The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Annual Physical Opportunity (BEGINNING)

by Chr Est

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Authors note:



This story is mostly fiction, inspired by previous interactions with men I've come across and served, my search for a doctor. Please feel free to guess which parts stemmed from truth and real events. If you've read other stories of mine, I feel it's necessary to say, this is kinda different from my past stories. Still fairly new to writing so trying things out. In any case, I sincerely hope you enjoy this new story.



All emails are welcome, be it critiques, feedback, or general comments. Do hope to hear from you.



Disclaimer: The following is an original story of fiction that contains a variety of consensual activities between adults.  All characters depicted are above 18 years of age.  If any of this content is offensive to you or is illegal to access in your area, please do not proceed.  If this offends you, please move on.






I've always considered myself to be relatively healthy, keeping a well balanced diet type of college student. My body was far from what I would ideally want - well defined muscles and a smaller flatter stomach - but I was still considerably fit for having a fairly lazy lifestyle.



In any case it was that time of year that I am considering scheduling an appointment with a doctor. Unfortunately, I am needing a new doctor. For so long I've been going to my pediatrician, probably longer than I should've been, people say I look young for my age so other than the clinic staff no one really questioned the teenager waiting to see the doctor.



But last year, it just no longer felt comfortable, though my doctor and staff was still nice to me, they would naturally treat me like a child and wanting to be treated more like a man as I'm about to graduate from college, here I am searching online for a doctor.



How do people do this, I wondered.



I've never had to search for one for myself. What am I supposed to look for? How do I know if they'll be nice and not judgemental? These thoughts scared me.



So as I searched online, I noticed some doctors promoting that they're LGBT friendly. Figuring they'll be open minded that it could absolutely be a safe space. So I narrowed my search for those that called that out specifically on their profile.



Scrolling through the pages and their reviews, I eventually came across a profile of one Dr, Trevor Samuels. His profile was impressive, an alumni of a prestigious University, graduated summa cum laude - a goal I had foregone due to the bad habits that developed freshman and sophomore years while still maintaining good, just not great, grades. His personal biography highlighting his active lifestyle. The reviews talk about how great of a listener he is, his very supportive nature, dedication to his job, heck even a sense of humor that relaxed the most anxiety riddled patient.



But let's be honest, his picture is what drew me in. His website had a picture of him in his white coat, pearly white and perfect smile, the jawline of some men's dreams with stubble that appeared perfectly aligned and maintained. Hair so sleek and perfectly styled. His broad shoulders. But as I scrolled down his bio he had pictures of him hiking in shorts, a backpack and hiking boots, that smile that my mind treated as a smirk. In this picture though, his musculature was stunning, perfectly sculpted chest, arms and legs. The hair on his chest, his glistening hairy pit, the treasure trail that pointed and drew the attention downwards to what I interpreted as his bulge pointing down, bringing my attention to his hairy muscular legs but truly what caught my attention was his huge feet in those boots. How I found myself getting jealous of a mere object, to be able to caress and support his feet as he went on these hikes, providing them with the cushion this god of a man rightfully deserved, absorbing his sweat and most of all, his scent.



The thoughts swirled about in my head, feeling myself get a physical reaction, that with no hesitation scheduled an appointment, which luckily he had an opening next Friday after my class gets out. After all, who says sex doesn't sell in an ad.



So there it was, my first adult doctor's appointment was scheduled.



Though I would've normally given it more though and attention on my decision, I started feeling lightheaded, maybe from the blood swelling up elsewhere. It kept me from second guessing my decision as would be normal.






The days leading up to the appointment were nothing exciting, my mind focused on classes and studying up for finals, locking myself up at home or settling in my little corner nook in the library giving a great vantage point of the floor. Occasionally gawking at the feet in all forms of dress, but with the warmer weather bare feet in flip flops and socked slides of the men I considered my betters. Always looking out the window the moment their head began to turn towards my direction. Lost in my imagination being underfoot as they studied or relaxed. These thoughts filled my imagination, though I had never experienced let alone had the courage to do something like that before.






Friday, finally came.



My professor was going about best habits for dealing with the final paper of the year, my paper was already nearly done so I just zoned out, looking at one of the jock's socked feet, in class as he propped his foot up on the chair. His foot wiggling and flexing about. Toes scrunching. If I looked hard enough maybe I could catch a brief whiff of his foot scent, cause after all his once white socks looked like they've been well used.



In any case, the class came to a close, my member feeling like it's gotten a bit of a semi, not that it was noticeable, I gathered my things when the reminder notification popped up on my phone.



I had totally blocked off the thought. But with the thought of Dr Samuels it was no longer just a semi but at full mast, causing me to rush out of class and over to my appointment.






I arrived at the clinic, still feeling swelled up. My heart started to beat faster with the nervousness, the anxiety I was feeling, overwhelmed in my thoughts, thinking maybe I shouldn't have picked out the first hottest doctor there was.



It was time to face the music and so I opened the door.



A gush of air from the room brushed against my skin, calming me for a moment until I saw him at the front desk.



Something however felt off, why would Dr Samuels be manning the desk. Not only that stood out he looked ever so slightly different. Before I could put my finger on it, the man's deep voice shook me to my core.



“Hi there, don't be scared we here won't bite, too hard at least,” a deep guttural laugh to his own joke, “you must be our new patient. Just needing you to fill out some forms then the doctor will see you.”



I must have just been staring too long as he asked, “hey bud, are you ok?” Staring back at me, “oh, you must be feeling confused I'm Duke, not the doctor, I'm his brother. I help run the clinic, cause outside of medicine and other things, he wouldn't have a clue what he's doing.”



Shaking me out of my confusion but also keeping me from developing more of a crush on this man, “uh yeah, sorry was wondering exactly that, you guys look quite alike huh.”



“Ha, yeah man, we get that a lot, doesn't help that we work out together so we end up with nearly similar builds. But here are the forms.”



As I was filling out the form another man arrived at the clinic. I was awestruck, he was beautiful, if I didn't know any better he could've been a model, “hey Duke.”



“Devin, long time no see, looks like you scheduled at an appointment with our ever so reliable Physician's Assistant, Quinton,” as Duke was saying this, yet another stunning man came out, playfully punching him in the arm.



Quinton greeted Devin and exchanged pleasantries, the three of them talking about last night's game before taking him back.



“Hey buddy, how are you doing over there, let me know if you have any questions, yeah?”



“Uh s-sure! Almost done.”



“Attaboy,” flashing me a smirk.



I handed him the forms, as he flipped through the pages  “good boy, I'll get these settled and the doctor will be with you in a moment, he's just wrapping up with another patient.”



“No worries. Thanks Duke!”



“You got it bud,” he said, as I sat staring.



“Hey bud, seriously though, you ok? Your forms didn't mention anything too concerning, scared of doctors, huh, well you don't need to be nervous,” he assured me.



“Thanks, yeah, I guess that's it…” but before I could continue with that thought I held my tongue, “you work out a lot huh?”



“Yeah bud, me and Trev go to the gym after we close up here, like I said we have similar builds but he'll deny it when I say mines better than his,” laughing once again.



“Excuse me, did I hear that right, I'm sure you don't think you have a better build than I do,” as Dr Samuels came around the corner behind Duke, bopping him on the head with some papers. It was only then that Duke finally stood up alongside his brother. The two of them were not only muscular but tall too. The door to the inner clinic opened and out came yet another beauty, but this time a young lady.



Dr Samuels continued, “alright, Laura, let's do a follow up in 3 months to see how things are working out and do additional blood work. Have a great weekend ok, don't go too crazy,” as he headed to the back.



They finished up some paperwork and payments, Duke seemed to have been whispering to someone in the back, as the door opened and yet another stunner came out, but this time with a more athletically toned build, “hey, I'm Nick, the nurse here. Let's get some measurements and your vitals so the doctor can see you.”



If there was ever a moment that I wanted to simply melt away now was the time. I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb. Every single person that crosses the threshold of this clinic was beautiful while I was basically average. Actually if everyone here is drop dead gorgeous, as the average, maybe I'm ugly, I thought as I followed Nick to the back.



He guided me onto the scale measuring my weight then height, probably sensing something as my self esteem continued to crash, he put his hand on the small of my back emanating warmth, when I started to smell a bit of musk, “it's ok little buddy, you're safe,” as my head turned to him, falling under the control of his eyes but with that sweet dirty musk i was smelling may have been escaping through the short sleeves of his scrubs.



He then guided me to the room and to have a seat. He took some vitals, but as he was sitting down, “hey man, hope you don't mind, my feet are killing me, did 5 miles this morning then have been busy on my feet ever since coming into work,” as he popped off his shoes and a cheesy smell filled the small closed up room, eyes focused on me as he began to ask the usual questions.



I mindlessly answered his questions, my eyes fixated on his wiggling toes, breathing in nothing but the scent of his feet. My body began to feel weak but his questions didn't let up until he was done, “alright it was nice meeting you bud, the doctor will be with you in a moment,” giving me a firm handshake that left my hand sore, popping his feet back into his shoes, opening the door, only to close it as he left leaving the aroma locked in the room.



I found myself taking deep breaths, the scent filling me up until the scent itself got faint. My body began to tingle, practically throbbing in my pants. I started to wonder, with the little mental strength I had left, if this was a mistake.



A knock on the door came, before the door knob twisted and the door opened.



In walked Dr Trevor Samuels.



As I gawked at his physique, that smile and his own big feet, I noticed a different musk started to fill the room now that his own white coat was off and his short sleeved polo, reaching out his hand for a shake, “I'm Dr Samuels, but please call me Trevor, or Sir if you prefer haha,” leaving my already sore hand throbbing from his own firm handshake.



“Um yes, s-sir, nice to meet you.”



“Listen bud, Trevor was just telling me before I entered that you might have iatrophobia or a fear of doctors,” (that's not it or maybe I do,I thought) but before he could continue as his nose scrunched, “damn it Nick,” he said under his breath, sorry you had to put up with that he doesn't do that often or a lot but when he does he sure stinks up a room, probably told you how he has been on his feet,” when it seemed like a lightbulb moment went off, “you know maybe he had the right idea, hope you don't mind, I mean didn't seem like you did, but maybe it'll help with your fear! That way your mind can think of something else.”



Just then he popped off his own shoes, filling the room with a different sweet, savory, sweaty musk, his socks looking a bit sweat soaked and off white from wear.



The room filled up quickly with his foot scent, but there was something about it that was deliciously sweet and tickled my senses. My heart started to beat faster. He took out his stethoscope and brought to my front and back torso, “little buddy, I know it can be scary but relax,” resting his hand on my shoulder before patting me on the back.



My mind was reeling, not knowing how to cope, haven't been this close let alone spent time with such godly men that I struggled and found myself taking deep breaths.He finished up some checks along with his questions.



“Alright last question, bud.”



“Yes s-Sir?”



“Well first off haha I was just joking about the sir, not saying you have to stop, I kinda like it haha, but bud tell me when was the last time you released?”



“Um what?”



“You know, masturbated?”



“Not sure S-Sir, just been so focused on classes so couldn't say.”



“Ah, maybe that would explain the rager you have had. Be mindful about that, though it's normal you don't want to ignore it, especially if it goes for too long. It could cause damage if you keep ignoring it and it could be a good stress reliever during finals week. If you don't, don't make me help you out with that, haha. What year are you in?”






“Man I remember that, good for you keeping yourself in check, between you and me I was pretty relaxed that year, grades were good, med school was on lock, and maybe was getting my own stress relief more often than I needed haha. What are your plans after?”



“Not sure S-Sir, have been putting out applications for jobs or internships.”



“I'm sure a bright little thing like you will get it figured out. Well let me hand you back to Nick to draw up some blood so you can relax. But doctor's offices aren't too bad right?”



Before I could respond, Nick was back and Trevor was putting his shoes back on, “ha! You see boss, it feels good to let them air out and relax right?”



Chuckling, “fine, but be mindful of when you do it.”



Nick placed his hand on my back guiding me to the lab, once again wrapped up in his pit stink, making me feel light headed once more.



As he began to get set up and draw blood, his pecs bounced about, a foot landing on my own, I assumed he didn't notice but it got me from thinking about the needle and what was happening.



Soon as he wrapped up, he stepped hard on my toes before turning and putting away the vials.



“Alright bud, good job today.”



He guided me to the door.



I entered the reception area.



Duke smiled, “proud of you boy, I know it was scary but you made it, let's schedule a follow up this time next week. We like to schedule a follow up for new patients to go over the results of the lab work and to discuss future plans.”



“Sure s-sir.”



His eyes perked up, “haha Trev is so lame, he does that, you really don't have to continue that, unless you want to.”



He extended his hand before giving his own firm squeeze, “it really was nice meeting you. See you next week.”






So I left and headed back to my place, nearly rushing.



Plopped on the bed, unable to process what happened. I knew I was drawn to feet but this is too much, it was like I could still smell them. *Throb*



I began to think, do I have that io-something phobia they kept mentioning. I don't think I ever got scared from my last doctor or that clinic. But what if I do, maybe cause I've been going to the same place and learned to be comfortable there? Maybe I can learn to be comfortable here too. Man, sometimes others know more about you before you do huh, I said to myself.



But seriously what is up with that clinic I don't think I saw any normies there. Do they just not go there?



I mean their smiles, their builds, their voices, their touch, damn it even the smells.






Hearing the voice of a man, “stress relief”.






Hearing his voice ringing in my ears, Oh yeah, that's right, and so I did. But before I could fully get started, it spurted out with a force, hitting me on the cheek, feeling my body spasm. Letting it sink in before falling asleep on my bed.






The week leading up to my appointment was different, I was noticing every man's pair of feet with high detail. Walking closely behind or to the side of them to try and catch a whiff.



When Friday finally arrived.



Though a part of me questioned the decision to keep going to that clinic, my feet moved with a mind of its own until I found myself at the door of the clinic.



I entered.



“Hey little buddy, you made it. We were worried that you'd opt out with how scared you seemed,” Duke said with a smirk.



“Um hi Duke,” noticing a nice old lady finishing up a check that she was writing.



“Thanks Duke, such polite men you all are, be good ok” as she walked out



“Bud, Trev will be out in a minute. Till then, how's classes been going? I heard from Trev that you've been on the hunt for a job, any prospects?”



“Classes are good, I did have one, but I think I messed up the interview, just got so nervous, the interviewer…” catching myself before I could say how hot the man was, “was intimidating and asked questions I apparently wasn't ready for.”



“Awe, I'm sure a good little boy like you will figure it out.”



Before anything else could be said, the door opened and out came Dr Samuels, “you're here! Let's head on back.”



Noticing my hesitation, he guided me back to the same small room, along the way noticing that other rooms had a bit more space.



We both took a seat.



He gave me a look and said, “good boy looks like you took my advice and took care of yourself,”apparently noticing my non-existent bulge.



Blushing, I avoided his gaze and got tongue tied, while feeling butterflies at hearing good boy. What's going on with me I thought.



“I have your results, but before we go over them, sorry boy, the dogs are howling and needing to be freed, Nick made me join him on his run this morning saying he'd skip out on work today if I didn't. It's best to humor him sometimes. But now these shoes are killing me.”



His heel barely came out of the shoe and an intense aroma once again filled the clean aired room. “Whew that's bad, but you don't mind right, remember it's just a way for your mind to focus on something else instead of your deep seated fear.”



As the room quickly filled up with the eye watering scent.



He leaned back in his chair raising his feet to the space to my left on the exam table crossing his feet at the ankles. The smell was more intense here. As he flipped through the pages, his sole brushed against my thin chino covered thigh, practically leaving a wet spot that felt cold after the contact was removed.



“Alright bud, your results look good. Your cholesterol is a bit high so we would want to keep an eye on that, but it's still in normal range so keep up what you're doing and maybe avoid processed food to see if that changes anything. If something comes up or you have any concerns give us a call and we'll get through it together, alright?”



“Sure thing Tr-s-sir!”



A smirk grew on his face. “Alright. You have a great day, let Duke know you're good to go.” He sunk deeper into the chair relaxing.



“He-hey Duke, Dr Samuels said I'm good to go.”



“Where's Trev?”



“Oh he's in the room I believe?”



“That guy.”



“Cool well if there's nothing else I'll be on my way,



“Hey before you go, thought I'd ask you. You seem to be a bright little boy, you're polite and respectful. You're a bit agreeable and that could be a good thing. While you were back there, I was thinking, what if you work here?”



I was shocked, his smile was so sweet and comforting, I looked at his body, and maybe he noticed as his chest flexed a bit.



“Umm I couldn't I wou-”



“Nah bug, I'm sure you'll do great, think of this as a win-win I'll get some help out here and you'll have a job. But not only that, after your last visit me and Trev were talking over some beers and it made me think,” he paused, “hey Trev come out here will ya?”



“Man what is it, was gonna take a nap before we clean up and hit the gym then go out tonight? Oh hey little buddy, you're still here.”



“I was telling our little friend here to come work with us. But wanted to get your thoughts, being his doctor. My thought was, if he gets repeated exposure, maybe it'll help with his fear of doctors and medical offices. We, well mostly I'll get some help but I guess we all will, he'll have a job and work on moving past his fear. What do you think?”



“Bro, you don't have many good ideas, but I like this one.” Then turning to look at me, “So what do you say bud, you want the job?”



I hesitated, sure I need a job, but it's intimidating, I'm out of place. Sure after seeing that lady patient of theirs, it's comforting they do get normal people. But I'd stick out and not in a good way.



“Bud I know it's scary, but we want to help you out. Tell you what don't say no. Think it over. Focus on your classes and graduate. If you still don't have any prospects then come work for us. Remember it's a scary world and like you said some interviews, if not all will be intimidating, this way you can build experience and some additional social exposure while working out your fears. Give us a call day or night, if we don't answer, just leave a message saying you're in and I'll give you a call and we can talk about your start day. Till then have a great weekend boy.”



Before I could say anything else the two of them turned, walked away, talking to each other, their voices becoming more and more faint.



And so I left along with the scent of Dr Samuels feet lingering in my nose. Or maybe it was caked in from when his sweaty foot touched my thigh, visiting coating it with sweat.







Classes ran their course.



Spending countless hours wrapping up assignments, papers and studying for the upcoming finals. Of course I wasn't short of distractions. The height of spring was upon us, the weather fully warming up. The men on campus walking about in shorts, muscle tees, and their slides or flip flops. Sweat glistening on their skin. Manly musk that engulfed my thoughts.



Finals, I thought, reminded me of the brothers and their job offer. Reminiscent of the scent of both the doctor and nurse.



I shook my head, trying to free my thoughts. I cozied into my library nook once again.



Clicking the button on my laptop touchpad. There, my graduation application has been submitted. Now it's time to put in a few more applications out there,I thought.



I had a few interviews that didn't pan out. Thankfully I had another scheduled this afternoon.



I finished submitting my applications, got ready, and headed for the interview.



The recruiter greeted me at the door, some mild pleasantries. She asked me a few questions about my interests and experiences. “Perfect, I think you could certainly fit in here, just answer as confidently as you did and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you here,” she smiled warmly, “now sit tight and I'll send in the hiring manager.”



The door clicked closed as she left me in the room.



I comforted myself in knowing she thought highly of me that I could work here. I could definitely build experience and from what it looks like this office would provide great benefits and job advancement.



Before I could think of anything further, the door swung open and a man in his mid to late thirties walked in. His entire vibe exuded confidence. His walk, his stature, his physique. His dress shirt had been rolled up to his biceps, the hair on his strong forearms. The closer he got to the table caused a musky sweaty scent to hit my senses.



He extended his hand out, stretching his arm, and exposing a pit stain soaked in sweat, “hi, I'm Aaron Lopez,” his deep voice shaking my confidence.



My eyes caught his intimidating gaze, causing me to look away, a glimpse at his straight pearly smile, then directing my attention back to the sweaty armpit of his “Uh, um, very nice to meet you Mr Lopez.”



“Please Aaron is fine, Rebecca, has been filling me in, you have excellent grades and your perspective on things align with our company culture. But if you would be hired, you'll be reporting to me, so with that I have a few questions.”



Oh wow, he could be my boss? I thought. The dark spot in his pits had a wide diameter almost reaching the spot where I was guessing would be his nipple.



The scent of him obscured my thoughts.



“- so what do you think?”



“Hey boy, cat got your tongue?”



“Listen, if you're going to work for me, I need to know you'll pay attention, so let's hear your answer.”



Oh no, I thought. “I'm so sorry, just a bit of nerves, you were asking for my thoughts on?”



He leaned back, exposing his flexed arms. If I wasn't mistaken, did he just flex his chest? Watching his strong fingers tapping on the desk before, SLAM, his palm hit the desk.



“Boy! This isn't going to be a good fit. Let's save both of our time. Thanks for coming in.”



“I'm sorry Sir, is there anything I can do?”



“No boy, well on second thought,” he gave me a look over, “repeat back what I had just explained and my question.”



Staring at him blankly, “uh umm uh”



“Exactly, well boy, I wish you the best, if I think of a role for you, I'll give you a call,” he stood up, “I'm sure you know your way out.”



With that he turned for the door, glanced over at me, a smirk on his face, “my advice get your staring problem in check,” pausing, “boy.” A quick flex before leaving completely.



I must have been red as a tomato. The warmth of embarrassment burning throughout my body. I saw myself out quickly.






Finals came and went.



Graduation finally came as well.



Had a few more interviews, but unfortunately nothing worked out. My confidence was shattered, I couldn't look anyone in the eye. My voice was shaky. With every interview, I couldn't muster up the courage to move past that interview.



Female interviewers had tough questions.



Male interviewers left me feeling confused, hot or not. To them I absolutely couldn't make eye contact. Trying to listen and answer to the best of my ability, which I admit was lacking.



I sent thank you letters to no avail. After my interview, radio silence.



So it went.



I lazily laid around for 2 weeks, waiting, hoping for a call, any money I had saved up was nearly running dry.



“Give us a call, day or night,” rang in my head.



Maybe that will be my best option after all. After all, maybe I do have something phobia.















“Dr Samuels’ office, Duke speaking.”



Duke, his voice, something about just hearing it through the phone was both comforting and nerve wracking.



“Hello? If this is an emergency please hang up and call 911”



“Hello? Anyone there?”



“S-sorry about that Duke, I'm calling to see if that of-cough-offer is still available.”



“Oh hey little bug, thought I recognized the number, for you, the job is yours, what's today - that's right, Tuesday, pay period ends this week. Let's have you start on Monday - I'll see you then.”



“Thanks Duke, anything I should know?”



“Nah we'll talk about it here, just wear comfortable clothes, you won't really be interacting with the patients, so feel free to wear jeans or better yet those chinos. See you then.”





Without awaiting any further response he ended the call.



Oh! He didn't say what time to show up, pulling up my laptop and their website.



They open at 9.






Come Sunday night, I was a mess.



Nerves, anxiety, anticipation building up in me. I ironed my chinos and a T-shirt, then set off for bed.



I laid awake, overcome with my thoughts.



The clock displayed 1:12.



Eventually I fell asleep.






Eyes closed, trying to get a bit more sleep.






Fine, let's just get ready.



I showered, got dressed, brushed my hair, grabbed a bagel and headed out.



There I was standing outside the locked front door. Pulling out my phone, where it displayed 6:09.



Maybe I should've called back and asked what time to show up. Grabbing a seat on the concrete leaning against the door.  Little less than 3 hours.



Annual Physical Opportunity  (CONCLUSION)