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A Little Too Far

by Willy

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My friend and I were friends as long as I can remember he is 3 years older than me he is cool but the best thing about him is his FEET!! Yes he has amazing size 9.5 feet his second toe is longer than his big toe, which is so hot and on his fourth toe and pinkie toe on his left foot, half of his toenail is covered with a little bruise that happened when he bumped his foot against a table when he was little.

We always hang out and chill at his house…I mostly hang out at his house so he can fall asleep and I can suck on his toes.

So one day we where at his house and we where watching the history channel in his room. He took of his shoes a few minutes later but not his socks…which IRRITATED ME SO MUCH I hate when he wears socks indoors or in summer when he doesn’t wear flip flops!

I tried to keep my temptation in, after that he wrapped himself in a blanket and kept warm

It was like 10:20 and he still hasn't fallen asleep and I was ready to give up 

"hey do you think_" I stopped talking…

I turned around to look at him and he was ASLEEP

My heart was pounding so hard and I took a deep breath and tried to uncover him but he covers his legs and feet tightly so it was a bit of a struggle to uncover his feet

I picked up his leg to get the cover and I did the same with the other and I saw his socked feet!

I gently removed his left sock and then his right one I touched his feet and they were so SOFT and beautiful my cock was calling me, I started to suck on his toes gleaming with my spit! while I massaged the other! I began to suck on his other foot I licked it up and down in between his toes ahh it was heaven I must of have been sucking on those toes for at least 10 minutes!!

I guess I was a little too excited because accidentally I had all his toes in my mouth and I bit all of them real hard

He made a sound of pain as he woke up

He saw me with his feet on my lap

"what are you doing" he asked

I thought of something quick "uh…you told me you wanted a foot massage but then you fell asleep"

"But why did you bite them"he asked

"fine ok"I said "I like your feet and u never appreciate what you got I mean you always hide them with socks I mean like let them breath for a while wear flip flops"

"ok your weird" my friend said as he took his feet from my lap and put it near him as he started to massage his feet to relieve the pain

I nodded as I left his house.

We haven't talked since that day but someone told me that he got surgery on his feet because a bone was shifting his pinkie toe and how he had to walk on crutches because he can barely walk and he had to wear "special sandals" for a way to not really feel pain on his feet

I went to his house,opened the door with the spare key he gave me and I went to his room...he was there with his feet elevated on a pillow and his feet where covered in bandages but his toes where exposed

"What are you doing here" he asked

I stared at him for a few seconds as I pushed him off the bed

He landed on his side as his feet hit the floor "ahh"he cried

Then I started to stomp on his feet 

STOP he yelled

I didn't answer then I put all my weight on both of his feet

"OW OW OW" he screamed then he started to cry

After I stopped he was Layin on his back crying and holding on to his feet with the most gentleness

He probably thought I was gone but I grabbed a dictionary and threw it on his foot

AHHHH he screamed on pain while crying

And then I went into the kitchen grabbed some duct tape and closed his mouth and eyes so he won't speak or see

I started to suck on his toes one more time and them I took out some crazy glue and glued in between his toes in both feet

I took off both of the duct tape I put in his mouth and eyes as I left and I took his "special sandals" and all the socks in his drawer

He didn't notice though cause he was holding on to his feet like they were babies

And I left the house!

A year later my friend came to my house unannounced as I opened the door I saw him wearing skinny jeans and flip flops which caught me by surprise because for one he never wears flip flops and he always wears boot cut jeans

I let him inside the house

You were right he said

What do You mean I said

About me appreciating my feet he said now I know what you mean now I always wear flip flops mostly all the time

What about when you want to wear shoes I asked

"Well you screwed me over there" he said with a smile "I can't put one shoe without just feeling pain"

We both giggled as we where on the couch and he put his feet on my lap,

I looked at him

"go ahead"he said "I know you want to"

I DID actually so he turned on the tv as I was massaging the heck out of his feet and started to worship them, and he acting like nothing happening

So every time we meet up I always massage his feet and I bet he seems to enjoy the pleasure I give his feet.