The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Slopeside Slave to Three Cocky Teens

by AsherEmerald

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I’ll never forget the weekend during my freshman year of high school when I found myself being forced to serve as a foot slave for three cocky teenage jocks (who I had thought were my friends) up in the mountains of Colorado.


When I was growing up, my parents and I moved around a lot for my dad’s job. Always having to adjust to new towns and schools wasn’t easy for me, especially as I got older. I had no siblings, so I got used to being lonely. I was usually able to make one or two friends in each new place, but other than that, I mostly kept to myself.


During the summer before my freshman year in high school, we moved again, this time to Denver, Colorado. Our house happened to be next door to a kid my age named Sam. Sam quickly became my best friend. We spent the summer hanging out around our block, riding bikes, hiking, playing video games, going swimming, stuff like that. Sam was blonde, had piercing blue eyes, and was extremely athletic. He was a natural at almost any sport he tried, and he played almost all of them.


By contrast, I was mediocre in almost every respect. I had an average build, brown hair, and brown eyes. The only sport I played was soccer, and unlike Sam, I was just okay at it - barely good enough to be second string on our high school team. But despite being extremely well liked by all the popular kids and jocks at our school, Sam was more of a quiet type like me. I think that’s why we got along so well.


Around this time I started to notice I had an attraction to other guys’ feet. Every now and then I caught myself staring at Sam’s bare or socked feet, whether we were swimming or just hanging out in his room. I imagined what it would be like to be under them and feel his weight pressing down on me. Of course, I would never do anything to act on it and would be terrified if anyone found out.


Eventually the school year got started, and I got to know some of the other kids at our school. In particular, Sam introduced me to his two best friends who had been away for the summer, Henry and Charlie. The three of them were a super tight knit group before I got there. Henry was loud, cocky, and handsome. He was a classic class clown type who everyone liked. Not to mention his muscular build, tanned skin, and sparkling green eyes. All the girls were definitely interested in him, but not as much as they were interested in Charlie.


Charlie was the ring leader of the group, and probably the most popular guy in our grade. He was simply beautiful. He was extremely fit, with curly brown hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin with a lightly freckled face, and a devious smile that made all the girls in our grade melt, and even made adults look the other way when he bent the rules. He wasn’t particularly tall, but he was lean and well-toned and carried a carefree, boyish confidence that made everyone want to be his friend. He was the star forward of the soccer team, even better than Sam and Henry. He exuded confidence, but not in a loud obvious way like Henry did. It was almost like he knew he had everyone in the palm of his hand, but he didn’t need to intentionally draw attention to himself in order to exert it. Instead, he mostly let Henry be the center of attention, laughing along and adding his own opinions and jokes occasionally.


Because I had become friends with Sam, I got to hang out with their trio every now and then. I would sometimes sit with them at lunch or hang out with them when they came to Sam’s house after soccer practice to play video games and talk about girls. I could tell Charlie and Henry didn’t like me very much, but they tolerated me being around, especially because Henry often made me the butt of his jokes, which usually entertained Charlie.


It wasn’t until an unusually warm day in September that they really asserted their dominance over me for the first time. After soccer practice, the four of us were at Sam’s house playing Mario Kart. Sam’s room had one small couch in front of a TV, but the couch only fit three people. I collapsed tiredly into the center seat of the couch for one second before I heard Henry say “Oh hell no” as he forcefully grabbed my shoulders and wrenched me sideways onto the floor.


“Chill bro,” Sam said to Henry through a laugh.


“He just needs to respect my spot,” Henry said through a cocky smile as he collapsed into the couch.


“Jesus, that’s fine with me. Take it if you care so much,” I said, trying to maintain some dignity. Charlie just smirked as he settled into his spot on the couch, like he barely noticed what was going on.


Eventually we settled in and started playing Mario Kart, and of course, I ended up sitting on the floor at their feet while the three of them sat in their usual spots on the couch. Since we had just got back from a long, hot practice, everyone was still wearing their sweaty clothes and socks and Sam’s room reeked pretty bad, especially from my spot on the floor. But I tried to not let it distract me. The three of them were extremely competitive and were much better than me at pretty much everything (sports, girls, popularity), but the one thing I was decent at was Mario Kart.


At the end of one race, I was leading with Henry right behind me. As we rounded the last corner, he lifted his sweaty socked right foot and forcefully planted it on the right side of my neck, shoved me down into the carpet, then planted both feet firmly onto my face, smothering my face and forcing me to smell his still-damp feet. Of course, this threw me off and he passed me to finish first. Charlie burst out laughing as I struggled to remove Henry’s feet, which he held firmly planted on my face with his impressive strength, even though the race was over. As I struggled, the smell overwhelmed me. The second hottest jock in our grade was pinning me down with his strong sweaty feet as the other two laughed.


“Ugh bro what the heck?” I said as I finally freed myself from under his weight, trying to hide the boner that had started to form in my shorts. All three of them were laughing pretty hard at this point, even Sam.


“I don’t know what to tell you bro. I did what I had to to win.” Henry said with a smirk.


“God, your feet are so disgusting.” I wiped away the remainder of Henry’s foot sweat from my face and did my best to act as though I was repulsed. I was terrified one of them might discover my secret.


“Yeah they better be. We all just ran for two straight hours. My feet are killing me. Why don’t you give them a little massage? You’re already down there,” Henry said. He started to lift his feet to my face as Charlie and Sam started to laugh again.


“Fuck no,” I said, pushing his leg away.


“Well someone’s gotta do it,” Charlie said, wearing his usual devious smile that always got him what he wanted. “I can’t be expected to sit here after scoring goals all day without getting a foot rub.” He smiled at Henry.


“Great point,” Henry said. “How about loser of the next race has to sit on the floor and massage the rest of our feet?” 


“Fine, but no cheating this time,” I said.


“I promise not to mess with you,” Henry said.


With that, we started the next race. I was extremely anxious. On one hand, I secretly desired nothing more than to be forced to serve each of these handsome jocks, especially while their feet were still damp from playing soccer in the hot sun. On the other hand, they knew I was most likely to win at Mario Kart and I couldn’t be seen to be throwing the race or it would be suspicious. I ended up keeping the lead for most of the race, until the last lap again. This time, Sam hit me with a red shell and knocked me down to third, with Henry behind me. I could tell Henry was getting uneasy, but at the last second I felt another leg, this time from my right, lift off the ground and kick the controller out of my hand. Henry passed me, leaving me in last.


“What the hell?” I complained as I turned toward Charlie, who was grinning devilishly while Henry cheered and Sam laughed.


“Henry promised not to mess with you. I never made any promises,” Charlie said. Then, leaning back and sighing confidently, he plopped both of his socked feet into my lap. “Now start massaging, foot bitch.”


Charlie grinned down at me while the other two burst out laughing, and even though part of me was ecstatic at the opportunity before me, I was still anxious about appearing to give in too easily. I tried to protest, but the other two of them started chanting “Foot bitch! Foot bitch! Foot bitch!” I looked back at Charlie. With that same satisfied smile still on his face, he lifted his foot toward my face, and I knew I had no choice but to obey him, even if I didn’t secretly want to. Once Charlie had made up his mind, there was no going against him.


Embarrassed, I slowly lifted Charlie’s perfect sweaty foot and began working my hands up and down his soles. The smell was intoxicating and I could feel my boner rising again. I almost couldn’t believe I was holding the feet of the hottest guy in our grade. I really did my best to give the young adonis the best massage I could.


“Good foot bitch” Charlie said to me as he leaned back and lifted his other foot to rest flat on my face. Laughing, Henry and Sam followed suit, all using me as a human footstool and propping their sweaty feet on any inch of my body they could reach.


“Guys, please, I can’t take this smell,” I pleaded under the weight of the three jock’s godly legs and feet.


“The longer you spend complaining, the longer you’ll be down there.” Charlie told me. The other two smirked and laughed, and I had no choice but to obey and attentively massage each of their feet until they were satisfied. After I finished with Charlie, he kept both feet planted on my face as I moved on to Henry, who kept kicking me and telling me to rub harder and trying to force his toes into my mouth. Even Sam got a kick out of it, peeling off his socks and whisking them around in my face when it was his turn, making me massage his beautiful feet bare.


After a while, even the entertainment value of forcing me to serve as their human footstool wore off, and they proceeded to chat about girls and scroll through their phones and barely acknowledged me as I worked below their feet.


Finally, after over an hour, Charlie got a call from his dad telling him to come home.


“Good job foot bitch,” Charlie said to me, roughly patting my cheek like I was his dog as he stood up.


Just like that, it was over. Henry got up to leave too, and I could hear the two of them laughing at the fun that they had had using me on their way down the stairs.


That night, I couldn't get the image of Charlie smirking down at me as he lifted his foot towards my face.




Months went by, and surprisingly, my dynamic with the three of them didn’t really change all that much. I still hung out with them when I could, and they of course would make their jokes and refer to the time I was their “foot bitch” every now and then, but that was barely an escalation of the way they normally treated me anyway. I was still there to be the butt of Henry’s jokes for the entertainment of Charlie. It stayed like that all the way until March, when everything changed.


Sam’s mom called mine and explained that the boys were all taking a ski trip that weekend, and invited me to come along. I had gone skiing one time since moving to Denver, but having grown up in Colorado and skiing all their lives, Charlie, Henry and Sam were already incredible skiers. Of course, I was no stranger to being inferior to them at sports, so I was still very excited for the trip.


That Friday, we drove into the mountains and pulled up in front of a nice condo only a short walk from the lifts. The condo only had two bedrooms, each with a king bed, and a couch in the living room. We planned to hit the slopes early the next morning and everyone was tired from the drive, so we all turned in fairly early. Charlie, Henry, and Sam all shared the king bed while I took the couch in the living room.


The next morning, we got up early and hit the slopes. Before Sam’s parents went off to ski on their own, I heard Sam’s mom make him promise to take it easy on the mountain today and not leave me behind. Of course, Charlie, Henry and Sam were almost impossible to keep up with. They took every run at almost twice the speed I could, showing off with jumps and skiing into the trees without me. To my credit, I was at least able to follow them around the mountain, even though they had to wait for me at the bottom almost every time. I could sense them losing patience with me.


Even for spring skiing in March, it was an unusually warm day up on the mountain. The sun was shining brightly and we all quickly got sweaty and overheated in our ski gear. By the end of the afternoon, Charlie, Henry, and Sam had taken off their jackets altogether and were skiing shirtless with only the suspenders of their ski pants looping around the top of their torsos. They all had well defined, muscular bodies, and they knew it. Henry made fun of me for not doing the same, but I didn’t have the confidence they did. I continued to sweat under my layers until we finally reached the end of the ski day.


At the top of our last run, I heard the three of them snickering to themselves. Anxious, I pulled up to them and asked what was going on.


“We just got a text from my mom,” Sam told me, holding out his phone so I could see. Apparently, his parents had run into another couple from their country club who had invited them to stay over at their house on the mountain that night. His mom had already ordered pizzas to the condo for our dinner and told Sam to “have fun and play nice”.


“It looks like we have the condo to ourselves tonight, so we figured we’d bring back an old bet just for old time’s sake,” Henry said, smiling at me evilly.


“Yup, last person to the bottom gets to be our foot bitch all night!” Charlie said as the three of them burst out laughing and immediately started skiing down before I could even respond.


I tried to argue but they were already gone. Of course, I had absolutely no chance of catching up to them. By the time I got to the bottom, I couldn’t believe how sweaty I was, especially my feet, which I could tell were absolutely drenched after being trapped inside my warm hard ski boots all day. I couldn't even imagine how soaked the others’ feet were after all the jumps and advanced terrain they had done all day.


“Welcome back, foot bitch,” Charlie said as I walked into the condo. They had left the mountain without me and were already seated on the couch in the living room with their ski boots still on. “I hope you’ve been working on your foot bitch skills because my feet are aching HARD after skiing all day. Get over here. These boots aren’t gonna take off themselves.”


Humiliated, I walked over to the couch and knelt down in front of Charlie while the others cracked up. I couldn’t believe how gorgeous he looked, sitting there shirtless, smiling cruelly down at me. He extended his left ski boot and I started unbuckling the straps.


“Hurry the fuck up, I don’t have all day,” he quipped to more laughs from the others. I sped up and removed his boot as quickly as I could, revealing his perfect socked foot, absolutely drenched in his warm sweat. The heavy stench hit me immediately, rising up from both his foot and his empty boot, so much stronger and fresher than that day after soccer practice.


“How does it smell?” he asked smiling, as he forcefully dabbed my face with his sopping wet sock.


I pretended to gag and turned away. “Ugh, terrible! Please Charlie, don’t-”


“Good,” Charlie said as he grabbed my hair and forced my face down as far as he could shove into his open ski boot which was still on my lap. I felt him replace his hand with his socked foot on top of my head and press down harder as he began unbuckling his other boot while the others erupted in laughter. The smell was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The inside of his boot was soaked with his sweat, and the warm humid air reeked deeply with his musky scent, so heavy I almost passed out. My senses were totally overwhelmed. I couldn’t focus on anything other than the sharp pressure of the damp foot on my head and the putrid smell of Charlie’s feet.


“I wanna hear long, deep breaths,” Charlie said loudly over the sounds of the others laughing and unbuckling their boots as well. With my head trapped under his foot, I had no choice but to obediently inhale the putrid smell, filling my lungs with long deep breaths, making sure they were loud enough for Charlie to hear. Charlie and the others almost lost control, they were laughing so hard now. I felt Charlie add his other foot to the top of my head, followed by the freshly soaked feet of the jocks sitting on either side of him. I was completely at their mercy, kneeling down in front of them, breathing in Charlie’s stench as they all laughed and stomped on the back of my head and neck.


Once Charlie was finally satisfied that I had inhaled enough from his boot, he and the others mercifully lifted their feet and allowed me to come up, coughing and gulping the fresh air.


“Please, no more, I really don’t think I can take-” I began, but Charlie cut across me.


“You better buckle in because you have a loooong way to go. You haven’t even given us our foot rub yet.” Charlie smiled happily down at me like I was his obedient dog, and despite how humiliated I felt, there was a part of me who wanted to serve this gorgeous jock and make him happy.


“You’re lucky you’re even here,” Henry said as he kicked his sweaty foot at my face. “We wouldn't even have invited you if Sam’s mom didn’t do it on her own. The least you can do is take your job as foot bitch seriously. Now get over here. You’re gonna breathe all the smell out of my boots next.”


Without waiting for me to comply, Henry leaned forward, grabbed my shoulders, flipped me around, and slammed my back into the couch right below him. His muscular legs wrapped tightly around my chest, hooking his ankles above my stomach and pinning my head between his thighs which he squeezed tightly. He grabbed his ski boot and held it firmly over my up-turned face, pushing my head into his crotch. Without even being instructed, I began to breathe in Henry’s stench, which was somehow more even potent than Charlie’s.


“Good bitch. Breathe deeper! I want all the smell from my boots to be gone by the time you’re done,” Henry commanded while the others snickered again. Under his boot, I tried to focus on obeying Henry with deeper breaths and avoid breaking down as I felt some tears began to form in my eyes. I told myself all I had to do was survive this last boot, massage each of their feet to their satisfaction like I did that day after practice, and everything could go back to normal.


I had no clue just how wrong I was.


From under Henry’s boot, I heard Charlie tell Sam to “go get the chairs”. I didn’t know what that was about and it was taking all of my focus just to keep my deep breaths from becoming shaky from the tears. The smell seemed to get worse and worse the longer I was trapped in there. I could feel all Henry’s remaining sweat from inside his boot start sliding down onto my face. I was sure soon it would completely overpower me and I would pass out. Finally, Henry lifted his boot from my face and the sounds of their laughs got louder again as fresh oxygen finally began to reach my brain again. My vision was blurry, but when it came back into focus I saw Charlie standing over me, looking down at my position pinned between Henry’s thighs, with two chairs from the kitchen table positioned on either side of me.


“Okay my feet can’t wait for their massage anymore. Lay down flat on the floor,” Charlie said.


“I can’t, Charlie. I need a break. Please, I almost passed out from the smell,” I begged.


“Oh, you can’t?” I heard Henry ask sarcastically from above me. He raised my chin with his right foot and looked down at me sardonically. “I guess that’s fine. As long as you want everyone to know about your time as our foot bitch.” The three of them laughed again.


“Oh yeah, we forgot to mention we’ve been making a little movie,” Charlie said. He planted his sweaty foot on my chest and leaned forward to show me his phone. I was shocked. He had a video of me from back in September, showing both of his feet planted on my face as I attentively massaged Henry’s with Sam’s propped up on my shoulders. He had a video from just a few minutes ago showing me breathing his stench from his boot as his feet rested on my head. You could hear him say “I want long, deep breaths” and see my chest begin to expand bigger as I complied. They even had a video of Henry torturing me with his boot, commanding me to breathe all of the smell out of them as I took the biggest breaths I could.


I was trapped. This wasn’t just three jocks having a little fun with their inferior friend anymore. I had no choice but to do exactly as they say, or they would expose my secret to everyone I knew.


I looked up at Charlie’s perfect face, which once again wore that devious freckled smile, his blue eyes sparkling with the fun he was having. “Charlie, please. I’ll do anything. Please don’t show anyone those videos.”


“You’ll do exactly what we tell you to.” Charlie said, leaning forward more, his smelly foot still compressing my chest under his weight.


I nodded.


“Say it. You’ll do exactly what we tell you to,” he repeated.


“I’ll do exactly what you tell me to.” I said.


“For as long as we tell you to,” he said.


“For as long as you tell me to.”


“Until we’re satisfied.”


I gulped and repeated meekly, “Until you’re satisfied.”


He smiled again. “Good foot bitch,” Charlie said. He briefly repositioned his foot from my chest to my face and pushed off to stand upright again. “Now lay down flat on the floor.”


Henry finally released me and stood up from the couch. I laid on my back with my head at the foot of the couch and the two kitchen chairs on either side of me. Charlie took Henry’s spot on the couch, and catching on, Sam and Henry sat in the chairs. With both his feet planted on my chest, Charlie leaned over and talked down to me.


“All of our feet ache now and we don’t want to take turns. Since you only have two hands and there’s three of us, you’re going to use your mouth to massage us as well. What are you going to do?”


“I’m going to use my mouth to massage you as well,” I repeated weakly.


“I can’t hear you!” Charlie said, adding pressure to my chest as his face lit up with joy at the way I submitted to him.


“I’m going to use my mouth,” I said louder. Henry burst out laughing to my right and I noticed he was filming me with his phone.


Charlie smiled. “Glad we’re all on the same page. Let’s get this show on the road,” he said as he peeled off his still-damp ski socks. It was the first time I had seen his bare feet. They were perfect in every way. His soles were soft and round with a perfect arch and toes. The bottoms were still red from skiing all day. Without further ado, he planted both of his bare feet onto my face. Defeated, I immediately started licking as he moved his feet up and down my face and leaned back, clearly enjoying himself. The salty taste was unpleasant, but I didn’t dare do anything that displeased him.


Meanwhile, Henry started stomping on my stomach from his chair. “Don’t forget about us, fag.” They all laughed as I quickly jumped into action, doing my best to massage Sam’s left foot in one hand and Henry’s right foot in the other. This was my new place now. I should have known I could never be real friends with these godly jocks. Even Sam. They always saw me as below them, and now they were enjoying treating me as such. As if it was normal, they started playing a game of Mario Kart on the living room TV while I served them from below. At first I had to focus to make sure I was adequately massaging both Sam and Henry while worshiping Charlie with my mouth, but eventually I thought I got the hang of it.


After they had been racing for a bit, Henry ripped his foot out of my hand and stomped down on my neck. “You made me mess up, bitch.” He kept his right foot on my neck and stomped down on my chest with his left. “Massage the other one now.” Sam followed suit, positioning his right foot on my neck and instructing me to rub his left. I really wanted to give these jocks the best massage I could, but they made it harder by crushing my neck or stomping on my chest every time they messed up in the game. When Charlie would mess up, he would slap my face with his bare foot, hard.


“Alright, my turn with my feet on the fag’s face,” Henry announced after a while. Charlie looked like he might tell Henry no for a second, then shrugged and said “Seems fair.”


Henry and Charlie switched spots and Henry said “I hope your licking is better than your rubbing.” He pulled off his sweaty socks and held them above my face, getting ready to wring them out. “Open your mouth,” he ordered. The others burst into laughter as I pleaded with him.


“Henry, please. Don’t make me.”


“Do it, unless you want me to start premiering our little movie.”


I reluctantly opened my mouth. He squeezed his socks like a lemon and a surprising amount of lukewarm salty sweat dripped onto my tongue as the other two filmed with their phones.


“Good little fag. Way to take it like a man.”


With that, he plopped his feet down on my face and I immediately got to work with my tongue, even more afraid of displeasing Henry than Charlie. Henry was much more physical and violent, foot slapping my face almost twice as much and often forcefully smushing my face to one side or the other when he got mad at the game. Then it was Sam’s turn. Then it was Charlie’s turn again.


I had been under their feet for over an hour now, worshiping each of them with all my energy. It was a long day of skiing and while the they had been snacking this whole time, I wasn’t given any food and was starting to feel weak. I didn’t know how much more I had in me. Finally, the doorbell rang. The pizza was here. Relieved, I thought I could finally get a break from the abuse. Charlie told Henry to go get the door, so he stood up by placing all his weight on my stomach, which made me crunch inward and stop worshiping Charlie’s feet for a second. Charlie immediately slapped me again with his foot and pinned my face sideways to the floor.


“Did I say you could stop?” He asked me.


“No. Sorry.” I replied quickly, and got back to licking. By the time Henry came back into the kitchen holding the pizzas, my tongue was numb from Charlie, Henry, and Sam’s foot sweat. Sam and Charlie each got up the way Henry did, using me as a human door mat. I meekly followed them into the kitchen, hoping they would at least let me get some pizza.


As I reached for a slice, Henry said, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You think you can touch our pizza with your hands after you’ve been rubbing our sweaty feet?”


“Sorry, I’ll wash them,” I said as I turned to the sink.


“No,” Charlie said as he pushed me back into the living room. “Go back to your spot on the floor. We’ll bring you your dinner.”


Nervously, I did what I was told and sat down at the foot of the couch and chairs again. Charlie and the others came back holding an empty paper plate and tossed it down in front of me.


“Get on your hands and knees,” Charlie said to me. Terrified, I did as I was told. Then Charlie surprised me by tossing down a piece of pizza onto the plate.  When I reached for it he said “Nuh uh uh. Hold up. Since you’ve already been dining on our feet this evening, we thought we’d go ahead and add a little extra seasoning since we know how you like it.”


Horrified, I watched as he planted his bare foot on my pizza and smothered it, breaking up the cheese and sauce. Then he said “Look up at me.” I raised my head and he planted the same foot on my face, rubbing it all over and getting the grease and sauce from the pizza off while I obediently held still for him. The others laughed even harder yet, still filming on their phones. When he was done, Charlie pointed to the pizza.


“Eat it,” he ordered.


Again, I was close to tears. All I ever wanted was to be Charlie’s friend. I couldn't believe the amount of power he had over me. I could feel my brain being slowly rewired to immediately obey any command he gives me, as if my only purpose in the world was to provide him with entertainment and pleasure. Charlie got tired of waiting, so he planted his foot on the top of the back of my head again and forced me down towards the pizza till I was pinned between his godly sole and the floor. Slowly, I opened my mouth and inched the pizza in, beginning to chew.


Even Charlie, Sam and Henry couldn’t believe how gross it was, exclaiming in disgust as I ate from under Charlie’s foot. But, of course, that didn’t stop Sam and Henry from also each “seasoning” a slice for me with their bare feet and making me eat it in front of them, right after they used my face as a footrag to clean off the pizza. Finally, after I had finished three slices and licking each of their feet clean, they decided I had had my fill and just instructed me to hold my position on my hands and knees so they could prop their feet on my back like a coffee table as they finished their dinner and watched TV, only occasionally kicking my face or making me lick their toes again.


About an hour later, it was getting late and the three of them decided they wanted to turn in. They walked into the bedroom with the king bed they slept in last night. Thinking my abuse was finally over, I laid down on the couch, excited to finally get some rest.


“What do you think you’re doing?” Charlie called from the doorway. “Your job isn’t done.”


I automatically followed Charlie into the bedroom, where the other two were already lounged on the bed with their feet extending outwards: Henry in the middle, and Sam on the far side. The three of them had taken off their ski pants and were just wearing underwear.


“You’re sleeping here tonight,” Charlie ordered, indicating the foot of the bed. The three of them grinned sadistically at me, no doubt imagining the torture they would be able to put me through as I laid beneath their feet all night.


I climbed onto my narrow slice of bed, automatically positioning my head to be on Charlie’s side. Henry immediately kicked his heels into my stomach, shooting pain through the bruises he had created there hours before. “Start massaging and don’t stop,” he ordered me. “If you do, you’re gonna find yourself with the wind knocked out of you.” His threat was clear, and I knew he’d deliver.


As I started massaging Henry’s feet with both hands, Charlie got into bed and plopped his feet onto my face and neck, cutting off half of my windpipe with his left foot and forcing my face towards him at all times with his right foot.


Again, the three of them chatted for a while like I wasn’t even there, trapped at their feet under the blankets, the smell overwhelming me. They eventually turned off the lights and settled into sleep. Sam was the first to go, followed by Henry. I didn’t dare stop massaging him, in case he woke up. Charlie seemed to be the only one still awake, because every time I tried to turn my head away from him, his right foot kept me firmly facing his body. Suddenly, Charlie started slapping my face with his right foot. His message was clear: I’m not done with you yet. Start worshipping.


My desire to please him took over and I resumed worshiping his feet with my mouth while my hands were dedicated to serving Henry, even though he was asleep. I licked up and down each sole like this was the only thing I was born to do, making sure to give ample attention to his toes as well. After about 45 minutes, I could suddenly feel Charlie sliding forward toward the foot of the bed and sitting up. Keeping his left leg over my neck, he slid forward until he was essentially sitting on my throat and my face was lodged into his crotch.


I looked up at this godly teen who now owned me and could see his devilish, cruel smile through the dim light. Looking down at me, he said quietly “Open your mouth and hold still.” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and angled my face straight upwards as he slid his ass on top of my face and planted three long farts into my dutifully open mouth. Without even being told, I took deep long breaths and inhaled his stench the way I knew he wanted me to. That must have pleased him, because without another word he slid all the way off the bed, walked into the bathroom, and started to pee. I laid there, still massaging Henry’s feet, and stared at the light creeping from the open bathroom door, suddenly jealous of the toilet bowl that was receiving Charlie’s piss. Even that seemed like a service I should provide to him.


After he was finished peeing, he left the bedroom. I almost felt a sense of panic, like he wasn’t  satisfied with the service I had provided him at the foot of his bed. Ten seconds later, however, he returned through the door frame with something in his hand.


“Open,” he ordered quietly at me.


Knowing right away that he meant my mouth again, I quickly unhinged my jaw for him. Right as I obeyed, he shoved a rank piece of cloth so deep down my throat that I had to fight the urge to cough. I realized that he had gone back into the living room for his dirty ski socks, infused with his dried sweat, which were now lodged into my mouth. I looked up and could see his devious smile again, his eyes still sparkling at how obedient I was.


“They better still be in there in the morning,” he whispered as he crawled back over me, taking care to crush my neck with his knee on the way back up. He replaced his perfect feet into their position on my neck and face, still refusing to let me turn my head away from him. Not that I wanted to.


To be continued…..