The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


How I Met My Brother

by Andy Bartsch-Thompson

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“How many of you guys want to get off? Now that I have your attention I’d like to introduce myself and share this amazing story. First thing’s first. I’m Tanner, this piece of literature is brought to you by my sudden inspirational spark, and the letter P. Why P? Eh it just seemed to fit. It’s also sponsored by my quirky personality. 

     Now for the serious statement. If you don’t appreciate this story, please don’t troll or ridicule, just quit fuckin' reading it. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty or the ticklish. I believe in exploiting the ticklish, not protecting them. And I just realized I inadvertently admitted my own ticklishness in that statement. If at any time you feel like jackin' off while reading this, please feel free. And if you happen to grab a dick that’s not yours, at least have the decency to offer it a bath. There’s nothing worse than a dry dick. Also, there were no cute bunnies harmed in the creation of this work. However, feet and toes were tickled. Not necessarily in that order.

     “So, without further…” “Hey Tann, what ya doin?” “I’m telling our story. Everyone, this is my aforementioned bro. Say hi to the nice people reading this story.” “Yo! What’s happenin’” “Very nice, now may I continue?” “Only if you promise not to make me out to be completely sick, perverse, or creepy.” “I promise not to make you any sicker or creepier than you already are.” “Gee, thanks.” “Hey, I’m not the one massaging and licking my feet.” “And don’t forget tickling.” “Ahh hehe cut that out.” “You know you love it.” “Yeah, I do. Now, may I continue?” “Sure, knock yourself out.” “Little brothers, what can ya do right? So, as I was saying on with the story.”

     “I was adopted. That you must keep in remembrance, otherwise this story is gonna be way sicker and perverse than intended. It was a joint decision that adoption was the best solution for everyone involved, including yours truly.” “Dude, you’re boring them to death they’re totally gonna quit reading before they get to the best part.” “And what part is that?” “Me, of course.” “Would you kindly sit your narcissist ass back down at my feet?” “Ooh, listen to the large vocabulary. Too bad your dick isn’t as big.” “And just for that, I’m gonna tie your little ass down and tickle you till you pee.” “Only if you catch me.” “Haven’t I always caught you?” “Hmm, good point. I guess I’ll behave, for now.” “Ok, like I was… Ah fuck that tickles.” “Hehe I’m playful.” “Playful huh?” “Goddammit, not the feet.” “Will you return to being a good little boy?” “Yes please, just get those fuckin’ nails off my bare feet.” 

     “I’m curious, is this playful banter as adorably cute to y’all as it is to me? I mean the only real significance of it is to display the fun filled and child like rapport my bro and I have. Other than that, it’s kinda just taking up space and making people scratch their heads in amazement of why they’re still reading this shit.” “I’m bored watching you type it. It’s like watching paint dry.” “Would you like the nails again?” “Um no, I-I’m good.” “That’s what I thought. Besides, you’re not the target audience of my question. The readers are.” “I have a question.” “Yes, what is it? I should be getting paid for being your brother, or at least given a lifetime supply of alcohol.” “I’m gonna forget that bullshit remark. Oh yes, my question. What does it matter if the readers like the banter or not?” “I’m just being polite. It’s really my story, and if they don’t like it they can quit reading. Oh fuck, did I just type that? I think I’m gonna go hide from the posse of ticklers.” “Hey guys, I’ll let ya know where Tan hides. Then I’ll be hiding. I know the sex appeal of two off the charts ticklish bros are. I’ve read the stories, there are some sick ass minds out there. Any who, enjoy the story. Btw, don’t tell Tan, but I agree with him it’s an awesome story. And FYI, Tan’s way more ticklish.” “I read that you little shit.” “Fuck! I’m haulin' ass. Later guys.” 



     It was a beautiful spring day. I took a break from my research on the history of this quaint town I call home. Mountains and blooming flora weren’t the only eye catching views that day. The warm breeze also brought out a plethora of gorgeous male bodies. Some were running, throwing a Frisbee, and some just reveling in the fantastic day. A lot of guys were in low cut or no show socks with athletic shoes. Then others were displaying their amazing sock clad or bare feet. They were mostly responsible for my growing erection. Yes, I love a nice pair of male feet. I finally found a perfect spot by the edge of the park. What made it perfect was the cutest pair feet I’d seen thus far. The icing on the cake was the adorable black and pink striped no show socks hugging the soles and wiggling toes. I couldn’t see the face belonging to the feet, it was hidden behind a notebook. 

     Taking my shoes and socks off, I sat against the tree facing the majestic mountains, and the pair of tantalizing feet. My toes slightly twitched as the gentle breeze began a love affair with my feet. I reached for my phone, put the camera on silent, and began snapping pictures. I also snapped some of the mountains to hide the true object of my desires. Suddenly, there was a very brief ticklish tingle at my heel. Thinking nothing of it I continued taking pictures. A few seconds later I felt a longer, more pronounced ticklish sensation. This time it was in the center of my arch. My feet involuntarily flexed and my toes started wiggling. Despite my ineffective efforts, a string of girly giggles escaped my lips. Next thing I knew I was writhing and squirming in ticklish agony. The owner of the sexy feet had my ankles trapped in a choke hold and was dragging his index nail along the center of my defenseless and extremely ticklish feet. It was incredibly embarrassing, this complete stranger was the cause of my quite unmanly high pitched squeals and futile protests.

     “C’mon not the feet I suffer from chronic ticklishness.” My unidentified assailant pulled my toes back and proceeded to stroke a feather across the base and pads of my toes. “WTF, you travel with a feather?” This brought a new source of entertainment since I couldn’t do anything except squirm and emit gasps and silent laughs. Although it had only been 5 minutes, it felt like days. Somehow I was finally able to work my ankles to precious freedom. Quickly, I grabbed the ankles before me, stripped their thin shield of cotton, and feverishly scratched five freshly manicured nails over the soles’ ticklish terrain. My revenge was swift and resulted in the cutest screeches and boyish laughter I’d ever experienced. After two minutes of straight sole scratching I decided to go in for the kill. Lifting the trapped feet to my lips, I nibbled the toes and licked between them. I was immediately rewarded with even more boisterous squeals and writhing toes. 

     A minute into my toe tasting, I felt a rapid tapping on my leg. Of course knowing the universal signal of submission, I ceased the attack. We sat breathless and sweat soaked trying to recover and soften our hardened dicks. My mysterious tickler then gathered his things, slipped his socks and shoes back on, and gave me a smile and wink as he dropped a note on my lap as he left. “Thank you for your enthusiastic participation. The ticklish research was conducted by the one and only Tickling Branch. Text or call the number on the back for further info about the various services and other ticklish limbs we provide. If you call before 7p.m. an intimate candlelit dinner for two will be provided at no additional cost. Just ask for Branch. There is great interest in acquiring more information about you and your ticklishness. And no charge for the foot pics. Oh, and your fly is down.” I almost dropped the paper in my haste to check my zipper. “Ha ha made ya look. This message will self destruct in two hours.” It took a couple minutes to process what just happened. Within an hour I was tickled, got revenge, and asked out in the most unusual manner. I couldn’t help shaking my head and smiling. This guy definitely had an amazing dramatic flare. I waited a respectable amount of time and contacted Branch ten minutes later. I was so relieved the number provided was real and I wasn’t greeted by a furious phone slam or a confused “sorry wrong number.”


     Branch and I agreed to meet at his house around 6:30. I pulled up to a massive house on an acre of land. The landscape was alive with Dogwoods and and azaleas in bloom. The bright green lawn was decorated with splashes of inviting pinks, blues, and light purples. The house almost shimmered with the various lamps and lanterns scattered about. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. “Be right there.” The door was opened and I beheld an angelic half naked being. After blinking my eyes and closing my jaw, I realized it was just Branch bathed in the chandelier’s soft glow. “There’s my tickle bud. Glad you could make it.” 

     The inside was as gorgeous as the outside. “This place is amazing.” “Thanks, I’m currently renting, but I’m considering buying it. This house has a two family capacity. The space above has three bedrooms and two full baths.” “Whoa” I was surprised by Branch’s bear hug that lifted me slightly off the ground. “You want a drink?” “Awesome, red wine if you have it.” “I think I can arrange that.” I was ushered into the sitting room attached to the kitchen. “That was certainly an interesting way of making an introduction and dinner proposal.” “Hehe thanks, I was hoping you would accept and not think I’m some freaky lunatic.” “It was definitely memorable.” The evening was immensely enjoyable. During conversation, we discovered many similarities shared our life’s experiences. After a mouthwatering dinner of sushi, steak, and lobster we relaxed in the indoor Jacuzzi. 

     “I can’t believe this evening happened.” Branch looked at me questioningly. “How so?” “I just never imagined a spontaneous meeting and ticklish exploration with a complete stranger was in the realm of possibilities.” As I sipped my wine, I felt my feet being placed against Branch’s incredible chest. “I know what you mean, until today I’ve never done anything like this.” His strong hands gently caressed the tops of my feet and toes. “I’m certainly glad you did.” My toes twitched in anticipation as his soft lips kissed and engulfed each digit. “You taste incredible.” Lust filled moans and soft giggle became audible when his slick tongue worked its way between my sensitive toes. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy when you giggle.” Pressing his hardened dick against me, proving his point. “Me, you’ve caused little Tanner to make a cameo.” Licking my lips, I took hold of Branch’s feet. His glittering green eyes locked on my baby blues. “Oh fuck.” Branch gasped as the broad of my tongue slowly explored his quivering wet arches. Extremely cute giggles escaped as the tip of my tongue lightly danced across and darted between the animated toes.

     As I licked, I felt the curious nature of his talented tongue. Our moans and giggles merged in an erotic symphony. Taking hold of each others dick we caressed and jerked off. The more we licked and nibbled toes and soles, the faster we pumped. Finally, the passion filled momentum reached its fevered peak. The hot cum sprang from our swollen heads. We fell back against the tub, panting and spent as we lovingly massaged our feet. A couple minutes later Branch was able to move enough to grace me with a long kiss. His tongue expertly playing with mine, sending shivers up and down my body. “That was so hot.” “Totally.” “Tanner, would you like to spend the night?” “I think I could be persuaded to do that.” “Persuaded huh?” Suddenly, I was caged between Branch’s chest and arms. “Don’t you dare.” I started nervously giggling and looking for an escape route. “Don’t dare what?” “Whatever is in that twisted evil mind of yours.” “Well, I’m just thinking of a strong persuasion.” “Hey, fuck not the sides.” Without warning, I was under tickle attack. “Coochie coochie Tan” Water was splashed everywhere from my flailing arms and kicking legs. “Not the coochies.” Branch’s fingers were working overtime wiggling, squeezing, and poking my ticklish torso. “Say you’ll stay.” Next my arms were pinned, exposing my pits. A menacing hand with moving fingers hovered dangerously close to the hollows. “Ok! I give, I’ll stay.” “Now, that wasn’t hard was it.” “Just wait, I’ll give you something hard.” I quickly poked between his ribs before jumping out of his reach. 

     Branch and I grew very close and spent numerous ticklish and passion filled nights together. Coincidentally, my lease ran out two months into our relationship. Branch just evicted his upstairs tenants, and offered me the second living space. Another month later, he added my name to the deed. “Tan, I swear if you don’t let me go I’m gonna…” “Gonna what? You’re really in no position to threaten me, being tied to the bed and all.” I snickered as I slowly stroked a stiff feather along Branch’s tied toes. “Hehe fuck not the Goddamned feather.” His adorable squeals and boyish giggles were music to this tickler’s ears. “Who’s my adorable ticklish little boy?” I loved teasing him when he couldn’t get free. His helpless feet and toes strained against the restrictive rope. Sweat dripped from his heaving chest, making the hairs glisten. “Holy shit what the…” I suddenly felt his arms wrap around my chest. “What was that about a ticklish little boy?” Branch restrained my wrists, then worked himself from under me and freed his feet.

     “Um I don’t suppose we could discuss this in a reasonable manner?” “C’mon babe, you know I’m always reasonable.” Suddenly, I felt his index nails slowly scratching up and down the center of my ultra sensitive arches. “Please not that.” Was all I could say before drowning in a deluge of ticklish sensations. My screeches were almost deafening as my tootsies tried in vain to break free. “It’s so fun having a boyfriend this ticklish.” “Yes, it is.” I soon came to regret that response. My punishment was a full on ticklish assault of my pits and belly button. Stars dazzled my eyes as Branch’s pinkie dipped and lightly scratched the deep crevice. “Oh fuck I’m cumming.” While tickling my belly button, Branch’s other hand was fondling and jerking my cock. My body arched and the hot creamy sperm exploded and landed on me, the walls, and Branch’s head. “Damn baby, that was impressive.” 

     “Hey Tan, my parents are gonna be in town tomorrow night and want to take us to dinner and meet you.” “That sounds fun. I’ve been dying to meet your parents. Is Branch Sr. as sexy as you?” “Yes he is, but he actually has the same name as you.” “Really? You never told me that. Now that’s a coincidence.” “What is?” “My bio father and your Dad have the same first and last name.” “Wow! That is a coincidence. Um I have another thing to ask you.” “Sure, what’s on your mind?” When I didn’t hear anything, I turned around and gasped.  Branch was down on one knee, with a ring in his hand. “Tanner, I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Would you marry me?” I was so stunned, I just stood there motion and breathless. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you in the park.” “Hot Damn! I promise to make you the happiest man on earth.” “You’ve already accomplished that by tickling me.” “You goof. I love you.” “I love you too. I think we have some calls to make.” Tears streaked our faces as we embraced.

     The next few hours were filled with calls and well-wishes. Both sets of parents were overjoyed at the news. Branch and I shared a lovely dinner at our favorite restaurant by the harbor. We started making plans over a bottle of champagne. After dinner, we took a moonlight stroll along the beach. The night was magical, the moon’s light shimmered like a million diamonds on the water. I could’ve spent hours soaking in the bright sparkle of Branch’s loving eyes, and be lost in the warmth of his arms. To me there was never a more perfect evening. We ended the night cuddling and lightly tickling each other on the front porch. “Let’s go to bed.” Branch gently pushed me on the bed, and undressed me. His tongue bathed my soft skin from head to toe. Then his cock massaged my hot sweaty ass hole making me moan in complete ecstasy. That night I had the greatest orgasm of my life. Gently his dick penetrated my ass, his moist lips kissed my neck causing soft giggles, and my body shivered as the tip of his tongue traced the center of my spine. I knew we’d be together the rest of our lives.



     The next day we were rushing around, getting everything ready for Branch’s parents We made sure the house was spotless, the cabinets were full of food, and the alcohol was stocked. It was decided his parents would stay the weekend and meet my folks on Sunday. “I’ve never been so exhausted, nervous, and excited all at once.” “I know Tan, but don’t worry my folks are gonna love you.” “We’re so lucky to have each other and such loving and accepting parents.” “Would you stop getting mushy, you’re gonna make me start crying.” “I think we should look into kleenex stock.” “What am I gonna do with you Tan?” “Tie me to the bed?” “That’s for later you freak.” “Hey Branch, I’m going to the flower shop, I want to get your Mom some roses. Do you need anything?” “Only thing I need is a kiss and your safe return. Mom and Dad’ll be here shortly.” “Now who’s being mushy. I won’t be long, love ya.” “Love ya too.”   

     Ten minutes later Branch’s parents arrived at the house. “I hope this boy is as nice as Branch claims.” “I’m sure he is Norma. We’ve raised a great kid, with a good head on his shoulders.” “Mom Dad, how was the drive?” “Pleasant, as usual.” “So, where’s Tan? We can’t wait to meet him.” Norma asked as she embraced her son. “He’ll be right back, he had to pick something up.” “Is there anything we can help with?” “Nope we’ve got everything set.” Branch handed his parents each a glass of wine. “Hey I’m back.” I set my keys on the table, and went to meet the future in-laws. “Mom Dad, this is the man I’m gonna marry. Tanner, my parents Norma and Tanner Williams. “Mr. and Mrs. Williams I’m very pleased to finally meet you. These roses are for you Mrs. Williams.” “Uh t-thank you Tanner.” Norma and Tanner stared, speechless at the two boys.

     “Tanner, Branch we need to talk.” “Why do you two have that look of disbelief?” “Branch, honey we have something important to tell you. This involves you too Tanner.” Tanner Williams sat beside his wife, holding her hand. “Son, this is hard to say. Um have you two noticed any physical similarities?” “What do you mean Dad? Whatever this is about just say it, this is even worse than our sex talk.” Both Tanner and Norma downed their wine in one gulp and quickly refilled. Norma reached out and clasped our hands. “Branch sweetie how far have you two gotten in your relationship?” Branch’s face turned beet red. “Mom that’s embarrassing.” “Oh hell, son there’s good news and bad news. Well, maybe not bad news depending on how you take it.” “Forgive me Mr. and Mrs. Williams, but would one of you kindly tell us what’s going on? This suspense is killing me.” “You’re right, here it goes. The two of you can’t get married.” “What the hell do you mean we can’t get married?” I jumped up to try comforting Branch. “The reason is Tanner is your brother.”

     “I-I’m gonna get the bourbon. We need something stronger than wine.” I grabbed a bottle of Knob creek and four glasses. Everyone sat in awkward silence, downing the liquor. “Tanner, we were 16 when you were born, and too young to properly care for a new baby.” “That explains my feeling of deja vu I had when I saw you.” “We gave your adopted parents some information and pictures in case you ever wanted to find us.” “You’ve grown up very handsome, we’re proud to be your birth parents.” Branch finally came out of his shock. “Tanner that means.” “Yeah, I know.” “I take it you two have slept together.” “Yes sir.” I just closed my eyes and shook my head. “Well, look on the bright side. At least neither of you can get pregnant.” Suddenly, everyone burst out laughing. “Now I know where my sense of humor comes from.” “I guess you’re gonna want me to move. It’d be kinda weird living together.” Branch gave me a hug with tears in his eyes. “It’s only weird if we make it weird. I don’t see why you have to move at all. You own this house as well.” “I think you two living together is a great idea.” Norma said as she embraced us. “Just one thing, when we tell your Grandma, let’s leave out the incest. She’d dye of laughter.” “Dad you’re sick.” “I have to say, not many people can say they lost a lover to gain a brother in the same day.” I smiled, embracing my new family.


     “Hey bro, Grandma just brought over a batch of brownies. She said make sure we don’t eat too much at once, the weed she got is stronger and from Amsterdam.” “Amsterdam?” “Yeah, it killed her not being able to support local produce, but her supplier got busted.” “Damn that sucks.” “She’s also sorry she has to miss your b-day party.” “Why?” “She’s swamped the next couple weeks. She’s gotta work on her supplier’s defense, her bridge/bondage club is planning their annual pilgrimage to the holy land. You know how they love Vegas. And she’s planning the family reunion. I forgot, she’s also giving a lecture on how to be a responsible dominatrix. Oh and she sent us both an under the bed restraint system.” “Sweet, Roman almost broke my headboard last night. I’m so glad she’s slowed down. Oh my other parents are looking forward to the reunion. Mom’s just finished Aunt Denver’s new gown for his Mariah number at the drag show.” “Sweet, he’s still gushing about the last dress she made for him. Btw, Uncle Jermaine sends his apologies for tickling your ass last weekend. He thought you were Denver, and you know how blind he is without his glasses or contacts.” 

     “Our Mom borrowed the whip.” “What happened to hers?” “It broke during a scene she was filming.” “What’s this one called?” “Spank me Father, For I Have Not Sinned”. She’s still working on the religious experience collection.” “My favorite title was “There’s Power In The Cock Of jesus.” “Are you still writing?” “Just finishing.” “Hurry up, the cousins will be here in a few minutes.” “Be right there.” “As you can see, Branch and I still live together, and we’re dating an incredibly hot pair of cousins. Ironically, they had a similar experience as us. Only without the unfortunate incest. But that’s a story for another day. Thanks for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I gotta go get tied down and tickle tortured. See y’all later.”