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Graduation Party p. 12

by Omerod Home

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Antwon and Grady took turns. Antwon pushed a safety pin through the pouting lips of Russell's cock. He closed the bloody mouth so that the chalk could not be expelled from the man's over stuffed dick. Grady added a second safety pin to each of the man's bruised and swollen nipples. He ground them in with his thumbs.


Antwon pushed several safety pins through the thick ridge that formed the corona of the teacher's cockhead. Grady pushed several pins through the thick muscles of Russell's smooth chest. Antwon pinched the bruised skin of the teacher's cock and pushed several pins through the thick folds. Grady ground the safety pins into the tick muscles of the teacher's chest.


Russell screamed. He bucked. He clutched his ankles with his fingers. He torethe skin with his fingernails. His heavy muscles jumped beneath his skin. He sweat like a pig. He screamed like a woman. He whimpered, whined and begged like a dog. He licked. He lapped. He sucked the big hairy balls that pressed against his face. He tickled them with his screams. He kissed them while he begged. He whined and whimpered with his lips upon them. He blew his agonized breath across the bulging globes. He covered them with his spit.


The teacher's chest was covered with safety pins. They pierced his tits. They pierced his thick muscles. They overflowed his chest and ran down the thick ridges of his abdomen. Each pin was a center of a mound of bruised and bleeding flesh. Each pin was a center of pain. Each pin was punched and pulled and ground and twisted by Grady's cruel fingers. Each cruel manipulation tearing a grunt or groan or shriek from the teacher's aching throat.


Antwon was not to be outdone in cruelty. The big black wrestler played rough games with the safety pins piercing the teacher's cock. He pulled. He tugged. He flicked. He twisted. He slid the pins back and forth through the wounded flesh.


Russell's dick rose straight up from his crotch. Bruised and bloated from abuse, it stood up rock hard with arousal. The steel ring piercing its head and the dog tags hanging from the ring were minor ornaments. The safety pins closing its mouth, piercing its head and running down the hard shaft and bulging, chalk-packed belly were much more interesting. Antwon played with these. His thick black fingers flicked the shiny nickel-plated pins. He pulled them. He twisted them them. He slid them back and forth inside their fleshy sheaths.


As Russell screamed, Tommy pulled his hips back. The big Irish wrestler's balls dropped from the teacher's lips. He pushed his drooling dick down. He drove it into the teacher's gaping mouth.


Russell choked. He gasped. His sucked. He slurped. He swallowed.


Tommy drove his hot slab of Irish beef down the teacher's throat. He fucked hard. He fucked fast. He slapped his balls against the forehead of the teacher's upturned face.


"You missed a spot...."


Grady laughed as he handed Antwon some more safety pins.


"Where?" Antwon asked as he looked at the teacher's dick.


The hard prick was pierced from lips to root with safety pins.


"You don't want his balls to feel left out," Grady suggested with a laugh. "Them puppies want the same thing that his dog's got."


"Fucking shit," Antwon grinned a pearly evil grin, "I forgot about them mother fuckers."


Antwon captured one of the teacher's bound nuts between his big black thumb and forefinger. He stretched the bruised scrotal skin tightly over the swollen ball. He took a safety pin. He pressed the point into the bruised skin.


Every muscle in Russell's body tensed. He wanted to fight. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run. He could do nothing but suck the hard slab of dick meat fucking in and out of his throat.


He was stripped naked. He was laying on his back on his own desk in his own classroom. He was tied wrist to ankle. His throat was plugged with the hard cock of one of his own former students. His body was being tormented by the cruel hands of two young men who had been in his power for a whole school year. He was at their mercy now. They had none. He could only suck cock. He could suffer. He could scream.


Russell then fearfully crouched down and inhaled the white wrestler Grady’s bare feet deeply, much to the amusement of Antwon.


"Now lick Grady’s feet!" the black captor ordered.


Russell had obeyed. The young white wrestler’s feet were dirty and salty with sweat and smelled of hot leather. The teacher dutifully licked the backs of Grady’s feet, and then between the toes and then his soles. He even sucked the wrestler’s big toe. And as he did this, he noticed the observing Antwon rubbing his unit with a blissful expression on his black face. By the time Russell was finished sucking on Grady’s toes, the black wrestler had a pulsating erection.


The captive teacher continued sniffing and licking Grady’s bare feet and sucking on the white wrestler’s filthy toes. If he didn't suck with enough intensity, Antwon kicked the older prisoner in his balls, often sending Russell into spasms of crotch-fire pain.  He sniffed and sucked Grady’s already saliva-drenched feet until the observing Antwon’ penis exploded in a shower of milky jizz!


To be continued