The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Make Him Drop the Ball part I

by Juan Derful

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It was Saturday morning when our town held its yearly two-day festival when me and my best friend Dalton were enjoying many sorts of games that we usually play like Ring toss, Bobbing for apples, Balloon Dart, Tin Can Alley, Sack Race, and many more. You know those familiar games kids love to play. Most were held at the town center but many other games were held at each village as well. This happened last year when we were on our second grade.




Our town is very small with only five villages that are just walking-distance from each other. It is one of the safest in the country especially during festivals when the police cars are always on patrol and parents generally have no worries about their kids roaming around during the night. The festival also fall within the long summer break. Despite its small size, the town is very lively especially during the festival.




Dalton and I often felt lazy moving outside the town center but this particular day, we decided to visit the villages till night. We have heard that each village has unique games for kids to play which sparked our curiosity.




The sun has set when we were finally at the last village. There was this unfamiliar game that was held in a stall. Although the stall was quite large, it wasn’t easy to notice because it was mostly covered by the surrounding tress. It was also unusually distant from the other game stalls so it wasn’t surprising that Dalton and myself were the only ones who approach it and gave it a try. The game was called “Make Him Drop the Ball”. The moment we enter, a huge bearded muscular man around his mid to late 30’s stood up and picked what looked like a large white balloon ball and lift it overhead. He was very tall. Certainly few inches taller than my dad who was 6 foot tall. The man was only wearing what appeared to be a Tarzan loincloth. The sight reminded us of Atlas in Greek mythology condemned to hold up the world.




It took a while for us to notice the person in charge in a small table at a corner. A small old man whose looks resembles that of typical mad scientist cartoon characters. We asked what the game is all about and he grudgingly pointed the label of the stall “Make Him Drop the Ball”. Dalton and I exchanged puzzled looks and then look at the huge muscular frame of the man holding the balloon over his head. How are we suppose to make that guy drop the ball? We thought.




“I mean what are the rules of the game and what are the prizes if we win?” I clarified.




“The instructions are on the other table” The old man replied.




Sure enough, in the wall behind the table located beside the platform stage where the huge man was standing, there is a bulletin board that explains the rules of the game.








On the table, are different toys you can possibly use to make him drop the ball.


No other tools besides what is provided on the table is allowed


Punching, kicking, or any other form of physical harm is not allowed


The prizes are inside the balloon ball


Don’t shoot or touch the balloon








We examined the tools on the table. Each tool has a label in it. They were varieties of toys. Different toy guns (water guns, foam balls guns, rubber band guns), foam finger rockets, small bins containing two feet long sticks. Each stick has a single feather attached to its tip. The bins had labels according to the type of feathers tied to the tip of their sticks. The feathers were also colored according to the labels. Flight feathers were colored red, tail feathers were blue, contour feathers were yellow, semiplume feathers were purple and downy feathers were white. There were about dozens of them. Although the sticks were of similar lengths, the feathers attached to them varied greatly in sizes. There were feathers that were a foot long, there were also feathers that were only about half the size of a human thumb. They were possibly from different kinds of birds. Initially the feathers didn’t really make sense to us at all




"How are these toys suppose to make that guy drop the ball? None of these could even hurt us” I said hopelessly. I looked at the clock on the stall. It’s 6:30pm. We have until 8:30pm to win the game.




“The rules of the game says these are the only things we could use so I guess some of them works. Besides the game does not allow physical harm so making him drop the ball doesn’t necessarily mean we have to hurt him.” Dalton responded with optimism.




“Lets try this” Dalton picked up one of the water guns. I picked another water gun. We started shooting the man in the face.




“Easy there kids!” The man’s face winched a little.




It sort of annoyed him but he maintained his position and didn’t drop the ball. The guns were already running out of water when we realized the didn’t work and we decided to use the foam guns.




“Remember we are not supposed to shoot the ball” Dalton reminded me.




We started shooting the man in the face, and then his muscular chest, his massive arms and then his waist. The balls simply bounced from his body and he kept his hold on the ball over his head.




The next toys we use were the finger rockets and we hit the man in various parts of his body including his legs but just like the foam guns, they didn’t work. We then picked up the small rubber band pistols. There were plenty of rubber bands (maybe thousands of them) so we used it longer than the previous toys. We shoot the man as many times as we could.




“Ah! Careful, you might hit me in the eye!” The man’s deep voice was identical to Kyle Hebert’s voice of Magneto.




The rubber band pistols was more effective than the previous toys that we used on him. Although he made little flinching movements as the rubber bands hit various parts his upper body, he still hold’s the ball with ease until one of the rubber bands that I shot hit his left nipple.




“Ohow!” The man cried in a deep giggly tone and almost lost his composure but didn’t drop the ball.




After seeing a weak spot, we focused shooting at his chest targeting his nipples. Despite his naturally tanned skin, we could see his chest becoming a little sore red. He began to dodge by twisting his huge torso obviously to protect his nipples from the rain of rubber bands. Although most of the rubber bands missed, dozens of them hit the mark. In every hit on his nipples, he giggled in which we initially wondered why.












“Not the nipples”




“Oh Shit!”












Despite being harassed by the prickly rubber bands, he kept his hold on the ball and still didn’t drop it. Dalton and I panicked as we look at the time. It’s 8:10pm. We had already spent 1 hour and 40 minutes in which most of those time we used the rubber band pistols. We only have 20 minutes left. We desperately fired the last remaining rubber bands at the man and as he tried dodging Dalton’s last shot to avoid it hitting his left nipple, another weak spot got hit.








Based on the man’s reaction, it’s an even weaker spot than his nipples. A much weaker spot. The man’s reaction was so strong that he almost dropped the ball but catch it on time before it hit the ground and held the ball over his head once again. At first we didn’t see where it hit him but then we noticed something on his left armpit. On the thick long bush of black hair, we saw a bright yellow color rubber band entangled in it.




“He’s ticklish! That’s the reason why he giggled whenever we hit the right spots. Why haven’t we realize it before? We just have to tickle him to make him drop the ball. And….” I said excitedly.




“the feathers” Dalton continued my statement.




We both exchanged evil grins. We are 100 percent sure that we are to win the game. We look at the clock of the stall and realized we have only have 15 minutes left. Nevertheless, we are confident that we end the game soon (at least that’s what we thought).




“Ok, let’s finish this!” I said with extreme optimism. Dalton and I picked the bins containing the colored feathers. Looking at the man, we saw in a fraction of a second that his face was filled with horror as we took the feathers before trying to look tough.




“Surely those huge muscles won’t lose in a bunch of feathers, right Mr.?” I teased the man as I playfully examining the stick with a red-colored flight feather on its tip. Dalton picked another stick with a blue tail feather.




“I know what you’re planning to do kids. I’m not gonna lose for a bunch of silly feathers. I won’t drop the ball. Bring it on!” the man said in his deep and jeering thunderous voice. Annoyed by the his cockiness, we were determined to torment him with the remaining tools.




I raised the stick with a feather end and gently thrust and wiggle it to the man’s belly button. He tried his hardest to keep his composure but his flinching face was betraying him. He gritted his teeth as the red feather was harassing his defenseless belly button.




“Sssstop it!” the man yell after five seconds.




“Okay!” I said as I picked another stick with a red feather tip. I am now holding two feather tools and began stroking them to each of the man’s sides. He tried to hold his laughter again but eventually burst into giggle after five seconds.




“Ohohoho! Ahihihi I thought hahaha you’ll stop” The man complained trying so hard not to drop the ball.




“I did stop tickling your belly button, didn’t I” I smiled.




“You sneaky little… ahahahahahaha” The man suddenly burst into laughter as Dalton using two sticks with blue tail feather tips began stroking his muscular chest. The man’s body now glistened in sweat. He began moving the ball at  the back of his neck as his massive arms starts to tremble as four deadly feathers were assaulting his torso. We tickled his thighs and legs as well.




“Nope! hihihi I’m not gonna hahaha drop it hohohihihaha”




In the first minute of the remaining time alone, the man was already sweating a lot that the red and blue feathers were so wet that they became less nimble and less effective as we stroke them in various parts of his body. We quickly replace the wet feather toys with new one every minute. We intentionally avoided the nipples and armpits because we want to make use of the remaining time to utilize the fun.




When the red flight feathers and blue tail feathers were all wet, we began picking the sticks with small yellow contour feathers tips. As we began stroking them at the man’s upper body, he really went nuts.








The small soft feathers were about 10 times more effective than the big harder feathers that we previously used. Whenever the soft little feathers touched his body, they were like creating powerful electric shock. He twisted his body is his desperate attempt to avoid the soft deadly strokes but dodging four feathers all at once was impossible to an already exhausted man. The downside of the small and soft contour feathers is that they easily get wet from the man sweat and quickly lose their efficacy so the moment he was about to drop the ball, he regain his disposition and held the ball above his head. We replaced the feather every 20 seconds and they ran out easily.




We began picking the sticks with purple semiplume feathers at their tips.




“Should we tickle his armpits now?” Dalton ask as we looked at the clock in the stall. It’s 8:25pm. We only have 5 minutes left. We look at the huge man holding the ball over his head. What a pitiful sight. He was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. He lost his cockiness the moment we started tickling him with the feathers. We wonder what made him so determine not dropping the ball.




“Not yet, we will use this on his nipples. We will save those armpits for the last” I smiled and look at the small bin full of sticks with white downy feathers at their tips. After knowing his body is more sensitive to lighter touch, I intended to use the softest of the feathers last.




"The most effective tool for the weakest spot. Brilliant!” Dalton looked at the man with a frisky smile.




“Nope, I’m not gonna drop the ball” The man who was sweating profusely teased us. We simply smiled at his cockiness.




“Are you sure of that? Looks like you’re gonna give up soon” I replied playfully.




“Those stupid feathers won’t make me drop the ball.”




“We’ll see about that” Dalton said cheekily.




“We’ve been here for almost two hours. We want to win this game. This feathers will land on your nipples and armpits and even if you’ll beg, we won’t stop until you give up the ball.” I raised feather stick towards his right nipple.




“BRING IT ON! Use those fucking feathers! I’m not gonna laugh HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The semiplume feathers were even more effective than the contour feathers especially when we stroked it to the man’s nipples. He was almost in kneeling position not letting go of the ball as much as possible. But the feather got wet even more quickly than the contour ones so they ran out in just 3 minutes.






We look at the time and its 8:28pm. Only two minutes left. We took the sticks with white downy feather at their tips. Too exhausted to dodge his most feared tickle toy, the man made his last and most desperate attempt to stop us from winning. When I aimed the feather of his exposed right armpit, he rested the ball on his left shoulder supporting it with his huge left arm and grab the stick with a feather end with his right hand and then snapped the stick into two with a powerful grip. That made it impossible for me to reuse it because the stick is now too short to reach his armpits. Dalton aimed his feather at his exposed left armpit but the man moved the ball on his right shoulder and support it with his right arm and grabbed the stick with his left hand and again crushed it snapping them into two. And he did it again and again until there were only two sticks left.




We looked at the time. We only have 30 seconds left. Our hearts were beating fast. Trying to calm ourselves down, Dalton and I looked at each other as if telepathically coming up with an idea. We were to strike at the same time. If the man catches the other stick, with one hand, one of his armpits will be vulnerable. Each of us picked the last remaining sticks. And launched our tickle attack. The man grabbed my stick with his right hand as he rested the ball on his left shoulder and arm but Dalton swished his stick upward and the thumb size downy white feather stroked the man’s exposed left armpit.




With a shriek of laughter, the man let go of the ball and it landed on the ground. The man rolled on the small stage where he was standing and continued laughing hysterically for several seconds caressing his left armpit before lying on the stage spread eagle. I then noticed the yellow rubber band Dalton shot with a rubber band pistol still trapped of his left armpit.




“I’ll take this off.” I sit on his left arm to pin it down keeping his armpit exposed. Although he was trying to stop me, he was really exhausted from the feather tickling so it was easier to pin his big arm. It wasn’t that difficult to remove the rubber band but I pretended having a hard time and intentionally stroke his hairy armpit multiple times with my fingers. It tickled him and made him laugh but not as hard when we tickled him with the feathers.




“Oh shit, I lost!” We watched the man soaked in sweat breathing heavily.




“At least you won’t be enduring the tickle torture now” I said to the man.




“But I still want to tickle him more” Dalton whined.




“You will” said a voice behind us.




Both of us were startled upon hearing the voice. We almost forgot the small mad scientist-looking old man in charge of the stall.




“Burst the ball and claim your prizes” The little man said.




I busted the ball with the sharp end of one of the feathered sticks the huge man snapped into half. Sure enough, the prizes where inside the ball. Chocolates, candies, yoyos, glow in the dark watches, beyblades and a festival card with a caption “OPEN”. After the two of us divided the chocolates and toys among ourselves and placed them in our bags, I picked the festival card and opened it. My eyes widen and my mouth fell open as I saw what’s inside it.




“What is it Ron?” Dalton asked. I handed him the card.










Below the title of the card’s content, there are five small pictures of a man tied in different positions. Three pictures were somewhat similar with only slight differences. The first picture in the upper left portion of the card shows the man in a sitting position with his hands tied together above his head while his feet is exposed. The picture beside the first one is the same except his hands are tied behind his head. In the third picture, the man is in a sitting position where his arms are spread eagle. Below the first three pictures are two other pictures that were also slightly similar. In the fourth picture, the man is tied spread eagle on a table. The last picture is similar but part of the table where the man’s upper body lies is inclined in maybe 30 degree angle. The man was no other than the guy we just tickle-tormented with the rubber gun pistols and feathers.




“Whoa! This game is cooler than I thought!” Dalton was overwhelmed with excitement. I was extremely excited too. I messaged my mom and dad that I will not be coming home until tomorrow morning and informed them that I am just in the nearby village with Dalton enjoying the fest.




“By the way, where are we going to tickle him? We do not have all the equipment in the pictures to tie him down.” Dalton said while looking at the man we tickled. By the looks of him, he seem to have slightly recovered from the tickle-torture earlier though his sweat had not dried up yet. He was now sitting in the mini stage he was lying a while ago. We now know why he was desperate not to drop the ball.




“There is a door behind the stage where you can enjoy the PRIZE you just won” The little old man responded on my behalf. “Gage, you already know your fate tonight”




“Yes dad” the muscle man replied. We were surprised to know that the small man was actually his father.




Dalton who was very excited went to the door where big man followed him. I was about to follow when the old man stopped me.




“There is an opened small white can in the room with a special oil inside it. Soak the feathers in it and it will become sweat-proof and will not lose its efficacy.” the old man whispered. “and don’t forget to try his feet” The man winked. He wasn’t really a bad guy after all I thought he was (except maybe to his son Gage, our poor ticklee).




I pushed the door open which led us to a stair down to a basement. The room was about the same size as the stall above it and there we saw the equipment where we can tie the muscle man. One chair and two tables. Dalton was already inside examining the equipment seemingly planning where to tie him first. The man was standing beside him. Dalton who was slightly taller than I am but was few inches below the level of the man’s nipples. The guy is really big.




“I thought there are three chairs” I said.




“There’s only one but there are three ways to tie him here, look” Dalton pointed at the different hooks with bondage in the chair.




“You two are really determine to tickle-torture me are you? Man, I didn’t expect to lose. You beat me in the last second” although the bearded man looked intimidating with those huge muscles, he seemed to be a nice guy.




“Yeah I really thought we were not be able to win the game until I got a lucky stroke on your armpit.” Dalton smiled.




“I guess today is my bad luck. By the way I’m Gage, I’m a personal trainer.” the man offered his hand.




“Nice meeting you Gage, I’m Dalton and this is friend Ron!. Ouch!” the man’s gripped seemed to hurt Dalton’s hand.




“Oh sorry! Hello Ron!” I hesitantly gave Gage a handshake and he seemed careful not to crush my hand. His hand felt rough and strong.




“How long have you been in this game Gage?” I asked




“It’s my first time. This is a new game in the fest. I usually participated in strongman contests in the adult category of the fest games but this year I decided to try something different so I end up in this stall” Gage looked unsure if he made the right decision




“Cool!” Dalton and I said together.




“Where are we going to tie him first?” Dalton asked me.




“Oh great, you really want to tickle me” Gage looked a little worried but his facial expression hinted a playful curiosity on how the tickling would turn out.




“Yup, and you almost crushed these fingers and they don’t forget easily” Dalton playfully wiggled his finger while looking at Gage.




“Uh-Oh! That means I’m in big trouble” Gage gave a worried but coltish look.




“Where are we going to tie him first Ron?” Dalton asked again




“Let’s try the chair first” I looked at the pictures in the festival card where Gage was being tied in different positions.




“I think we should start with this” I pointed out the picture where Gage was spread eagle on the chair. “Let’s do this quick because I want to tickle him in all these positions” I said to Dalton




“Okay, here Gage” Dalton instructed our ticklee




Gage made a gulped and obediently sit on the chair. I locked his feet in a wooden stock provided while Dalton secured Gabe right arm in an attached bondage in hook of a pole beside the chair. I then proceeded wrapping his left wrist with the bondage of the pole at the other side. After we finished the restraint we look at our ticklee. The whole tickle equipment was obviously made for him. It totally matches his height and build. His arms were spread perfectly. Not too tense and not too loose. While he can move his arms a little, it was impossible for him to minimize his armpit exposure by squeeze his arms downward. There was absolutely no means for him to protect those hairy armpits.




There is a small table nearby with different tools for tickling. Hairbrushes, small paintbrushes of various sizes, electric toothbrush, sonic toothbrush, wooden scratchers, and to our greatest delight, the same types of feathers in small bins that they used during the game were provided but there were only one of each type. Then I saw the small white can the old man was talking about earlier which was meant to make the feathers sweat-proof. I also remembered what the little man told me about Gage’s feet.




We spent about 5 minutes deciding how to tickle Gage. We will tickle him using our fingers first. Dalton will focus on his upper body and I will focus on his feet. I am curious on how ticklish his feet are after what his father said.




We look at the clock at the basement, it’s 9:00pm. We started to position ourselves and started tickling Gage. The moment our finger touched his skin, he burst into laughter. I tickled every inch of his feet including those in between his toes using my fingers. Dalton was not sparing any part of his upper body either. He ran his fingers from Gage’s sides then to his abs and then move up to the massive chest then circled his index fingered to the nipples occasionally tweaking them and then slide his fingers to the exposed hairy armpits without warning.




“Hahahahihihihahaha! Is that all you got? Ohohohohahaha Come on tickle me more! Oh no, not the toes hahahahahahahahaha!” Gage was playing tough at times in between his laughter. His laughter never sounded irritating. Not shrill or forced and although there were times he tried not to laugh, the moment he burst into laughter, they were unrestrained.




“Hahahaha Come on bring it on! Ohohohohihihihihahahaha! Tickle me mohohohohore. No not thehehehere Hahahaha! Cut that out ohohohehehe! Oh shit! Hahahaha!” Gage was in between playing tough and begging to stop depending on which spot we hit. Although he was ticklish all over, his reaction varied. He was cocky when we tickle certain parts of his body but pleaded to stop the moment our fingers hit the weakest spots.




“Ohhohohohohoho my poohohohooor nipples hahahaha! Not thahahahaha nipphohohohols” As Gage begged, Dalton moved his fingers to the exposed armpits.








We tickled him nonstop using our fingers for one hour until I decided to test the tools on his feet. I started tickling his arch with the wooden scratchers and when I did, Gage attempted to jumped from the chair but the strong restraints made escape impossible.




“Oh Fuck my feheheheheeeeet” Gage reaction was intense that he desperately pulled his feet to no avail. I started using the hairbrush on his feet and his madness doubled. I then I tried the electric and sonic toothbrush on his arch. They tickled him as much as the hairbrush when I rake them on his heels and arches but when I moved them to his toes and the spaces in between them, his tickle-insanity went up to another level. I asked Dalton to stop tickling his upper body whenever I switched tools to see Gage’s specific reactions. Dalton also asked me to stop tickling his feet whenever he started using a tool on Gage’s upper body. After initially seeing his reaction to a specific tool, we tickled him together again until we switch to another tool.




Dalton started using the wooden scratchers on Gage’s upper body. It only made him giggle and he started faking his laughter. Dalton was not fooled. He picked up the hairbrushes and rubbed them all over Gage’s torso. Again, it only made him giggle and fake a laughter just like when Dalton dug his fingers really hard on his upper body. We then realized that Gage’s upper body doesn’t respond much to hard strokes. Dalton resumed tickling him lightly with his fingers.




I also made important mental notes on Gage’s reaction as I tickled his feet. Light strokes only made him laugh a little as I used the feathers on his feet. Hard strokes only made him groan when I dug the scratchers and hairbrush to his feet really hard. The effective technique on his feet was moderate strokes. Not too hard, not too light.




Dalton then picked up the red flight feather.




“Soak the feathers in the oil in the small white can before using them. The oil makes the feathers sweat-proof” I instructed my friend recalling what the old man said. Dalton did as I told and then proceeded stroking the red feather all over Gage’s torso and then concentrating on his nipples and armpits.




“NOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHA JUST HAHAHAHA TICKLE HOHOHOHO ME HEHEHEHE WITH YOUR HOHOHOHO HAHAHAHA HANDS!” Gage’s reaction to the feather tickling was unworldly. Dalton then proceeded with the the blue tail feather with his other hand. Just when we thought we drive our poor big friend Gage to the edge, he gave a more intense reaction when Dalton proceeded with the softer feathers, the yellow contour, the purple semiplume and the most torturous of all, the white downy. To make Gage’s predicament worst, I resumed tickling his feet with the electric and sonic toothbrush focusing on the spaces between his toes.




It was about 12:00 midnight when we decided to stop. We untied him to give him a break before we tickle him in other positions. Gage was sweating profusely and couldn’t speak for several minutes.




We had some chats for about 50 minutes before we decided to resume the tickling. We tied Gage to the chair once again but this time using the other bondage designed to place his hands behind his head. I enjoyed tickling his feet as before. Dalton however didn’t like the tickling position as much as the previous one when Gage’s arms were spread eagle. He didn’t like it because it enabled Gage to dodge the feather tools Dalton used on his upper body by twitching his torso or lowering one arm after another. Sometimes, he even knocked the sticks with the feather tips out of Dalton’s hand using his elbows or massive arms much to my friend’s annoyance.




“I don’t like this! Let’s proceed to the next tickling position.” Dalton complained just 10 minutes after we started.




We untied Gage’s hands behind his head and tied them to the other bondage above his head. While the setup still allowed him to twist his torso, it was impossible for him to bend his body forward and backward. Bending his torso sideward was not possible either. Although Gage’s tied arms are not too stretched, the spare space for him to lower his arms was only about an inch which still kept his armpits fully expose making them vulnerable to Dalton’s feather tickle attack later on.




Dalton wasted no time and started using the feather tools on Gage’s upper body for about an hour while I was busy tickling his feet switching from scratchers to hairbrushes then to the sonic and electric toothbrushes. In the next hour, Dalton began tickling Gage using the different soft hairbrushes moving from his armpits to his nipples. In the last hour, Dalton decided to use the electric toothbrush on Gage’s belly button while using the sonic toothbrush on his nipples, neck and armpits. He did not spare Gage’s wide muscular back from the torturous sonic brush. In that same hour, I rubbed some oil from the small can to the muscle man’s feet and tickled them with hairbrushes. Our poor ticklee’s endless begging and laughter fell of deaf ears. After 3 hours of nonstop tickling, we finally decided to take a break. We look at the clock at the basement, it’s 4:00am.




After we untied him, Gage who was sweating all over rested on the chair for about half an hour breathing heavily. He massaged his broad shoulder for a while and then ask permission to go upstairs.




“I’ll drink some water” He told us before going up the stall. We were astonished how quickly he recovered from hours of the tickle-torture. We were worried for a while that he will not come back but he did shortly after. We checked the time. It’s 4:40am.




“Okay kids, lets get this over with!” Gage who was back to his cocky self, lied spread eagle on the flat table before Dalton and I can decide which of the two tables to use for the next tickle-fun.




We tied his arms using the straps on the upper side of the table and then proceeded to tie his feet with the straps to the other end. In the next tickle session, Dalton and I decided to switch places. He will tickle Gage’s feet while I will be the one to tickle the big man’s upper body. We position ourselves and started tickling him. Aware of the few remaining time and there is still one last tickle session in the inclined table after this, we only used our favorite tickle tools. I used the downy and semiplume feathers on his upper body while Dalton was using the electric and sonic toothbrush on Gage’s feet. Occasionally, my friend will move to Gage’s belly button. We really tickled our big friend to the extreme that his body was endlessly twitching in a desperate attempt to avoid the deadly soft feathers and the toothbrushes. This time Gage never bother to beg for us to stop anymore. He probably realized that we are just going to ignore all his pleading. He was just laughing nonstop until we stop at 5:10am.




After the 30-minute tickle session in the flat table, we let Gage rest for 20 minutes before tying him up to the inclined table. We decided to be meanest on him for the last tickle session not sparing any inch of his upper body and feet. Dalton also expanded his tickle dominion on Gage’s muscular thighs and legs. We tickled him for another 30 minutes until we finally ended his predicament at 6:00 in the morning. Our sweaty ticklee was all spent that he couldn’t move his arms even after we untied him. He was breathing heavily with his eyes closed.




“You okay Gage?” Dalton asked the big man. I was gently massaging Gage’s broad shoulders and huge arms worried that we pushed him beyond his limit.




“Yeah, I’m good!” Gage answered in between his heavy breaths. We were relieved.




“Does that mean, you’re ready for another tickle session tonight?” I teased him




“No fucking way! You’re so mean. I was begging you all the time for some breaks but you won’t stop until you want to”




“Of course. As winners of the game, we determine the rules.




“I’m not letting you win tonight”




“We’ll find out!” I said before facing my friend who seemed wearing a gloomy face.




“Have a plenty of sleep this morning because we will come back here tonight.” I said to Dalton




“I will not be able to come with you. Tonight is my sister’s birthday party.” Dalton sighed.




“Looks like you have little chance of winning lad.” Gage who was still lying spread eagle from exhaustion grinned.




“We’ll see about that! (krik!)” I said as I plucked a handful of hair from his left armpit.




“Ouch! That’s hurts!”




Even without Dalton helping me, I am confident to win the game tonight. Making him drop the ball won’t be as difficult because I already know his weak spots and the tickle toys that worked best on him. Oh yes, I will focused the toys guns on his nipples and armpits. That will exhaust him faster making him defenseless when I use the feathers on him.




Although I felt bad that my best friend will not come with me in the last night of the fest, a part of me was filled with excitement. If he can’t come with me, that would mean I will be tickling Gage by myself.