The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Barefoot Buddy


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An Introduction…

William “Buddy” Gibbons was a 52 year-old deputy and single father, who was raising his 18 year-old Son Brice, since his wife had walked out on them thirteen years earlier. He fit the stereotype of a cop perfectly: six feet tall, husky in build (not fat), broad-shouldered, and a thick hairy chest. He also had very distinctive features: baby blue eyes, moustache, cleft chin, and short brown hair with graying temples. 

But his best features were his feet. Size 11’s with the widest, smoothest and softest soles to be found on a man. Not a callus to be found on either sole. His toes were thick and long, with the nails neatly trimmed. His big toes were very large and perfectly round in shape. Buddy Gibbons feet were beautiful, but EXTREMELY ticklish. It was for this reason that he kept them shod or socked, most of the time. Walking barefoot across the carpet was enough to drive his overly sensitive feet crazy.  

This was his Achilles heel…  

 Buddy, and his son Brice, entered the dirty restroom hesitantly. It was not only dirty, but also dank and smelly, and the smell was horrendous, but the two had no choice. It was the only available restroom for miles and both had been traveling all night.  

And after drinking almost 10 cups of coffee between them, to keep from dozing off, Buddy and Brice desperately needed to pee. It was for this reason that they found themselves using this ungodly restroom. So, without hesitation, both men stepped up to the urinals and peed to their hearts delight. It felt so good, that neither noticed the horrendous surroundings anymore.

“ I needed that.” Buddy moaned in relief. 

“ Me, too.” Brice responded with a chuckle. “Oh, thanks for letting me drive this last stretch of our trip.” 

“ Sure thing, son. Those cups of coffee weren’t keeping me awake, but they are definitely making me pee. I may be here a while. HEHEHE!!!”  

Finishing first, Brice strolled over toward the sinks and started washing his hands. He looked around for a towel, but there was none to be found.  

“ Oh, great. There are no paper towels.” He snarled. “What am I supposed to do now?” 

But before his father could answer, the door to the restroom flung open with a start and slammed against the wall. This startled both father and son, but the entrance of two men in ski masks really caught them off guard. Both men were dressed completely in black attire, except for their bare hands. This is how they were identified as white males.

“ What the hell?” Buddy asked. He tried to zip up his pants, but a gun aimed at his son and an order from one of the masked men prevented him from doing so. 


Fearing for his son’s safety, Buddy complied. It was not by choice, but his son’s life meant everything to him. It was why he didn’t divulge to the two men that he was a cop. Now, had Brice not been present he would have eagerly taken on the two punks and beaten the crap out of them.  

“ Listen, let my son go.” Buddy pleaded. “You have me, and I’ll do anything you want, just let him go.” 

“ Shut up, old man! We didn’t ask you for your advice.” The man with the gun exclaimed. “So, will he do, Guy?”  

Guy closed in towards Buddy, while eyeing him up and down. He circled the 52 year-old a few times, like a vulture circling road kill. His eyes glued to Buddy’s exposed and flaccid dick, which still had a nice thickness to it while soft.  

“ Oh, yeah, he’ll do. Just look at his cock, thick as a beer can and not circumcised. Look, he’s still got a foreskin!” 

“ That’s great, Guy, but what about his feet? You wanted his feet, remember?” 

“ M-My feet? What about my feet?” Buddy asked, somewhat dumbfounded and shocked by the question. Being a cop, he knew that hold-ups were for one reason, and one reason only…to acquire goods. Namely money. These two, however, didn’t seem interested in that at all, just his feet. 

“ Size elevens. Cool.” Guy said. “But those shoes will need to come off, if I’m to get a better look at them. Let’s go into that stall, old man.” 

Buddy looked at his son. He could see the fear in his eyes. He couldn’t subject his son to any unnecessary violence or brutality, which were imminent should he refuse to obey his captors orders. So, he hesitantly stepped into the closest stall and took a seat on the toilet. His captor entered the stall, as well, but knelt down beside Buddy and proceeded to handcuff his wrists behind him and to the toilet’s water pipe. 

“ That’ll keep you from trying to be a hero, old man.” Guy chuckled. “Because once I get a hold of your feet, you’ll be begging for mercy!” 

Meanwhile, Brice stood frightened by the sink, as the other masked man continued to point his gun at him. He was frightened, because he knew of his father’s ticklish feet. Once, as a child, he playfully tickled his father’s bare soles as he napped on the couch. He remembered how his father had reacted, by literally jumping into the air and landing on the coffee table, then the floor. He was severely scolded by his father and told never to do that again, and he never did. Now he was going to see his father react again. 

Then Brice felt a jab to his side. It was the gun of his captor. 

“ Kid, sit down and relax. We’re going to be here for awhile.” 

As Brice sat down on the damp floor, he discovered he could see below the stalls. His father’s worn out leather topsiders were visible to him. Guy’s feet were visible as well, pointing in his father’s direction.  

“ Okay, old man, let’s do it!” Guy said as he grabbed Buddy’s left foot and brought it up to his chest. The left sole of the leather topsider stared at him. With one hand grasping the ankle, the other hand slipped the worn shoe from Buddy’s foot, and since Buddy wasn’t wearing any socks, his bare foot instantly greeted his captor. 

“ CRAP!”  

“ What’s the matter?” Buddy inquired. “You don’t like my foot?” 

“ Hell no, Old man!” Guy responded. He moved his face closer to the exposed foot. “This is the best foot I have ever seen. Not a single callus on the sole. It’s completely smooth and…” 

Guy ran his fingers slowly across the exposed sole. Buddy squirmed and let out a chuckle. 

“ Ticklish.” Guy finished. “Let’s see that other foot of yours.” 

Brice watched his father’s left foot drop to the floor, splashing into a puddle. His right foot was then snatched up suddenly. With a loud thud, the shoe dropped to the floor. Then his father let out a laughter that echoed throughout the restroom.  


But Guy continued to tickle the helpless deputy’s foot, concentrating mainly on the arch area. Buddy bucked wildly, causing him to almost fall off the toilet. His Achilles heel had been found out and Guy was exploiting it.  


“ No way, old man.” Guy’s responded. “I’m having to much fun.” 

Buddy’s body bucked repeatedly as his foot was subjected to the continuous non-stop tickling. His still flaccid dick flopped around like a fish on a deck. This accidentally freed his balls from his jeans. They were like hairy grapefruits. Small droplets of pre-cum started to drip from the foreskin. Guy began to enjoy the new attraction. 

“ Let’s see if we can’t get that cock of yours to salute, old man.” 

“ W-What?”

Then the laughing ceased and some moaning began. Brice became curious. He had heard his father moan before, but it was always during sex. His father had occasional girlfriends over to the house, and when they thought Brice was fast asleep, they would engage in their adult play. Brice, however, still heard the moaning, as he did now.  

“ D-Dad, you okay?” Brice asked.  

But there was no reply. Peeking under the stalls, he curiously watched his father’s left foot wriggling around the wet floor, with all five toes fully splayed. His father’s foot sloshed around the floor, while the moaning continued. What was Guy doing to his father and his right foot? 

Meanwhile, Guy’s tongue was teasingly licking the entire surface of Buddy’s right sole. Starting at the heel and working itself slowly up the sole. Saliva flowed freely from his mouth and covered the sole. This continued for a full twenty minutes. Buddy’s sole looked as though he had just stepped out of a shower, it was that wet and wrinkled. 

“ This feels…so good.” Buddy moaned softly. He wouldn’t admit it to Guy, but it did feel good, and it was starting to show. His dick was beginning to twitch. 

Guy’s tongue finally made it to Buddy’s toes. Once there, he maneuvered his tongue in and out between each toe, stopping occasionally to suck on them, giving each toe special attention. After awhile Guy became bored with the other toes and decided to pay a visit to Buddy’s big toe. Immediately his mouth engulfed the entire toe. His tongue began exploring every inch of the toe, including the base, while his mouth slurped and sucked on the largest digit. Buddy just watched as Guy sucked on his big toe.  

“ Oh, god…” Buddy sighed, as he watched his dick enlarge to its full six inches. The enlarging mushroom head began to push itself forth from underneath the foreskin, exposing its purplish color. Pre-cum was oozing out of the piss slit. Guy was amazed.  

“ Old man,” Guy spit out the toe. “Look’s like you’re enjoying this more than you let on. Let me help you with that.”  

So, as resumed sucking the big toe, he eagerly reached down and grabbed Buddy’s throbbing dick and proceeded to dry pump it. This caused more pre-cum to exit the piss slit and run down the shaft. It acted like a lubricant, allowing Guy’s hand to pump the beer can-sized dick easier. Buddy moaned, but much louder this time. This was definitely more then he could handle. 

“ Please, d-don’t…do this…to me.” Buddy pleaded, but the tone of his voice gave him away. He was enjoying it and didn’t want it to stop.  

Brice became more curious. He watched his father’s left foot flop around the wet floor in a wild frenzy. His toes were still splayed, but wider than before. 

“ Dad, what’s going on?” Brice beckoned, but there was no reply, just the ongoing moaning of his father. All the time he watched as his father’s foot continued to slosh about on the floor, splashing water everywhere. It looked like his foot was having a seizure.  

“ Don’t worry, kid. Your daddy is having the time of his life.” The man with the gun said in a sarcastic tone.

Guy began sucking harder and pumping even faster. The more pre-cum that flowed, the slicker Buddy’s dick became.  

“ I-I’m about…to…oh, god…cum…” Buddy said to Guy as he arched his back. And without delay, his dick exploded with a fierce eruption. Large gobs of white cum shot forth, splattering everything within its firing line. Guy’s chest, mask and the stall walls were soon covered in white cum. Buddy’s dick continued to squirt smaller gobs of cum for a few minutes more, before finally coming to an end. It was all over. 

“ Oh…yes…” Buddy sighed as he slumped back onto the toilet, exhausted and spent. His six-inch hard-on had gone flaccid again. A few drops of cum dripped from the foreskin.  

Without a word, Guy spit out Buddy’s big toe and let go of his foot. Exiting the stall, Guy reached down and picked up Buddy’s topsiders. He proceeded to head to the sinks, where Brice was still sitting on the floor next to his captor.  

“ Souvenirs. HAHAHA!!!” Guy winked. “Well, kid, it was fun while it lasted, but your father didn’t.”  

Brice glanced under the stalls and saw that his father was barefoot and his feet spread out on the floor and finally at rest. He then heard his father give out a loud exhale of breath.  

“ What about my dad?” Brice asked. “He’s still…”  

But as Brice turned to face Guy, he found that both men had left and had forgotten to undo his father’s cuffs. Brice just stood up silently, unsure what to do. He knew his father was in indecent shape, with just being forcibly tickled and, to his guess, molested. He couldn’t leave his father this way, but since Guy didn’t leave the key to the handcuffs, he had no choice but to leave and find help. And fast. 

“ Dad, they didn’t give me a key to the handcuffs. I’ll have to take the car and try to find help. I promise to be back as fast as I can.” 

“ I understand, son.” Buddy yelled back.  

Then without further delay, Brice ran out the restroom. The car’s engine revved up and then sped away into the distance.  

“ Don’t worry,” Buddy sighed. “I’m not going anywhere.” 

And the story continues…