

He looks up at my white socked foot with “Seattle Seahawks” written on the bottom and grabs my heel, propping my foot higher. He places the shoe over my toes and pushes down but it’s too tight.

“Loosen it, bro. It’s not rocket science.” I tease again.

“He pulls the shoe off and looks down to loosen it. He seems like he’s leaning pretty close to my socked foot. Then he falls over for a moment and his face lands right on the ball of my foot and slides down as he loses his balance. He pauses for a moment, his face still in my sock and then rights himself.

“Shit, those beers are hitting me dude.” He laughs and I do too. But why do I have a chub?

“C’mon man. Get that shoe on.” I tease and wiggle my toes, popping a couple of them.

He grabs my foot and wipes the tops and bottoms. He grabs my ankle from the bottom and pulls my foot up, sliding my shoe back on.

“You want it tied?” He asks, and seeing him looking up at me from behind my shoes is turning me on so bad.

“Nah dude, thanks. You’re a real pal.” I laugh and he stands up and sits back on the couch, taking a swig of his beer. It looks like his face is red but that could just be the booze.

The game continues and by halftime the Eagles at least made a field goal, but I’m feeling pretty cocky since I thought we’d be blown out of the water by now. And I’m pretty buzzed if not drunk.

“So what’s that about Philly?” I laugh and he looks over at me smiling.

“I don’t even care about them. I just have them going to the Superbowl with New England.”

“I know dude, you’ve told me.”

We both take a few swigs.

“Maybe you should just give that massage now, you know, since you’re gonna lose.”

“Nah man. A bet’s a bet, and we don’t know yet.”

“Alright, alright.” I concede. “But get those fingers ready, I want a good one.”

He drinks again.

For the remainder of halftime we proceed to talk shit to each other. We talk about my new job and how I’m liking it so far. How it’s different but good from my old company. We’re also talking about how he likes living where he’s at now and getting adjusted to the new place.

“You know I’m glad I met you dude.” I say. He looks up at me.

“I’m glad too man.” He makes a small smile and then says, “It’s cool to have a football buddy.”

“And we’re gonna start hitting the gym together, yeah?” I’ve been pushing him to come to my 5am workouts with me.

“Yeah, we’ll get that started.”

The second half kicks off on the television. Shit, I am drunk. But I’m also loving it because the Hawks are playing so much better than I thought. We’re gonna fight our way into the playoffs.

As we’re watching the second half, I prop my loose shoe on the coffee table and pop my heel out absent mindedly. The navy blue heel with the lime green outline pops out. I start wiggling my foot back and forth while we watch the game, I see him staring. I end up spreading my legs out further on the coffee table, my shoe half-off close to his beer.

The Seahawks score again with 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

“Yes!” I clap and kick my legs up a little bit. “Fuck, this is awesome.”

I turn to Bryan and he has his beer. He chugs the last half and puts the bottle down and grabs my ankle with the shoe that’s only dangling.

“I figure I might as well get started.” He laughs and slides my basketball shoe off slowly, putting in next to his legs, on the ground.

“Damn right.” I laugh. He runs his fingers over the top of my foot.

“I like this mesh, man. And the soles are super soft. His fingers trace my toes and down my soul. Then across the top again, hovering on the Hawks logo.

“The fuckin Seahawks are losing to Philly.” He laughs and begins to use his thumbs to massage my foot. It feels so fuckin good. He’s got great hands.

“Dude, this feels so good after running around all morning.” I tell him.

“I’m glad man.”

We keep watching the game and he never stops. Always a firm grip and always using his thumbs like a pro.

A few minutes into the 4th quarter, Philly makes a touchdown.

“Woo!” Bryan yells, “about damn time!” and turns to me. “Maybe you’ll be giving me a rub afterall.” He smirks.

“Hey now, you still have some catching up to do. Keep going.” I laugh and he continues rubbing my right foot. My left foot still in its shoe on the coffee table.

Five minutes later, the hawks score again and I don’t even celebrate this time, I just turn and smirk at him.

“You should come over for the games more often, man.” I laugh.

It looks like he has turned a little red but he smiles.

“Take off your hat. I wanna see your eyes.” I say without thinking.

He looks over at me confused.

“I mean it’s weird that I can’t see them. It’s freaking me out.” I try to save it.

“Weirdo.” He laughs and takes one hand, keeping his other one on my foot and turns his hat backwards.

Fuck. That is giving me wood again.

“I love watching you rub my feet with the Eagles bullshit on.”

“Whatever dude.” He snickers. “Give me your other foot man, I think we know who won this game.”

I turn my body so that both feet are in his lap. He slips his shoes off and turns his body as well, sliding his leg down the couch, and his Nike elite socked feet ending up at my hips.

Our positioning is kind of weird but I just go with it. I settle myself down, pushing my legs closer to him and resting my head on the arm rest.  His feet end up being closer to my armpits.

“You aren’t getting any rubs but you can keep them there.” I say, smiling and closing my eyes.

“How generous of you.” He rolls his eyes as he unties my other shoe.

“If I fall asleep, that doesn’t mean you get to stop.”

“Yes sir.” He says.

“Sir? I like that.” I snicker and settle in, my arms wrapped around his warm feet in my arm pits. I’m not really sure what’s happening with us right now. But I do know that if someone came in I think both of us would hop off this couch incredibly fast. It just felt so good being with him right now.

I feel him slip my shoe off and take a peek through my mostly closed eyes, and he’s staring at the sole of my foot, looking almost mesmerized. I settle in and feel myself drifting off.