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Had I the Balls

by Cray Z

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My brother’s friend Ryan stumbled into my parent’s home at 2am, drunk as a skunk but still as sexy as ever. He was a good kid—eighteen and athletic, but not stuck-up or arrogant. I think it’s because he was raised by his grandparents and they were very chill, humble people. So even a six feet tall, chiseled eighteen year old with light brown hair, gray eyes and cute as all heck didn’t feel the need to be a jerk. I used to think he was gay the way he broomed off the girls at his high school.

Later I realized he just didn’t care for hos.

He later cleaved himself to a girl named Laurel who was cute but not nearly as smoking hot as most of the hos who were always on his jock. No, Laurel had already been accepted into SDSU and had clear goals for her life. She and Ryan were cute together and through her the unassuming stud met my brother and the two became fast friends. This is strange because my brother was a bit of a nerd, but Ryan really wasn’t image conscious. That just made him seem all the more cuter to me.

When he stumbled drunk into our home at 2am after celebrating a friend’s birthday party (but was apparently so intoxicated that he could only make it to the nearest home he recognized) I couldn’t help but notice that his hightop sneakers were practically falling off his feet. My Dad dumped him on the sofa and, I have to admit, watching my Dad undress the Ryan was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot to me! Ryan had passed out, so Dad just continued removing the clothes from this limp, beautiful stud.

When Dad tugged off Ryan’s sneakers and sort of jerked back a little because Ry’s socks were damp and rather smelly … I actually got dizzy. I offered to help Dad finish undressing Ry and took the opportunity to get a whiff of the unassuming stud’s socks myself. I nearly fainted when the odor reached my nostrils. It wasn’t TOO strong, but it was strong enough to turn my penis into a steel-hard, threatening-to-explode rod.

I was glad my brother was away fishing with my grandfather up in Oregon. He would have instantly realized that I was gay (think he secretly knew already by this time anyway) and was having a hard time keeping myself from pouncing on his friend Ryan’s s fragrant, sweaty socks. I really did just want to strip off those socks and instantly start licking his soles and sucking his toes. I’d seen his bare feet numerous times and I knew that they were just as hot as he was. The only blemish was a bit of calloused skin on the side of his left big toe. And, in all honestly, I was so hot at that moment, I would have sucked, licked and kissed at that calloused as if it were the most precious thing on this earth.

But I didn’t do anything that night but stare at the snoozing Ryan’s bare feet after my Dad removed his socks and stretched the eighteen-year-old out on our sofa. My mom covered him with a blanket, but I removed it from Ryan’s bare feet once they [my parents] went to bed. So while Ryan slept on I just stared at his fare feet and inhaled what was left of the odor. I sniffed his socks some, but to this day I regret not having the balls to just take a chance at licking his soles while he slept.