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Curious Boy

by Billy Hart

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“Hey dad, have you ever had someone play with your feet before” I throw the question at my Dad as casual as asking about the weather. Dad puts his paper down and thinks, “no I can’t say I have son, why do you ask?”

I put my legs on dad’s lap, on top of his paper, he rests his hand on the top of my foot, gently stroking his thumb on my socked feet, while looking at me for a response. “I just want to know what it feels like, can I have foot rub?” Dad pulls that face, then one he makes when I make a wise crack at him, or say something silly, but he peels my socks off my feet and tosses them across the room, far away. “sure bud, oh boy got some soft tootsies here” It feels so relaxing, his hands are warm and firm, the pressure he puts into the soles of my feet feels amazing, his continuous motion makes my body feel lighter by the second.

“how’s that? Feel good boy?” Dad questions, not taking his eyes off what he’s doing, he seems to be focused on making sure he gives me a good experience.  “ah feels really good dad, I could do with this on a daily basis” Dad starts using a fist, his knuckles working deep into the tissue of my soles, he’s not letting up and doesn’t look like he’s going to stop anytime soon.  Dad is so chilled with my curiosity; can I really ask him anything. 

“Hey dad, can you, maybe, suck on my toes a little?” I pretend to have my eyes closed as I ask, to avoid any embarrassing reaction dad might give, but I keep one eye slightly open to gauge dad’s response.  The massaging stops, dad’s hands still firmly grip my bare feet, but there’s no motion, dad turns his head to me with one raised eyebrow, he looks like he’s been caught off guard. “suck, your toes? Son… why?” he asks.

The reaction is fare, I open my eyes and connect in a gaze with dad, I want him to understand what I’m asking. “I keep seeing videos online of dudes having their toes sucked on and what not, so I got curious to what it feels like, it kind of looks fun” as I explain dad breaks eye contact and looks at my feet, he starts to massage them again, remaining silent for a few moments, he’s thinking… but I really want to know, so I playfully wiggle my toes and spread them wide. Dad still fixed on my feet, watching them wiggle, lets a big grin fill his face as he sees me making my toes dance. “Pretty please”

Still grinning dad looks at me, pulling my foot towards his face, my toes are barely touching his lips, I can feel his breathing on them, the breath is warm and feels so nice against my skin. He takes one hand off my foot, the other still holding it right by his mouth, he pinches my big toe with his free hand, dads eyes still locked into mine, big grin stuck on his face, in a soft yet deep tone he starts “This little piggy went to the Market” We both howl with laughter, I cover my face with my hands now feeling so exposed, dad lets go of my big toe, hugs my foot as he chuckles. After a few seconds we catch our breath, dad pulls my bare foot back to his face, right by his lips and continues with the next toe, then the next and so on, until dad gets to my pink toe, which he doesn’t pinch, he places his free hand on my foot with the other, thumb under my pinkie, the other spreading the toe next to it away, my pinkie now separated from the other toes.  Slowly pulling my toe onto his soft wet lips, where it sits as he plays “and this little piggy…” the vibration on my toe as he speaks, sends shivers down my spine, the good kind of shivers.  Dad covers my toe with his lips, I feel a tender tugging as he starts to gently suck my toe. “oh, fuck wow. Fuck dad, wow” I can’t contain the sensation I experience.

Dad chuckles, my toe his in his mouth which send more vibrations through my body, his eyes still locked onto mine, he begins to pull my foot away from his face, but equally sucking hard to keep my toe in his mouth…. Then POP my soaked toe slips away, dad licks his lips. “now, lets see about these other toes” using his fingers dad now separates my pinkie and middle toe, exposing a vulnerable toe between, he slips it into his warm mouth, sucking my toe up like spaghetti, simultaneously pulling my toe away and sucking it back in, up and down, before it pops out, I feel hot, I’m shaking in pleasure and dad shakes his head at me chuckling… he makes his way up each toe, the same treatment all the way to the big toe.

“Dad that was amazing thank you!” I feel like I was in heaven, I’m so relaxed and chilled right now.”

Dad lowers my foot, tucking it under his thigh to keep it warm, grabbing my other bare foot and uses his thumbs to apply pressure in the middle of the balls of my feet, spreading them outwards spreading my toes apart, raising it up to his lips, somehow the grin on his face has grown bigger than before, he raises his eye brows and lowers them, raises them again, eyeing me up. “oh boy, we aren’t done with these little piggy’s just yet”

I don’t argue. I am so glad I asked the question…