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Timmy and the Janitor (A Tickle Story): Part 2

by Christopher Trevor and (as Consultant) Timmy Backman himself...

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It was a few moments later after Timmy had found himself shackled yet again into “The Spinning Chinaman” device, and of all places to have been hoodwinked into the device, in his office, his place of work, by a janitor no less, that he then found himself having been plunged into total darkness, via his own red silk necktie wound twice around his head and over his sexy eyes and tied off behind his head.

When Timmy felt Rich’s big fingers undoing the buttons on his white dress shirt and as the banker/lawyer felt his muscular chest, his washboard abs and his big pink suck all day man tits being revealed his cock engorged all the more in his suit pants. Timmy felt himself pre-cumming in his kangaroo pouch underpants as he was slowly stripped and readied for another tickle experience in the infamous “Spinning Chinaman.”

“Rich, please man, I, uh, I have work to get back to bud,” Timmy heard himself pleading to what were most definitely deaf ears, seeing as Rich was now having too much fun with the again tickle-napped executive. “Let’s just say that this demonstration of “The Spinning Chinaman” is done and…and…I’ll tell you what, I’ll even call Ms. Levi now and get you a discount on the price of your own “Spinning Chinaman.” How does that sound, huh?”

In response Timmy felt his shirt tails being extracted from his suit pants, knotted up and tucked behind him, thus keeping his magnificent upper body on total display for the janitor.

“Nice Mr. Backman, real nice,” Rich whispered and Timmy clenched his teeth as he felt Rich’s big thumbs and the first two fingers of each of his huge hands tweaking, twisting and mashing his nipples. “So glad you didn’t wear a tee shirt today…”

“OH my word, oh my fucking word,” Timmy panted in his sexy sounding Southern drawl. “Oh Rich, you don’t have any idea what all you’re doing to me here man, my, my danged man tits, they’re so sensitive to the slightest touch and…and…UHHHHHHH…”

Then, Timmy was breathless as he felt Rich’s over-sized and thick lips slurp around his left nipple and the janitor’s front-most teeth were nipping and gently biting on Timmy’s nub, all the while Rich’s HUGE hands trailed up and down Timmy’s flanks, caressing him almost lovingly it seemed.

“Delicious white man tits Mr. Backman,” Rich crooned and moved his mouth onto Timmy’s other nipple, treating it the same way he had the first one, but just long enough to get Timmy into a tizzy, and not take him any further…for the moment.

“Oh my word, oh my lord,” Timmy grunted and arched his blindfolded head back a bit as goose bumps were breaking out all over him at that point.

Timmy squirmed and hemmed in the “Spinning Chinaman” as the wheel moved a tad back and forth along with him, as Rich then grasped the banker/lawyer’s nipples again in his thumbs and fingers and twisted them some more. At that point Timmy’s nipples had been jutted up and were erect to twice their normal size as the janitor worked them.

“UHHHHHHH…you sure do love my man tits Rich,” Timmy swooned in his dark world.

“Oh yeah, when it comes to a nice pair of suck-able tits I don’t discriminate Mr. Backman, women’s tits, men’s tits, to me they’re all real sexy and eatable,” the janitor taunted his tickle captive. “When I’m in the locker room at the gym I can’t help but take in the sight of some of the tits on some of those guys, my God, and now I have an executive with a pair of the meatiest tits going on.”

But then, Timmy’s office, what he sometimes thought of as his inner sanctum was filled with the sound of the banker/lawyer’s guttural and helpless laughter.

“WHOOOOOOOO, oh no, no, Rich, you can’t be tickling me already bud,” Timmy screamed as Rich’s giant fingertips were now embedded in the tickle captive’s armpits through his undone white dress shirt. “YAHHHHHHH, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HAR, HAR, HAR!!!! OH DANG man, you, you aren’t playin’ by the rules here Rich. You were supposed to have asked me a question first, Trivial Pursuit style, HAR, HAR, HAR, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…oh my lord, oh my word, I’m being tickled in my place of work…of all the blasted and twisted turn of events…”

As Rich tickled and kneaded Timmy’s armpits he grinned meanly from ear to ear, drinking in the sight of his handsome laughing captive.

“Don’t you worry yourself over that Mr. Backman, we’ll get to the Trivial Pursuit part of the game,” Rich taunted Timmy. “And trust me on this Sir, I have really good, very intense questions that I’m sure a man of your intelligence will be able to answer, so you see, you more than likely won’t be in “The Spinning Chinaman” all that long after all, or maybe you will.” As Rich spoke he wiggled and wriggled his fingertips deeper and deeper into Timmy’s helpless pits.

“YAHHHH, seeing as I’m the poor slob locked in the “Chinaman” again I suppose I don’t have a choice on how you want to play the game Rich,” Timmy replied in between bouts of uncontrolled laughter. “Hee, hee, hee, ha, ha, ha, HAR, HAR, HAR!!!”

After a good (bad?) fifteen minutes of armpit tickling Rich stopped torturing Timmy’s armpits and stood in front of his heaving, gasping and panting tickle captive.

“Oh, oh, oh my, thank you Rich, thank you for stopping,” Timmy managed to say in between gasps of breath, feeling just how wet, sopped and soaked his armpits were against his tied back button down shirt.

“Just for the moment Mr. Backman, just for the moment I stopped,” Rich chuckled and Timmy felt a bottle of cool water being held to his trembling lips.

“Oh, th-thank you, thirsty, yes,” Timmy said and sipped down the cool refreshing water. “Whenever I’m tickled it makes me very thirsty…”

“Sounds to me like you find yourself in tickle trouble pretty often Mr. Backman,” Rich said and then Timmy felt the laces of his shoes being undone.

“You uh, you could rightly say that I suppose Rich,” Timmy agreed woefully. “Uh, what all are you up to now Rich, unlacing my danged Florsheim cap-toes? Oh fucking woe is me, my poor danged feet…”

Unseen by Timmy Rich sniffed the inside of each of Timmy’s lace-up cap-toes after he had gotten them off the banking lawyer’s tootsies. The janitor drank in, inhaled and savored the aromatic scent of Timmy’s feet sweat mixed with shoe leather and some navy blue nylon Gold-toe brand socks thrown in.

The janitor found that this handsome well-dressed executive was masculine in every way, totally robust yet submissive in his glorious beauty. Rich stuck out his tongue and lapped and licked at the insides of Timmy’s shoes. He sucked on the laces and kissed the tongue of each shoe.

Behind his blindfold Timmy smirked a bit, somehow having a feeling of just exactly what was happening here…in his office…in his inner sanctum. As his cock throbbed big and hard in his suit pants Timmy wiggled his toes under his navy blue Gold-toe OTC dress socks. Unseen by Timmy Rich held the banking lawyer’s shoes by the insides of them, the toes sections of them directly under his mouth and slowly and in a circular motion licked and lapped the fronts of Timmy’s cap-toes. As he licked the shoes like a man in a trance he sniffed and snuffed the scent of quality leather.

A few minutes later Rich had placed Timmy’s shoes on the top of the executive’s desk, dead-center, in a shrine-like manner of sorts. The janitor then turned and looked across the room at the handsomer than handsome man locked in the “Spinning Chinaman.” Rich’s cock throbbed hard and alive in his work pants as he sauntered back over to his tickle captive… At the sound of Rich’s approach Timmy squirmed more in the device, his lips pursed tightly together and wondering how he had just gone from simply working late in his office to being trapped and blindfolded in the danged “Spinning Chinaman” of all things.

“Damn, how gullible am I???” Timmy said to himself and in the next instant felt Rich’s fingers undoing his belt buckle. “Oh no…oh my word, woe is fucking me…”

Timmy again arched his head back and his cock was now hard as Chinese arithmetic in his soon to be gone suit pants. When his belt was completely undone and Rich had next undone the fastener on Timmy’s suit pants, the janitor ceremoniously and oh so slowly rolled the banking lawyer’s suit pants down his muscular legs, revealing Timmy’s trademark white kangaroo pouch underpants and the huge man meat that was tenting them. Rich wallowed in the sight of the stains of pre cum that were moistening the front of Timmy’s under shorts.

“Oh my, I’m being de-panted here,” Timmy whispered as tears formed in his blindfolded eyes. “Oh my word…how did this happen???”

Then, one by one Rich lifted Timmy’s feet by his socked ankles and slid the suit pants off his tickle captive.

Rich whispered, “Oh holy fuck, what a sight you are man,” as he took in the view again of Timmy in the “Chinaman.” Rich neatly folded up Timmy’s suit pants and placed them on the desk next to the banking lawyer’s shoes.

“Now for the underpants,” Rich whispered and walked on weak legs back to his tickle captive.

“Feeling good Mr. Backman?” Rich asked and then Timmy gasped when he felt the janitor’s hands grip his upper thighs and his long thick tongue snaking aggressively along his erection that was tenting the fuck out of his underpants.

“OHHHHHH, oh my, oh yes, oh yes Rich, I am feeling real good now I got to say,” Timmy panted and squeezed his eyes shut tighter under his blindfold as they streamed tears of joy.

Timmy arched his crotch forward, pressed his muscular back against the back of the device he was trapped in and rotated his groin a bit as Rich licked his erection some more and ate the pre cum that was seeping through the material of his kangaroo pouch underpants.

“Oh fuck, what a night this turned out to be,” Timmy hemmed and nearly lost his mind when he felt the janitor’s thick lips teasing the tip of his pre cumming erection through his underpants.

At the same time Rich ran his hands up and down Timmy’s thighs, down to his knees and over his socked calves.

“MMM, I can see why your buds would strip you to your socks for fun in this thing Mr. Backman,” Rich commented as he licked and lapped Timmy’s erection through his underpants, squeezing and kneading the executive’s socked calves at the same time. “There’s something really kinky about a muscular macho dude like you wearing a pair of thin nylon dress socks, and these ones that climb to your knees are oh so fucking sexier somehow than the Eliot Spitzer calf lengths, HA!!!”

“Yeah, I uh, I had to be in meetings today, and uh, well you know the rule of thumb Rich,” Timmy bantered in a fever pitch. “When an executive crosses his legs in a meeting he shouldn’t show any patches of leg skin, so that’s why I wore the OTCs today, although I never thought that you of all people would be commenting on them…and…and…UHHHHHHH…oh my word…”

Rich chuckled a bit as he was then lapping at Timmy’s balls, which he had extracted from the executive’s underpants.

“I got to tell you Mr. Backman, I’m straight as they come, and cum if you would, HA, but having an executive dude in my clutches and teasing the tar out of you sure is floating my boat, I mean, having you here like this is making me do things I never thought I would do, and I’m sure as all fuck loving it Sir,” Rich said and slurped Timmy’s left sided testicle into his mouth.

“YUHHHHH…oh my family jewels,” Timmy panted as he felt Rich’s huge tongue swirling around and around his testicle in his mouth. “Oh yeah, I see what you mean there Rich, I’ve had other straight dudes work me over in such fashion as well, OHHHHH…now you’re sucking my other testicle, oh my…”

“You said you see Mr. Backman?” Rich asked Timmy tauntingly. “Looks to me like I’ll have to adjust that necktie blindfold I got on you, huh bud?”

When Timmy’s balls were drenched with the janitor’s saliva and swelled up a bit from having had been licked, sucked and chewed on a bit, Timmy was then gasping like a madman and panting with short breaths as he next felt Rich slowly sliding his underpants down his muscular tree-trunk like legs.

“Oh my and here we go, now I’m being de-under-panted,” Timmy said, swooning as he spoke. “Rich, what have you done to me here bud??? You’ve totally taken control…oh my word…”

Once Timmy’s underpants were off him and placed on his desk with his other discarded clothing he found himself a few moments later shackled at the socked ankles, calves and around the waist in the dreaded “Spinning Chinaman.”

“There, now you’re wrapped tighter than a drum huh Mr. Backman?” Rich asked his tickle captive as he finished fastening the thick leather strap around Timmy’s waist.

Timmy pressed the bottoms of his nylon socked feet hard against the base of the “Chinaman” as it gyrated a tad back and forth with his weight.

“Yeah, that’s as good a way of saying it as any I suppose Rich,” Timmy said and turned his face toward Rich’s voice.

As Timmy spoke, unbeknownst to him Rich’s face was scant inches from the blindfolded executive’s lips…

“HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH!!!!! OH NO, oh my word, tickling me again without having even put a question to me Rich, dirty pool bud, dirty pool,” Timmy was shrieking a few moments later as Rich was using one of his feather dusters to tickle Timmy’s stomach area, his upper chest and his navel. “WHOOOOOO, HA, HA, HA!!!”

“Like I said earlier Mr. Backman, we’ll get to the questions soon enough, we have the whole night ahead of us after all Sir,” Rich said and strummed the feather duster faster against Timmy’s stomach area and then meanly played it over Timmy’s HARD pre cum dripping erection and his low hanging licked balls.

“AAARRRHHH, ha, ha, ha, ha, oh not there you villain, not my family jewels, oh my…” Timmy screamed next.

Standing next to the “Chinaman” Rich wallowed in his task as he feather dusted tickled Timmy’s upper body, his nipples, his stomach area and his cock and balls, working his way up and down and up and down, making poor Timmy into a laughing mess. The sounds of Timmy’s laughter filled the office and Rich was sure that if the other bank employees were there at the time they would no doubt have heard Timmy all the way at the other end of the long hall.

“RRRRRRRR…RRRRRRRHHHHH…” Timmy was seething in laughter a few minutes later and spittle was flying from between his clenched teeth as Rich used the stick-end of the feather duster to torment the underside of the executive’s swelled up testicles and massaging the stick against the underside of Timmy’s ass crack at the same time. “OH my, oh me, that is a most eccentric feeling I must say Rich…”

Grinning almost manically and caressing the bulge in his workpants Rich pressed the stick-end of his duster against Timmy’s balls and hefted them a bit, pressing them against the tickle-napped executive’s throbbing pre cum oozing hard cock.

“YUHHHHHH…Rich, you’re making me need to cum, please man, please don’t edge me here as well huh?” Timmy pleaded and then once more flew into gales of uncontrollable laughter as Rich quickly switched back to the feather duster-end of his cleaning implement and was once more tickling Timmy’s upper torso, his stomach area and his cock and balls.

“WHEEEEEEEE…oh my, and here we go again to Tickle Land,” Timmy shrieked and his muscular chest area jutted forward as his erect nipples were tickled.

“Okay Mr. Backman, I think now is a good a time as any to begin the question and answer part of our late night “Spinning Chinaman” game, would you agree Sir?” Rich asked Timmy a half hour later…a whole half hour after non-stop tickling the poor boy with his feather duster and edging him at the balls and cock as well.

“Y-you’re, you’re in charge dang it,” Timmy blubbered, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath after the non-stop tickle tirade he just endured.

Rich chuckled a bit and Timmy again felt a bottle of water being held to his trembling lips.

As Rich stood next to the “Spinning Chinaman” feeding Timmy the cool water he tweaked and twisted one of Timmy’s nipples at the same time. Timmy’s engorged hard cock dribbled massive droplets of pre cum along with beads of piss at that point. When Timmy was done drinking Rich stepped away from the “Chinaman” and picked up the remote control device.

“Ready for your first question Mr. Backman?” Rich asked and Timmy simply nodded, grimacing a bit behind his necktie blindfold.

“Okay, what did 100,000 self-conscious American women buy 200,000 of in the year 1980?” Rich asked. “And remember this is not multiple choice Timmy.”

“I, I don’t rightly know the answer, but I’m going to guess that 100,000 self-conscious American women bought 200,000 pairs of high-heeled shoes.”

Rich laughed meanly, made a buzzing sound and called out, “WRONG! The correct answer is breast implants.” And with that Rich pointed the remote control at the “Spinning Chinaman” and sent Timmy whirling around at a medium speed in a clockwise direction.

“Oh my and here I go to Spin City,” Timmy called out, clenched his restrained hands into fists and then found himself spinning head over socked heels in the torturous device. “Oh Rich, please man…”

As Timmy spun round and round Rich put the remote control device down, picked up a number two pencil from Timmy’s desk and sauntered over to his spinning captive. Holding up the pencil Rich looked at the thick pink eraser on it and whispered, “This will be most cruel indeed…” and then pressed the eraser-end of the pencil into Timmy’s deep navel.

“YAHHHHHHHH…OHHHHH NOOOO, NOOOOO, please Rich, not that, oh my poor belly button,” Timmy cackled crazily and then as he spun in a clockwise direction Rich tickle tormented the executive’s belly button by swirling the pencil eraser around and around in it, pressing it hard against the most sensitive skin in there. “HARRRRR, harrrrrr, HARRRRR, harrrrr, OOOOOOOO not this Rich, please not this…HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA…and may I also ask, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, how long you plan to whirl me around till we get to the next danged question??? HAR, HAR, HAR…”

“Sure you can ask Mr. Backman, but I’ll never tell,” Rich replied evilly and then trailed the pencil eraser seductively over spinning Timmy’s nipples.

“OOOOOOOOO…” Timmy swooned and as he spun his balls churned and his cock throbbed.

Ten minutes later Rich turned off “The Spinning Chinaman.” Timmy found himself in an upside down position, his cock pointing at his blindfolded face and his balls aching as they hung against his erection, as Rich called out the next question to him.

“Mr. Backman, I suppose you would have to be a nature lover to know the answer to this next question,” Rich said jokingly. “Do porcupines masturbate?”

Hanging upside down and feeling totally pissed off at that point Timmy licked his lips and said, “Every danged living thing masturbates, so why shouldn’t porcupines? My answer is a definite yes Rich, porcupines masturbate.”

“And you are correct Sir,” Rich called out laughingly.

“Yeah, yay for me, Sir, so this time I don’t get tickled or spun, right?” Timmy asked miserably.

“Correct again Mr. Backman, this time you’ve earned a special reward,” Rich said.

Rich stepped over to “The Spinning Chinaman” and stood over the upside down Timmy. The janitor leaned in real close, clasped his big hands around Timmy’s socked calves, leaned down, and slathered his huge tongue over and over and around and around Timmy’s very on display testicles.

“OHHHHHHH, ohhhhhhhhh my word, oh my fucks, but that feels even more wicked it seems because of the danged upside down position I’m in Rich,” Timmy said with a loud gasp. “Oh please man, licking my danged family jewels…I really feel the need to shoot a load or two of my slop here…how about it buddy?”

Rich simply gripped Timmy’s socked calves tighter, caressed them a bit and licked and lapped at the banking lawyer’s testicles all the harder. Even though Timmy wasn’t currently spinning in the “Chinaman” his head was spinning in what felt like a reverse orbit of sorts.

“OH my lord, Rich, don’t edge me man, that drives me bonkers,” Timmy drawled in his sexy Southern accent. “Oh my, you call this a reward man???”

As Rich worked Timmy’s balls like a man possessed his own cock pounded thick and hard in his workpants…and as his cock pounded and leaked pre cum he slurped Timmy’s balls alternately in and out of his mouth, sucking on them, chewing on them and tongue swirling the tar out of them. Timmy screamed and cried in man’s passion behind his necktie blindfold, the need to shoot his load becoming overwhelming at that point…

Then, as if the desire to shoot his load wasn’t intense enough from Rich licking and sucking the tar out of his testicles, Timmy then felt the janitor diddling his upturned and gaping asshole with his huge fingers, wedging it open.

“UUUUHHHRRRRR…UHHHHH, Rich, what all are you planning on doing with my back door bud???” Timmy drawled crazily.

Standing over Timmy Rich then hacked up some saliva and spit liberally into the banking lawyer’s most private crevice.

“Damn, looks like a tight, tight pussy hole you got here Mr. Backman, good enough to eat I would think,” the janitor said, leaned down and pressed his nose against Timmy’s saliva soaked bunghole.

“OOOOOOOO, no, Rich please, like my tits, my danged hole is damned sensitive,” Timmy grunted in his upside down position.

Rich spit a few more times into Timmy’s hole and then held it stretched open and wide as he began tonguing and eating it like it was his wife’s pussy.

“OOOOOOOO. OOOOOHHHH, oh my, oh my fucking word,” Timmy gulped crazily, his teeth clenched and sweating behind his necktie blindfold, clenching and un-clenching his fists in the wrist shackles, wiggling his toes crazily in his Gold Toe socks. “Fucking guy is eating my danged hole…”

Rich’s tongue moved at an alarming speed as it flicked and flacked against the walls of Timmy’s hole. Timmy’s cock, harder than ever before in his life it felt like, leaked and dribbled massive sized droplets of pre cum…but because there was no friction against his throbbing manhood, the poor shackled up guy could not shoot even a small load.

“YUUUURRRRRR…” was the next sound that emanated from the captured Timmy as Rich pressed his full mouth and lips against Timmy’s hole and sucked on it like a crazy person.

The feeling of his asshole being suctioned was something new to Timmy and his head felt like it was spinning at a thousand miles per hour.

“You can imagine how often I eat my wife’s pussy huh Mr. Backman?” Rich asked and quickly resumed his task at hand, or to be more precise, his task at mouth and ass.

“L-lucky woman your wife, HUUUUUUHHHHH…” Timmy cried and wished that he could shoot his damned load…

Then, with what Rich did next, Timmy did indeed nearly lose his mind…

The janitor, grinning from ear to ear, plunged two thick fingers deep into Timmy’s anal canal and at the same time again licked and slurped on the banker lawyer’s testicles.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…” was all Timmy could say at that point.

The sounds of fingers squishing in Timmy’s hole and his balls being licked and slurped on and Timmy’s gasps, groans and cries filled the area where the “Spinning Chinaman” was set up in the executive’s office.

To be continued…