The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!

My World, My Fantastic Foot Fetish and Me! part 8
by Anthony Soxville

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My life story carries on...


Walking along and wondering all about Doctor Carlyle was almost too much for my young mind to take in. The New York City vastness both in front of you and then up above you...so much to see  but my head was full of men in white coats, strange probing tools and tables with crinkly white paper on top. And my daddy, nude and sheer socked laying there being...being what? I really had no idea. But the very idea that this doctor would not only see my daddy naked, examine him all over but also have those beautiful socked feet right in front of him, well, it made me almost get run over. I nearly stepped in front of a taxi cab dashing by as we crossed a huge street.




Daddy said, “Tony, mind the traffic. You must not daydream on the streets.”


I smiled and agreed but it was damn hard....damn hard!




And then I started looking at my dad’s feet in those black leather lace-ups and mostly sheer black socks with a sock garter under each of his trouser legs holding them aloft, well, that made my head swim as well. I just could not win! Harrison noted me as I mooned over daddy’s feet, he really did know what I was thinking. The idea he was a kindred soul scared me and intrigued me. He too was admiring daddy’s gorgeous size 11’s trotting along...they were truly wonderful sight to see and both of us just drank it all in.




Finally we entered a stately building with about 20 floors, mostly offices of doctors and various other professions. It had three elevators and a small lobby with many names on a huge list. Doctor Carlyle was on floor 5...and up we went.


We stood in the elevator and listened to it groan and moan as it crept slowly up. Harrison eyeing me slyly...as per usual. I stood with my small hand wrapped in daddy’s big one.


I looked up and boldly asked, much to Harrison’s pleasure. “Will you have to get naked daddy?”


Harrison laughed like a hyena and his eyes filled with tears as he hooted.


Mr. Creepy lived up to my nickname for him!


“Tony, I think you know my problem is with my penis and so, yes, I will be naked.” He said not taking his handsome blue eyes off me.


“But not your socks? You’ll keep those on?” I asked rather insistently.


Harrison now answered for daddy, his long horse face bobbing like a spring loaded toy.


“I don’t know Tony...Doc Carlyle may take a shine to those really special socks you picked and grab ‘em right off your old daddy’s feet.” He said smirking and almost biting his lip not to laugh.


I knew I was being teased. Daddy did too.


“Harrison, hush! Doctor Carlyle will examine me of course, he’ll love the socks you picked and I’ll tell him you chose them for this very day.” Daddy said as the ever loving peacemaker. The door of the elevator whooshed open and off we went looking for the doctor’s office down the long hallway.


As we walked I added, “Oh, I’ll tell him myself.”


Harrison, always wanting a last word.


“Tell him in the waiting room, cause that is as far you’ll be going.”


Hell has no furry...like a mad Tony!


“DADDY!” I bellowed. How many office doors opened a crack at my wail? And a wail it was! I was hurt and angry. Mr. Creepy really knew where I lived!


Was he a sadist? The jury was out!


Daddy stopped mid-hallway and looked long and almost fatherly at Harrison who stood, tall, gawky and embarrassed as he feared any retribution. This unspoken rebuke and demand showed power in my dad over this man. I was pleased at that.


Harrison looked down at me and said, “Sorry Tony. I am being mean to you.”


I was not all together sure of sincerity in his tone nor his odd gaze at me. But I nodded and we approached the door marked Doctor Carlyle and all his credentials followed.


We three, suited and booted males of varying ages, entered this very modern furnished (for the 1960’s) waiting area with chairs all around, tables with many glossy magazines and a very official looking matron seated at a large wooden desk with a telephone with many buttons lit up. A few large potted plants added a relaxed air to the room as well as curtained window overlooking the street below. A door led off to another set of rooms beyond the waiting area. Another man, suited and very handsome sat looking at us as he all sat down. I was almost on top of daddy; I was not leaving his side!


The other gentleman smiled casually at Harrison and Harrison grunted a greeting. Daddy, too said a cheery hello to the fellow and the receptionist called out daddy’s full name and he agreed he was there and she commented he was early. The other man was obviously ahead of us.


The handsome middle-aged man wore a dark blue suit and my eyes were drawn to his very sleek looking socks that were revealed as he sat. His slacks were drawn up as they do when a man sits and I could see beautiful long black socks...very much clinging to his shapely lower legs. I looked over and noticed Harrison eyeing his feet as well. Again I felt Harrison and I were two of kind and it chilled and thrilled me. Would I grow up to be a sour, creepy man like him? I was worried.


My own eyes darted back to daddy’s socked feet and shoes. The sheerness of the socks I selected was so appealing in the afternoon light of the window. I could see the little hairs of daddy’s lower leg just about thru the fine silken material. Those dark mostly sheer socks suited daddy perfectly. So I then looked at Harrison’s feet. I had to admit he wore a decent style that day too. He had on brown leather shoes with laces and a very fascinating pair of what seemed to be a deep green hue with little gold flecks all thru it. I did wonder what the toe and heels looked like. I’d see later...I’d make a point of getting him to take those shoes off!


I made a little attempt at displaying my own burgundy socks with the gold woven toe caps. I figured if I showed off, maybe all the big men would. It was worth a try.


“My feet are a little sore from the quick walk.” I ventured.


“Slip your shoes off, Tony. It’s fine.” Daddy said having fallen into a magazine nose first.


Harrison, not reading by eyeing the other man with a bit of “Big Bad Wolf” hungry stares noted my fiddling with shoes.


I slid off each small shoe and placed my socked feet out before me; the sun from the window caught my twiddling toes and made the little golden toe caps look particularly fine.


Secretly, even at my young phase of life, I knew what I saw...my own two socked feet...well they had appeal. I liked what I saw and knew, if alone, I’d sniff them as well. Harrison, too eyed my feet twiddling in the sun beam.


“You wore those yesterday Tony, I saw them. Did you not have another pair? Those might be whiffy?” He said with a closer look at my feet.


“I love these socks. They feel grown up. Daddy has socks like these at home but bigger. What socks did you wear today? I asked coyly but hidden agendas loomed large.


“Oh, just these. I like green, do you like green?” He asked almost civilly.


“I think green is very nice. Do you have golden toes like mine?” Pushing the boat out.


“No, mine have black toe caps.” He said in a bit of excitement. His balding head actually tipping my way, nearly leaning toward me.


Did I actually have Harrison’s attention in a positive way?


The other gentleman seated near us noted our sock chat and leaned forward as well.


“Young man, you have very good taste. And I can’t smell your feet at all.” He said smiling. He has a round cherubic shaved face and very blonde short hair.


“Thank you. Are you sure they are not upsetting you?” I said lifting one socked foot up, up and almost near his knees.


He bent, took my small foot, sniffed my sock and...well, the room shifted and I felt faint.


Somebody other than me took a sniff of my socked foot. Well, daddy had...but daddy was my dad. This was just some man. And I felt accepted and part of a bigger universe all of a sudden.


The man politely said, “The smell my friend is youthful exuberance, delight in all things New York City and just a hint of wonder.”


The poetic way he said this had me, daddy, the matronly lady at the desk and Harrison all agog. We all just smiled. I felt amazing.




“You got all that from one sniff?” Harrison said, the mood broken.


Daddy, always alert when needed, called out. “I shall see, here lift up.”


I turned in my big waiting room chair and moved my socked foot toward daddy’s waiting nose and he sniffed.


“Oh, sir, I agree wonder and exuberance and a bit of rascal!” Daddy laughed, we all did, and Harrison snickered. No shock.


The other inner door opened and young man came out and left.


The phone buzzed and the sweet man who liked my socks went in.


The receptionist said that Mr. So and so would be quick since it was just a follow up and daddy would be next.  And I sat feeling amazing and looking at my feet with wonder and excitement.


Even though Harrison was such a snarky thing, I still wanted to see those black toed green socks. LOTS! I’d get those shoes off later...I would!


Finally, the nice man came out, grabbed his things from his seat and waved goodbye. I actually felt a pang...I’d like to hear more of his thoughts about me. I really wanted that.


A very stately and welcoming heavyset man in a shirt and tie wearing a white lab coat stood at the inner door. He smiled with warmth and his playful eyes hidden partly in bifocals said all was well.


“Reggie, it’s been a long time. Come this way.” He said with his grey hair swaying slightly as he moved to return to his inner sanctum.


The entourage went. The receptionist looked up and almost spoke.


My beloved daddy waved at her. “It’s OK, they are with me.” His handsome reddish golden hair glinting in the sunlit window as we passed thru into the inner rooms and daddy’s waiting doctor.


I saw daddy’s moustache twitch as he smiled at me. He knew I was pleased to be included and not dumped in the waiting area like Mr. Creepy had promised.


Harrison trotted along as if a work PA had any place in a private medical exam; obviously this PA was not the normal type. This PA was part of daddy’s life and always would be! The doctor did know Harrison from his own occasional men’s medical needs


The shut behind us and we moved past a series of small rooms including a toilet off a hall and then entered a bigger room divided into two sections. Half was a consultation area with desk chairs and numerous medical books lining four big shelves and opposite that was the exam area. That area was filled with special lighting on wheels, cabinets with all sorts of medical stuff and the quintessential exam table with a padded top that was adjustable and stirrups that could be pulled out at the foot. Long white crinkly paper lined the centre.


My mouth dropped open. I’d been to doctors before as the one to be seen, but being here for daddy...well it raised my blood pressure and made my heart go thumpity-thump like crazy. I knew as I sat in one chair facing this lovely older medical man that I was privileged to something very special today, something deeply intimate and...my head feeling light as I imagined...something naked!


Now if I were to say the doctor just sat and had a very “intimate sexual” conversation with my daddy you’d think I was nuts. No doctor would launch into a delicate problem like daddy’s without asking, “Why do you have an entourage with you?”


Daddy looked at Doctor Carlyle and exchanged the usual pleasantries and then explained us...his groupies. 


Harrison was known by the doctor as a patient as well and as one of daddy’s dearest friends and confidants and I, daddy said was his only child and light of his world. I was truly awed to be described so lovingly. And knowing this doctor helped my parents have me, well, it was like a reunion of sorts.


“Oh, bless my stars. This is Tony. The baby grown into a dear young man who you and your wife worked so hard to make. How wonderful!” He said with a glowing look my way.


“Harrison, it’s so nice to see you again...and without any male troubles this time.”


I think at that stage I realized my shoes were out in the waiting room.


My socked feet felt very exposed.


“My shoes....my shoes!” I blurted out.


“Harrison, please go and fetch Tony’s shoes. Thank you.”  The dear doctor said. And Harrison smiled and went, but I got a dirty look.


“Reggie, your foreskin issue is reoccurring and we must consider circumcision if you feel you want to explore it.” The doctor said moving his bifocals along his nose.


“No, I feel a few flair ups from time to time are worth it. I like myself. I want to keep things as they are.” Daddy said sitting closer to the doctor.


“I like him with the skin too.” I said confidently.


By now Harrison was back and my shoes lay on the carpet next to me.


The doctor was taken aback by my comment.


“Reggie, are you certain you want young Tony here...now?” He asked carefully.


“Doctor, Tony is not your usual little son; he is very much my shadow. He and I have very open conversations and I want him to know what affects me. Harrison is my right hand man, almost a brother. They both have a place here and I want them to see and know what is happening to me.” Daddy said seriously.


The doctor smiled with such radiance.


“Bravo! I agree. No son at his time of life should be wondering and making up stories about the human body that are purely silly and damaging. I shall treat Tony and Harrison as family of yours and not hold back. I warn you Reggie, I shall have to fully examine you...fully!”


Daddy nodded. “These two will not be put off; Tony will grab a stethoscope no doubt.”


The laughter we all shared was exuberant.


“I would like to ask you a few things, is that OK?” I asked boldly.


“And you shall, as a matter of fact, if daddy won’t mind; I shall use it as a chance to explain things.”


Daddy said he was happy for me to see all and hear any honest answers and not be afraid of my tender ears...they were not that tender really!


Daddy began a rather convoluted discourse on having another baby with mummy. I was not really happy with that unless it was for certain a brother, a brother was OK. Daddy explained the usual issues with mummy conceiving children and how it was not an easy process and made harder now with this “damn infection”. Harrison and I just listened while Doctor Carlyle took notes.


My socked toes twiddled idly under my chair and I looked at daddy’s polished black leather shoes and knew they’d be coming off...YES! I could hardly wait for daddy to strip off and keep his socks on. My heart thumped even more. I wondered what Harrison was thinking...his eyes too ogled daddy. I think we both were excited for the examination to begin.




“Reggie, I think we best get a good look at you. Gentleman to the exam room!” Doctor Carlyle said as he stood.


“Now if I rightly recall, your daddy won’t wear an exam gown. He sits au natural. So Reggie, strip. I need to see all of you today.” He said as he grabbed a few odd and ends, washed his hands in a little sink and faced us. Harrison and I moved with daddy to the large area around the exam table.


A few chairs sat nearby, daddy used one to stack his clothing on. I moved to assist, daddy allowed it as per usual and Harrison just hovered nearby...watching. The doctor moved his 60 odd year-old body into position by the table and waited.


Daddy began by handing me his suit coat and pulled his necktie free. I took both and placed them on the chair. Daddy undid his shirt and removed it and the T-shirt beneath. His gently furry muscular chest looked so delightful in the fluorescent lit office. His reddish golden body fur was stunning and I think we all took in the sight of him as he stood fiddling with his trousers and belt and then unlacing his leather shoes, which slipped off like magic.


Both Harrison and, as I found out later, Doctor Carlyle were unmarried and gay. Carlyle a dear ally to the growing NY gay community and discreet caregiver for all the various male medical needs. Daddy was in good hands.


I spun on my small socked feet and faced the doctor as daddy pulled his trousers off.


“Can he leave his socks on? They are my favourite ones of all he owns; they have sock clips and calf-garters!” I added pointing to them as they now appeared.


My socks got noticed too.


“Well, Tony is so relaxed he’s just in stocking feet and he’s even picking his dad’s footwear. How can I say take those off? By all means Reggie, please keep them on!” Dear Doctor Carlyle said as daddy in just his white boxers and sheer black socks walked toward the exam table. Each step he took a marvel on his size 11’s and so stylish!


Doctor Carlyle took control, moved the exam table to a sitting position and pulled the stirrups out from the base so daddy could mount when needed. No rubber gloves, this man was all hands on. Back then most doctor’s were.


Blood pressure first. Daddy sat on the edge while the cuff was adjusted and inflated. All well.


Stethoscope all over his shapely chest and back. Fine! All fine!


“Now, slip off the boxers and lay back, heels in the stirrups please. I need a very close look at this area. Tony, would you come here.” The wise older man said.


A stool sat between where daddy’s legs would be, Doctor Carlyle grabbed a matching one from nearby and placed it by his. Two stools between where daddy’s soon to be open legs would be. Daddy now slipped off the underwear, hopped up, spun around and lay back...those big socked feet carefully placed in the stirrups and his genital area fully exposed. The swollen foreskin looking sore and in need of help.


The doctor guided me to sit next to him and together we faced daddy and all that was normally hidden was seen...I saw it all the time at home, but it was thrilling to have Harrison behind my right shoulder gaping at the view and the doctor next to me...all looking at my daddy and his private areas. Powerful moment!


The enormous charge was not only enjoying seeing daddy’s uncut, abundantly foreskin clad noodle (my nickname for the penis based on daddy’s childhood nickname) on show but his open furry ass and lovely pendulous ball sack plus...those gorgeous socked feet, one in each metal ring on either side of us. Those solid dark toe caps looked so cute sticking up from each black sheer socked foot! I was so close to daddy’s left foot...I could smell his aromatic sock scents wafting up my nose as his toes wiggled nearby and making me “high”, my head sailed and so did my spirit. I loved that moment despite daddy’s ailment (which I could see clearly from my stool view ringside seat) since I knew dear Doc Carlyle would sort it out. All was well with my young world, I was where I wanted to be...right in front of daddy fully naked and he was still wearing his best sheer socks. Can you spell...B-L-I-S-S?




In a world where the young are shielded constantly from life and how life works, it is refreshing to report that I felt like I was just where I should have been. Doctor Carlyle did make me feel like I was just in the way, no...he made me feel this was my right. This was my dad. His body helped create me...and I was going to be grown man someday and this “body” splayed before us was a wonderful example of the maturing male form. A beautiful creation!


Harrison, too was welcome. He stood behind me, silent and taking it in. Daddy’s puffy and sore looking foreskin top was red and little crazing marks showed where the skin was cracked. The redness only was around the tip where it overhung quite a bit of his hidden cock-knob.


Despite his infection...his manhood delightfully uncut, large even when at rest was still heavenly and its crown of vibrant rusty reddish golden pubes just about sent it over the top in flawlessness!


The rest of daddy, too remained 40 something year-old excellence and his toned gently furry body was like a piece of art arranged on the exam table under those old fashioned style fluorescent lights. His feet, sheer socked and slightly aromatic continued to draw my eyes as they wiggled slightly in the stirrups on either side of the doctor and me.




“Reggie, just relax now. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. This will hurt. I need to fully retract your foreskin to see the damage and check in the inner folds. It will hurt.” Doctor Carlyle said and the room brace in tension. Daddy looked at me, not the doctor. And our soul bond kicked in. My eyes filled up with tears.


I knew I needed to aid daddy and thus, I took my small hand and began to rub his very warm toes in the foot just near me. My fingers working around the slender toes and juicy ball of that one warm socked foot...soothing him. Saying to him... “Daddy I am here.” The energy passing between us was electric and he smiled and shut his eyes. My hand never left that foot throughout the next very difficult few minutes. My own small burgundy socked feet below me felt warm and moist...my feet have always sweat more when I was nervous, anxious or highly excited.


The careful in-depth exam began as the doctor’s gentle but firm fingers moved inward and grasped daddy’s long manhood...I felt the shudder in his foot. I gripped daddy’s big toe and really squeezed it. I was there, he knew it!  Harrison, with no provocation from me, placed a hand upon my shoulder and gave me a little (ever so) rub of assurance. Did this man actually care about me? WOW! And so much to my shock...I acknowledged that act of subtle kindness.


“It will be all right, Harrison, daddy will be fine soon.”


Daddy groaned deeply as the doctor’s fingers began the slow retracting of the inflamed foreskin and I held tight to daddy’s moist sheer socked toe...willing the pain away with each loving squeeze.




More of the exam and my life to follow!



Thank you all for you kind support! Write anytime.

