The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Stepdad & Uncle's Feet: Part 1

by Victor

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Men's feet. Ever since I can remember, the very mention of a man's foot would make my dick stir with excitement.

Even before I knew that I was bi (let alone why it felt so good to stroke my dick), I knew I had an attraction to the male foot.

Anyway, my story begins when I was a 12 year old middle schooler. My father is the biggest ass wipe this world had ever known, so of course my mother divorced him and wound up with several losers before she found and married this larger than life hick that she's still with to this day. This new man, Ken was his name, wasn't the best man in the world; he made meth labs, was almost constantly smoking and/or drinking; and, let's face it, not the hottest guy around.

But he was a definite improvement on the bastard who was, in my opinion, nothing but "the man who gave his sperm to help the creation process". Anyways, it was almost a year or so after mom married Ken that I started to...notice things. I was (and still am) a movie/cartoon/anime junkie, and every time a man's foot, bare or socked, came on the screen I couldn't look away. And every now and then the movie would give me a treat and have a dog or something lick the aforementioned foot. This made my penis stir, and it would eventually lead to a boner. I didn't understand what was going on, but I knew I liked it.

As time went by, I noticed that my mom's new hubby did have one redeeming quality; he had some pretty nice feet. Long and narrow size 13s they were, with little barely-noticeable tufts of red hair here and there, and nice long toes. I never tried to do anything with them, mainly because I didn't know WHAT to do. I was completely unaware of the glory known as male foot fetishism. That would change when I got to high school.
During my freshman year, I learned how to surf the Internet. One day while I was on my aunt's computer, I decided to go to "" and look up random bullshit. Once I knew my aunt was asleep and wouldn't be looking at what I was doing, I typed in, "May I smell your feet?" I didn't know a thing about what to do with feet, but I did know that smelling them made me hard enough.

Immediately, various links to gay porn sites came up. I clicked on one (which, BTW, was THIS site! 8D) and was amazed; there was a huge picture of a very sexy man sitting in a lawn chair, with his bare feet right up against the camera! A bit of my brain came rushing back into my head, reminding me that this was my aunt's computer, and being the big Christian that she is, I would be dead if she saw this! Now panicking, I closed any and all windows and went back to searching Sailor Moon. However, I had the window open long enough to see pictures of men not only sniffing other men's feet, but licking them and sucking their toes as well! Now armed with this new knowledge, I had only to find a perfect time to strike.

The time to strike didn't come for quite a long time, but not before I got my first taste of what it was like to sniff and hold another man's feet. On a night that my mom had to work and Ken had just got home from work not 2 hours ago, him, my brother, and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. I happened to take a peek at his feet and noticed that he kept taking his shoes on and off. "Make up your mind!", I finally snapped. "Either keep your shoes on or off!" He gave me a weird look. "What?", he asked. "You want to sniff them or something?" I was shocked.

Not only because I had no idea how he could think that wanting to sniff his socked feet and complaining about how he couldn't make up his mind were somehow connected, but also because I didn't think I'd ever get asked that! Going immediately into defensive-teen-mode, I said, "Well, of course not!" as fast as I could. "No, no! I'm serious!", he said in a very serious voice. "Come here." With that, he took his shoe off and held his foot out for me to take.

I took it in my hands and gave him another confused look. "Go ahead!", he encouraged. I shrugged and casually took a whiff. DROOL! Now mind you, this was back when he was a hard working man in the plastering business, so his foot gave off quite an odor; not overpowering, but just right. "Not bad for a hard working man, huh?", he asked with a chuckle. "No", I admitted. "Not bad at all..." He put his attention back on the TV, not noticing that I hadn't let go of his foot. I took this chance to take a longer sniff, then put his foot down. Now I KNEW I had to have them. But my moment wouldn't come for another few months.

The next few months before the night I would attack was uneventful foot wise; I caught a few chances to sniff either his working boots, sneakers, or a dirty pair of socks here and there, but that was about it. Then, the time came.

These days, Ken was out of a job because he was...."disabled". Bullshit spewing, lazy-ass, so-and-so... Anyway, since he was out of a job, my mom worked from noon until late in the night, almost to the early morning. As we only had one car, Ken had to drive her to and from work, so he spent a majority of his time sleeping his pitiful life away during the day and night so that he would be able to be awake to pick mom up from work. It wasn't until my little brother and I were fighting one day that I noticed Ken was a very heavy sleeper. "Perfect", I thought to myself. During one such night, while my brother was napping in the living room, I decided to make my move. I was scared out of my mind, which was made evident by my shaking legs and the sweat on my forehead. But I wasn't going to back down; not now.

I crept into the bedroom and peeked in; there he was, fast asleep, with his beautiful feet hanging off of the end of the bed! Now, you know those times when your trying to be sneaky ninja guy, but the damn squeaky floors just won't let you? This was one of those times. Even if I so much as tiptoed, the stupid floor made a noise. I cursed the offensive floor as I slowly made my way to my target. When I finally got to his feet, I got on my hands and knees to get a closer look. The man still had his socks on, while the rest of him was naked... "Damn...", I muttered under my breath. Oh, well. I still had his socked feet at least! I leaned in and inhaled the smell like it was a joint. I let out a soft moan, and Ken stirred. Now, I might have made a noisey entrance, but by gum I ran out of there even quieter than I had tiptoed in! I had chickened out....great. I might never get a chance like that again!

Despite my unhappy mindset, my next chance came that very same night! After Ken had came back with mom, he fell into another deep sleep. Not suprising, since it was 2:00 AM. Mom, having worked her poor ass off all day, was also deep in sleep. I crept back into the room and inspected his feet. This time, to my sheer happiness, his feet were bare! This time, I was NOT going to chicken out! I leaned in to take another whiff of his feet. I hadn't had the pleasure of sniffing his barefeet before, so I wasn't prepared for the full impact of his foot smell. Still not overpowering, but enough to make me almost cum for the first time.

My body now full of adreneline and my brain lacking willpower, I kissed the bottom of his foot. He didn't budge, so I got a bit braver and stuck my tongue out and touched it to his sole. Still didn't move. Finally, I worked my tongue up from his sole to the tip of his big toe, and took it into my mouth. Not all the way of course, just the tip. I gently sucked, and this time his toe twitched! I bolted again, and wouldn't try again for another week.
That last night stuck with me for what seemed like an eternity. It was my first experience playing with another man's feet, and I wanted more. It was like drug... Then came one of those mornings where my mom was upstairs taking a bath, my brother was glued to the TV watching Spongebob, and Ken was fast asleep. "Okay", I told myself. "This may very well be your last chance. TAKE it, you pansy!"

I finally worked up the courage to sneak back into that room leaving my brother in the living room watching that retarded yet enertaining sponge. Once again, Ken's feet were bare and he was snoring. I knelt down and started all over again; licking up and down his foot, and then slobering all over his toes. Again, I lost myself and started sucking his toes. I had sucked his big one and was moving on to the second, not noticing that once again his toes were twitching. My heart was racing and my dick was throbbing. I was in another world when all of a sudden he jerked out of his deep sleep and yelled, "What the hell are you doing fucking with my feet?!" I bolted up and started making up excuses, about how I was looking for something on the floor and my hair must've brushed against his foot. He nodded and seemed to agree, so I got up and left. But as I was leaving, I noticed him brushing off some of my slober from his toes...

I was horrified... I had almost been discovered! It was all I could do to resist hanging myself. I was already suicical like most teenagers, so this is SO not what I needed. Finally, I just couldn't take it anymore. No one knew about my fetish except this one guy at church that I asked for help in getting rid of it(which, BTW, didn't work), and I needed to tell someone. I ended up confessing to Ken, which was a big mistake. He said he understood and wouldn't tell anyone, then later the fucker used it as leverage to try to force some respect out of me! Needless to say, it just caused the rift in our relationship to get worse. I had to move on, find some better feet.

Luckily, I didn't need to look very far. Ken had brothers, one of which lived with their mother. His name was Mike, and he was very much like Ken; tall, red hair, blue eyes, drunk, smoker. Loser. However, he also had some nice feet. Scratch that, his were BETTER! I was at grams' house one day when he lumbered down the stairs with nothing but boxers and socks on. He sat in the armchair opposite me and crossed his legs. YIKES! His feet were one or two sizes smaller than Ken's, but if what I could see through his socks was to be trusted, he had some big and juicy toes! Now, male foot fetishist that I am, I must say that the toes are a bigger turn on than the actual foot. Further exaimening the foot from a distance, I could tell I would like his alot better than Ken's; for one, his toes were pefect; two, the bottoms of his socks were dirtier than Ken's, with that beautiful brown hue mixed in with the off white that was a perfect mixture; and three, his would be easier to access. Or so I thought.

Conviniently, the very day I decided I was gonna try to get Mike's feet, Ken told my brother and I that we were to stay and Grams' house after school, since mom would be at work and he'd be...doing whatever it I just had to chuckle to myself. My plan was falling together perfectly! That night, after I made sure Grams and my brother were both sound asleep, I crept upstairs to Mike's room. "What's up?', he asked as I peeked around the corner and through his bedroom door. "Nothing.", I replied. Tipical teenage bullshit. "Wanna come in and watch TV with me", he asked. I nodded and he motioned for me to sit at the foot of his bed. As he watched TV, I glanced over at him. He wasn't as good looking as Ken, but he still had those piercing blue eyes. He also had the same red hair, just longer and curly. And his feet.... God in heaven, they were gorgeous!

I thought for a good hour or so about how to start off my experiment. Since he didn't appear to be planning on going to sleep anytime soon, I had to come up with a plan. Every since my first encounter with a male foot fetish website, I had picked up on a few tricks to get things started. I decided the best way was to do what most of the men in these stories do; offer a foot massage. I had done so earlier that day when no one else was around, and he had refused. I asked again, this time with a little more enthusiasm. Finally, he agreed and put his wonderful feet in my lap.

He was, as I would find out later, a very sexual man, so I don't know how he didn't notice my boner underneath his feet.

I started off slow, using both thumbs to kneed the bottom of his feet. He didn't moan like I had read in the stories, but he did seem to relax. I then moved from his soles to his toes, which I worked with all my fingers. I watched him closely, and finally he drifted off to sleep. I massaged his feet for a while longer, just to make sure he was asleep. Then while still massaging, I leaned in and smelled his socks. Oh God, they were wonderful! Much stronger than Ken's had been. Then, I decided to take a chance and start getting oral. I gentley licked his big toe through his sock, then put it in my mouth and started sucking.

"What the fuck are you doing?"