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Tickling Story - Yaki


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Part 1-

Despite it being fall outside, Yaki sat on his sofa watching TV wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts with no shirt and white athletic socks. He was so engrossed in the program that he barely heard the knock on the door until it repeated for the third time. Rising from his seat he walked to the door. He went to look out of the peephole but there was something blocking it. Puzzled he called out."Who is it?"

There was no immediate reply. He looked out again and this time he could see and there was no one there. With a shrug he returned to the sofa and his TV program and with in a few seconds there was a knock again. Once again he went to the door and peeped out of the peephole and again saw nothing. Annoyed he called out."WHO'S OUT THERE?"

Again, no immediate response. He looked through the peep hole and again there was no one there to be seen. This time he didn't return to his sofa, instead he carefully cracked open the door and when he saw no one he opened it fully. He looked around and saw no one. Once again he shrugged and was about to close the front door when he felt something pull it open. Startled he looked up to see a large built brotha standing over him holding the doorknob.

He was 6 ft 3in in height and looked to weight well over 250 pounds. He wore a black turtleneck shirt with a silver necklace around his neck with a huge medallion at the end of it. He had on a pair of jeans, cowboy boots and a Tennessee Titans leather jacket. He had a rugged but reasonably attractive face and sported a neatly trimmed beard and mustache and a bald fade hair cut. As he looked him up and down he noticed that his large, long fingered hands...both of them sported gold and what appeared to be diamond rings except for his thumbs and index fingers, which were ringless. As he looked up into his big brotha's milk chocolate brown face, he smiled.


"Yaki, Wassup?"

"Nothing? Was that you knocking on the door?"

Michael flashed a knowing smile. "Could have been. Is that how you gonna great a brotha who traveled from the dirty south to the capitol of the USA?"

Yaki laughed. "Ofcourse not." He stepped inside and invited his visitor to come in. Once he was inside he shut the door and gave Michael a hug. He could feel Michael's arms wrap around him and his large, surprising warm hands on his back.

"I'm glad you made it." Yaki said as he stepped back. He was aware that Michael still had his hands on his back.

"I'm glad I made it." Michael said as he smiled. There was something about Michael's smile that made Yaki stare at him.

"What's going on?" Yaki asked.

Michael's smile grew wider and there was a glint of something in his dark brown eyes. Then he felt his fingers lightly caressing and tickling his back. Yaki jerked and twitched as the tickling caress continued.

"OH! HA HA HA!" Yaki giggled. "You...Hehe...starting?"

Michael grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah...and brotha Yaki, there is nothing that can stop me." And with that Michael's hands moved to Yaki's belly and began to vigorously tickle him. Yaki yelped and jumped back putting distance between him and Michael's tickle attacking fingers.

"Wouldn't you like to eat first?" Yaki asked trying to get this big guys mind onto something else.

"I ate on the way up." Michael said advancing towards him.

"Well, aren't you tired? You want to rest?" Yaki said still walking backwards keeping Michael at a good two arms distance.

"Nope." Michael said advancing onward.

"Ummm....well...don't you want to bring your stuff in?" Yaki was trying to keep distance between them but Michael's large strides was making that difficult.

"Later. Right now all I need are my hands and fingers." Michael said wiggling his fingers at Yaki.

Yaki stopped and looked at Michael's big hands and ringed fingers. He felt a familiar twitch in his crotch as he looked at those huge mitts.

"What size rings do you wear?" Yaki asked, intrigued.

"This finger is ring size 11, this ring is 12 and this is 13" Michael said pointing first to his pinkie, the next finger and his middle finger."

WOW! Yaki thought. "What size gloves do you wear?"

"Large, sometimes extra large."

Yaki ran the back of his hand across his sweaty forehead. He had a thing for hands and the bigger the better. Michael's fingers were rounded, long and looked like they hard and strong. Yaki was so into looking at Michael's hands that he didn't realize Michael was close enough to grab him until it happened. With the surprising quickness, Michael grabbed Yaki's arms and with one deft move he brought Yaki to the floor. Not hard enough to hurt him but enough to command his attention. Yaki tried to cover his body as Michael straddle his waist. The look in Michael's eyes and on his face told Yaki that he was in trouble. He tried to struggle but Michael merely shook his head.

"Yaki," Michael said, "I want you to take a moment to consider what you are doing,"


"You know you are going to get tickled. I mean, it's your turn. Don't try to get away from it. Take a moment to consider that if you try any evasive tactic to get away from me, the great psychological pressure that you will be putting yourself under if you make me work too hard to tickle you."

Yaki thought about that. It seemed to make sense. But before he could think of a response, Michael's long fingers and large hands were tickling him. Attacking his sides and belly and moved up around his neck and down to his pits. Yaki screamed and wailed with laughter as the fingers roamed over his body.

"Hahahahahahahaha! AHHHHHH!" Yaki screamed. He tried to wiggle free but Michael's weight was too great and he could not move. As Michael tickled him, Yaki felt his dick beginning to get hard in his shorts and with Michael sitting on him with his weight on his hard dick the friction and weight was to great.

"Hahahahaha! MICHAEL!....P...P...Please....get....up....Hahahahahahaha!"

"NO!" Michael responded as he continued to tickle him without mercy.

Yaki wiggled and tried to free himself. Those big hands felt great on his body. They were large and strong but amazingly gentle as they worked him over. He was going crazy. He felt like any minute he would cum in his shorts.

"M...M...hahahaha....MICHAEL!...hahahahahaha! PLEEEEEASE...hahahahaha! GET UP! hahahahaha!"

Michael smiled. It was a smile filled with mischief and playful menace. ? "Only after you agree to play a game with me,"


"Yes. It's very simple but you must agree before I tell you the rules,"

"Okay...hahahahaha...Okay...I agree!"

Michael stopped tickling him, even though he left his fingers and hands on his chest and lightly flicked and played with his nipples.

"'s very simple. I will sit on the sofa and you will remain on the floor with your feet on my knees. I will tickle your feet and all you have to do is not move your feet off my knees for 30 minutes,"

"30 minutes?" Yaki gasped.

"Yes. If you move your feet...even one foot even an inch off my knee, I will tickle you for another 30 minutes,"


"And each time during that if you move your feet I will add 30 minutes,"

"Michael....I don't know if I can do that?" Yaki said.

"Well, you better....oh and one more thing. You have to be naked,"

"Naked?" Yaki exclaimed.

"NAKKID!" Michael said with an exaggerated southern accent.

Yaki grimaced. The idea worried and thrilled him. He had already agreed. He would beat Michael at this game.

"Hey! What happens if I win?" Yaki asked.

Michael smiled. "Then you will get to tickle me."

Yaki liked that. "Okay. When do we begin?"

"As soon as you get those shorts off." Michael said getting up and sitting on the sofa. Yaki removed his shorts, his dick was semi hard, and he laid on the floor and put his socked feet on Michael's knees.

"Let the games begin." Yaki challenged.

Michael smiled. He looked at Yaki's socked feet and removed the sock on his left foot. Yaki wiggled his toes and foot. He was prepared to win this game...this challenge.

Michael looked at the foot.

"You gonna take off the other?" Yaki asked.

"Yes and no."

Yaki was puzzled. He watched as Michael reached into his Tennessee Titans jacket and pulled out a pair of small scissors, the kind that was used in sewing kits. He grew a bit concerned. "What are you going to do with those?"

Michael didn't speak. He aimed the scissors towards Yaki's socked foot and instinctively he moved it off Michael's knee. Michael flashed a wicked smile. "That will be an extra 30 minutes,"

"You didn't tickle me." Yaki complained.

"I never said that I had to tickle you. I said you couldn't move them off my knee for 30 minutes,"

"Damn!" Yaki swore.

"I'm not going to cut you, Yaki. Just your sock. So please don't wiggle I don't want any accidents."

Yaki nodded and watched as Michael pulled on his sock and cut holes in the sole of his sock and then a hole on the heel and then with great care he cut out around and exposed his pinkie toe and his big toe. He then put the scissors away.

" hour of tickling...and remember if you move off my knee...another 30 minutes."

Yaki was about to say something when he felt Michael's left hand attack his left foot causing him to jerk and move his foot off Michael's knee.

"One hour and a half." Michael crowed. "At this rate you will be there for a while."

Yaki cringed. This was not going well. He put his foot back and tried to will himself to remain in place.

Michael brushed his fingers lightly across this exposed left foot but Yaki kept his foot? on his knee. He giggled and wiggled but he kept his foot there. Michael's fingers moved faster and faster and Yaki broke out into laughter. He kept his feet on Michael's knees but it was hard.

"Hmmmm....looks like you are trying to do a lil worry. Check this out." Michael said and with that with his finger he tickled the exposed parts of Yaki's right foot where he cut up his sock.

"Gahahahaha!" Yaki laughed. It felt weird having one naked foot tickled while the other was being poked and tickled in different areas. As he laughed and giggled he realized that his dick was getting rock hard and it was twitching. Michael noticed it and smiled.

" like that,"

"uh-huh..hahahahaha!" Yaki replied.

Michael smiled with satisfaction as he continued working. Yaki wiggled and laughed and giggled. His dick was rock hard and with each stroke of his feet, Michael was driving him closer and closer to an orgasm.

"Ahhhhh...shit....hahahahaha..." Yaki moaned and giggled.

" idea." Michael said. "Something wonderful."

Yaki looked up and watched as Michael cracked his knuckles and then slowly...methodically began to lightly and sensually caress and stroke his naked foot. Yaki watched in surprise as Michael moved closer to his other foot and then much to his surprise and delight, Michael inserted Yaki's pinkie toe into his mouth.

"AHHHHHH.....OOOOOH!" Yaki sighed as he closed his eyes. It felt great. He could feel Michael's tongue swirling around his pinkie toe and with his other hand caressing and stroking his barefoot it made for an erotic mix. It wouldn't be long before he blew his load.

"Michael...Michael.....AHHHHH Shit!"

Michael looked down and then with a smile he moved to the big toe and did the same. Yaki's breathing grew quick and rapid and he was close to cumming. Michael made little circles with his fingers on his barefoot while his tongue worked on his big toe and then to his pinkie toe. God, he was losing his mind. He was going to cum. He had been waiting for this for so long. He wasn't going to last.

"Michael....Please....I...won't be...NOT AN HOUR AND A HALF!"

Michael winked at Yaki. He stopped sucking the toes and stuck out his tongue and with a twinkle in his eye he licked the exposed sole of his right foot and that did it. Yaki tensed up. He gripped the carpet and let out a loud moan as he shot hot cum all over his chest. He shot and shot as Michael continued on his feet. When he was done shooting he looked up at Michael, who was looking down at him with a smile.

"Damn. That was crazy." Yaki said.

" liked it?" Michael asked.

"Yes." Yaki said as he laid there with cum drying on his chest and belly and neck. He really had shot a load. He had some paper towels in the kitchen. He would get them and clean up. He got up, went into the kitchen and came back with the paper towels wiping himself off. Michael was still sitting on the sofa with a big smile on his face. Yaki was about to ask what he was smiling about when he realized what he had done.

"OH NO!" Yaki sighed smacking his forehead.

"OH Yeah." Michael replied. "And the way I figure it you have been up for five minutes which I figure is equal to five times moving your feet off my knees there for at 30 minutes each that is 150 minutes added on to the hour and a half."

Yaki was weak for that. "Michael that is nearly..."

"Let's just say....Oh..three hours?"

Yaki grimaced. "Three hours!?"

"And counting. Assume the position...and Yaki....rules change...if you move again...I will tickle and jack you off...just like that story I wrote."

Yaki remembered the story. Dr. Leland Everhard's Totally Vicious, Wickedly Wonderful, Marvelously Malicious Tickling Milking Machine that he read on the RopeJock tickling site. And just like the young man in it, Yaki had no idea what he had gotten himself into.

Part 2-

Yaki stood looking at Michael in utter disbelief. He was nervous and excited. God, what had he gotten himself into? He looked at Michael, who was still wearing his Tennessee Titans jacket and an expectant _expression awaiting Yaki's compliance.

"Michael, three hours is a long time." Yaki began.

"Would you like for me to go for the actual time limit which is closer to four hours?"

"Michael...I...I don't think I can keep still for three hours."

"Then you know what will happen if you don't." Michael replied.
Yaki swallowed hard. "Michael..."
Michael stood up suddenly. "Yaki, I'm waiting. Don't make me," Michael cracked his knuckles. "Come after you."
Yaki's dick twitched as he looked at Michael's big hands and remembered how they felt on his back, his body and his feet. He thought about running. Yeah, he could make it to his room and shut and lock the door. That was a plan. Determined and moved as if he was going to obey. He squatted down and as soon as Michael sat down, Yaki jumped up and ran towards his bedroom. It would take long before he was safe but as he ran down the hall where he saw the closed bedroom door. He grabbed the knob and was surprised. The door was locked. That was impossible, you could only lock it from the inside. Had he pressed the lock early and accidentally shut the door thus locking him out.
Michael's deep booming laugh caused him to turn around. Michael was smiling like the Chesire cat.

"While you went to clean up in the kitchen, I locked your bedroom door. I figured you would try to run."

"Michael...I'm sorry..."
Michael stepped closer. "Yaki, you made me run. Remember what I told you earlier about the consequences of making me have to chase you down?"
Michael stepped closer and wiggled his fingers. Yaki was trapped in the hall pressed against his closed and locked bedroom door.

"I'm sorry boo." Yaki said crouching down to protect himself.

"Oh NOW it's boo. Well, boo, it's too late. The gloves are more Mister Nice guy!"

Michael wiggled and flexed his fingers and moved closer until he was standing over Yaki. He looked down at the cringing Yaki and smiled.

"Ready to laugh?"

"Please." That was the last word Yaki spoke as Michael descended upon him and began tickling him. Yaki was in a tight ball and thought he was safe. He was wrong. Michael managed to wiggle his fingers into Yaki's side and he erupted coming out of the protective ball he was in. Michael was quick to pounce was he covered Yaki's body with his own but Yaki was able to turn onto his stomach. He drew his arms in as tight as he could but it did little good. Michael ran his fingers over Yaki's body. He ran his fingers down his back and his sides while Yaki bucked and laughed and begged. But Michael was relentless and showed no mercy.

"Hahahahahaha! OOOOH PLEEEEASE! Hahahahahaha!"
Michael concentrated on his task. He wasn't getting the full effect that he desired but there was an alternative. He looked back and saw that the backs of Yaki's legs and knees were exposed. Bingo. Turning he applied a clawhold on the back of Yaki's legs designed to tickle that area of his body.

"YEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yaki exploded with wild laughter as he felt Michael's big hands squeezing and tickling the back of his knees and his legs and with Michael sitting on him and he on his stomach he was completely trapped and unable to move. As he laid there at Michael's mercy trying to get free, his body pressed against the carpeted floor weighed down by Michael's weight, his dick came to life. The more he struggled and was tickled the more excited and harder his dick got.

Michael continued his attack. "You brought this onto yourself," He said.


"Yes! You are at my mercy! I told you what was going to happen. I told you what to expect. YOU WERE WARNED!"


"No. I'm not going to stop. You owe me three hours....No, no, no, NO! It's now four and a half hours!"

Yaki was losing his mind as his body was assailed by the wild fingers tickling him and his dick getting harder and harder as he was pressed against the floor. He knew he was about to cum again. Oh God! He was helpless, he was defenseless. Then he felt it...that familiar twitch, that sensual sensation.

"OOOH....OOOH....AHHHH...I'M GONNA CUM...I'M GONNA CUM....I....I....!!!!" Yaki closed his eyes, bit his lips as he came. He could feel that warm fluid spreading across his belly and onto the carpet. But Michael didn't stop the tickling and his body was now ultra sensitive and the tickling felt more intense.


"Yaki, you owe me four and a half hours and I want all of them." Michael said.

"Michael..." Before Yaki could speak further, Michael flipped him over onto his back. He pinned Yaki's arms behind his back and straddled Yaki making his sides and underarms accessible. Michael smiled and went to work.

"AWWWWWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...." Yaki's laughter reverberated off the walls of his home. His throat was raw from laughing and screaming and once again his dick was getting hard, betraying him once again. Tears filled his eyes, he couldn't speak coherently and all he could think was that Michael would be here all weekend. He was either in heaven or hell and either one he was still going to be tickled and at the mercy of Michael.
Yaki wiggled to no avail, he gave in to the tickling. He let himself be lost in all the sensations and immediately he experienced another orgasm and it was powerful and left him twitching. Michael looked down at Yaki and ceased his tickling. Yaki looked up at Michael, his eyes big and filled with tears, his body trembling and twitching. Michael's intense _expression softened and it seemed to surprise and amaze him. Michael gently raised off of Yaki and laid beside him and wrapped his arms around Yaki and Yaki snuggled up against Michael and there on the floor...on the cum stained carpet in his hallway, they kissed, cuddled and held each other.

"Hello Yaki." Michael said with a smile.

"Hello Michael, my brother and welcome to D.C."

"Thanks, Ofcourse you know there is more to come." Michael said.
Yaki smiled. "I can't wait."

To Be Continued