The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!


Summer Holiday

by Tom Mark

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It was a gorgeous and beautiful summer day in sunny Malibu, California.

However, the idealistic weather and the picturesque scene of the bay could not improve the mood of one young teen. He sat brooding on the front porch of his house, wearing a pair of Billabong boardshorts and a RVCA tank top shirt, with his bare feet placed up on the railing. He watched as sun-burned tourists walked by with their families down to the beach. The teen sighed sadly as a light ocean breeze ruffled through his light brown hair. He had felt so alone lately, ever since summer began. His parents ditched him for the entire summer to go spend their entire vacation in Italy. The poor teen couldn't go with his parents because he had to take summer school classes.

"I hate summer school…." He grumbled miserably to himself.

He hardly had anybody to help him cope with his loneliness. Besides his good looks and likeable personality, he was painfully shy and he only had a few friends. And coincidently those few friends had left to go spend their vacation somewhere else. The thought of most of his friends were gone only made him feel even worse. The teen stared jadedly out towards the bay, letting his mind get lost.

"Hey Jake!" he heard a loud voice call out his name.

The teen turned his head and saw a young teen on a skateboard skating over towards him. His face then brightened into a smile when he recognized that it was another kid he knew from school. His name was Dylan. He was a sixteen-years-old skater who had just recently moved here from San Diego. He was two years younger than Jake, and he was rather small for his age. Jake had met him at a friend's place and ever since he gave him surfing lessons, he has been following him around everywhere he goes like a little lost puppy. It was kinda annoying at first but after a while he started to grow on him and he absolutely loved the friendly young skater to death.

Secretly Jake also found Dylan to be really cute as well. He sort of had a crush for him but sadly Jake was too shy to say anything to him or even dare express his feelings. Jake sighed and smiled warmly as he waved at Dylan. He waved back at him, a big grin plastered across his handsome yet goofy face, as he cut across the street. Jake saw that Dylan was wearing a plain charcoal grey t-shirt with brown chino pants. His messy blonde stuck out from underneath a black trucker's hat that was flipped around backwards and his hazel-green eyes were gleaming in the warm sunlight.

As Jake watched Dylan pushes his board across the street with his foot, he turned his head to the right and his body suddenly tensed up when he saw a car speeding towards Dylan. But Dylan quickly reacted and swung his board to a stop as the car's tires squealed and swerved around him. The driver angrily blared his horn at the young skater as he quickly sped off. But it didn't seem to really bother Dylan, he still had a grin on his face, and he waved cheerfully back at the angry motorist as he drove off. Jake sighed in relief. That was the one thing that he really liked about Dylan. He was very easy-going and laidback, but he always managed to get himself hurt, and it usually happened whenever he was on his skateboard. A couple of weeks ago he broke his arm trying to nosegrind a rail. Though Jake was glad that he didn't get seriously hurt this time and he sighed in relief.

Dylan kicked up his board and walked onto the front porch at a leisurely pace. "Hey dude, what's up?" he grinned as he wrapped his arm around Jake's in a hug and patted him on the back.

"Dude you nearly just got run over by a car," Jake said.

"It's all cool bro. It wouldn't be the first time I got hit by a car," he said laughing.
Jake gave a nervous laugh. He looked at Dylan and he could tell that he was a little bit sweaty from skating around all day. "Hey do you want to come inside? I got some drinks in the fridge if you want."

"Sounds cool dude!" he said smiling.

He turned around and Dylan followed behind Jake into his house. Dylan slipped off his worn Vans sneakers at the doorway and looked around, wiggling his toes around on the carpet. When he wasn't looking Jake quickly glanced down at Dylan's socked feet, the musty smell of them wafting up to his nose, and he blushed when Dylan turned his head to speak to him. "So you got the entire place to yourself for the entire summer, huh?"

"Where did your parents go?" Dylan asked.

"Italy." Jake said.

"How come you didn't go with them?"

"I failed a couple of classes so I have to stay here and go to summer school." Jake suddenly felt sad again.

Dylan could tell that that his friend was feeling sad right now and he decided to make him feel better. "I'm real sorry to hear about that bro." He smiled warmly as he gave Jake's shoulder a friendly pat.

"Thanks dude," Jake said. "Hey you still want something to drink?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm pretty thirsty."
They both went into the kitchen and Jake grabbed a couple of cold drinks from inside the refrigerator and he handed one to Dylan. He opened up a bottle of water and quickly chugged it down, gulping loudly as water trickled down from the corners of his mouth, and Jake oddly thought it was kinda sexy. Dylan wiped his mouth with the side of his hand. "Hey do you mind if I stay here for a while and chill with you," Dylan asked innocently. "I know you're busy with summer school and stuff, but I don't really have anybody else to hang out with." His hazel green eyes grew big and soft.

How could Jake possibly even say no to those cute and adorable eyes of his? He smiled warmly at him, "I don't mind at all dude. You can stay for as long as you like."

Dylan grinned from ear to ear. "Really? Thanks bro," he said happily.

"No problem dude. Though I have to work on an assignment from school, but you can play some video games while I work on it. I have the new Call of Duty game."

"Sweet, I've been dying to play that game for a while." Dylan said excitedly as he followed Jake upstairs to his bedroom.

Jake walked into his spacious bedroom and plopped down on his bed while reaching for his laptop computer and turning it on. Meanwhile Dylan had immediately opened up the case to Black Ops II and placed the disc inside Jake's Xbox 360. He grabbed a wireless controller and then went to Jake's bed and lay down on his belly, facing towards the flat screen television. Soon the entire room was filled with the sound of intense gunfire and deafening explosions, completely droning out the sound of Jake typing on his laptop. Jake took his eyes off from the screen for just a minute to look at Dylan. He smiled as he watched the young teen deeply immersed in shooting up countless enemy soldiers. Jake looked back at his screen and continued to work on a history paper, but he couldn't help but look beyond his screen and see Dylan's socked feet just inches away from him. Jake soon found himself blushing.

He didn't want anybody to know, but Jake secretly had a huge foot fetish, particularly for male feet. He didn't know where he developed his intense fetish for feet but he seemed to be drawn to them whenever he saw a hot guy walking around barefoot. Like a lot of other things about himself that he didn't like to admit, Jake was also too embarrassed to admit others that he had a foot fetish and the very thought of his friends thinking that he was weird absolutely scared him. But he couldn't help but feel overly attracted to Dylan's feet, and Jake had an insane urge to feel them with his hands as he watched Dylan's crossed feet moved idly up and down. He laid his computer aside and sat himself in a better position in front of Dylan's socked feet.

Feeling slightly nervous Jake took a deep breath and gently took Dylan's feet into his hands. Dylan was small for his age, but he had a very nice pair of large feet, and Jake couldn't believe that he was actually holding them in his hands! They felt wonderfully warm and moist in his hands, and Jake quickly looked at Dylan to make sure if had he had noticed that he was holding his feet, but the young skater teen was very still deeply immersed with his game. Jake became bolder as he slowly started to pull off his socks, his heart fluttering with excitement, as he slowly moved the thin fabric over his heels, past his arches and finally sliding them off Dylan's toes. Jake brought Dylan's sodden black ankle socks to his nose and gave them a small whiff before casually tossing them aside.

Dylan had perfectly shaped feet and Jake lovingly began to caress the smooth and soft surface of his soles. While his eyes admired the soft and sensitive looking skin, Jake lightly traced a path across the entire length of his sole with his fingertips, and he watched in fascination as Dylan's toes flexed and curled in response. It made the older teen smile as he pressed his thumbs at the bottom of his heel, and Jake noticed that the even the heel was surprisingly soft, and as he worked his thumbs up to the sole Jake began to gently massage the skater teen's large and tender feet. He occasionally looked up to see if Dylan was still paying attention to the screen and Jake looked back down to resume massaging his soft soles.

He brought Dylan's feet closer and laid them down on his chest. Jake was curious to see what Dylan's feet smelled like. He leaned his head down and gently pressed his nose up against the soles of his feet and sniffed a couple of times. The smell was amazing! Jake breathed deeply as the intoxicating musty odor of his feet filled his nostrils. Dylan's soles were slightly sweaty from being on his skateboard most of the day. He then moved his nose up towards the toes and sniffed deeply in between them.

Jake sighed happily and wished that he could bury his face in Dylan's dreamy soles forever and have that smell all day! After smelling both of his feet for a moment, Jake couldn't help but find out what Dylan's feet tasted like, and he slowly let out his tongue out and licked a long slimy path up the sole of Dylan's right foot before pulling his tongue back. Jake licked his lips slowly at the taste of them and his mind was immediately in skater boy feet heaven. Jake opened his mouth again and his tongue explored every inch of Dylan's feet, licking them from heel to toe.

He occasionally switched back and forth from licking to Dylan's right foot to licking his left foot. While Jake held both Dylan's feet in place, he rolled down the pants legs of his chinos and slowly moved both of his hands up and down, feeling Dylan's smooth calve muscles. After a while the taste of the young skater teen's delicious feet spread across the entire length of his tongue. And after a long session of licking his soles, Dylan's long suckable toes were the next thing to be licked by Jake's tongue. But first he gave the smooth tan soles a couple more playful licks until they were completely bathed in his saliva. Jake looked at the soles for a moment, satisfied by his work, he then moved on to the best part! Dylan's toes began to idly flex and curl as Jake's tongue licked in between them, slurping playfully, and the salty taste between his wiggling toes was simply overwhelming his senses.

Jake had his eyes closed as he slowly sucked on each of Dylan's toes, moving his mouth up and down over them, greatly savoring them as his mind was lost in pleasure. And while he could feel his toes wiggling happily inside his mouth, Dylan's other foot rubbed against the side of Jake's face almost lovingly. Jake didn't realize it at first but as the foot rubbed softly he couldn't help but admit that it actually felt nice. He popped his toes out of his mouth and both of Dylan's feet started to lightly smother Jake's face, smearing his sweaty and saliva-covered soles all over. He closed his eyes and moaned at the warmth of Dylan's large sweaty feet.

"Are you having fun with my feet?" Dylan asked.

Jake's eyes popped opened in surprise and he immediately looked up to see Dylan grinning at him. He gulped and struggled to explain himself, but he couldn't help but stutter helplessly. "I-I-I am sorry dude. I didn't know what I was thinking."

Dylan laughed. "Chill out bro. There's no reason to be sorry." He turned around and sat crossed leg and looked at Jake with curious eyes

"Listen Dylan there's something I need to tell you…"

"You have a foot fetish haven't you?" Dylan flatly said.

Jake looked at Dylan with a shocked look on his face. His blue eyes glittered as he began to blush. He quickly looked down to hide it.

"You love my feet don't you?"

Jake looked back at Dylan and quietly said "Yes." He felt extremely embarrassed telling his friend about his fetish.

But Dylan simply laughed. "That's cool. There's nothing wrong with having a fetish, especially a foot fetish."

"You mean you don't think I'm weird or anything?" Jake asked.

"No dude," Dylan smiled. "And God you don't know how good it felt!"
"You actually liked it?"

Dylan grinned. "It was one of the hottest experiences I've felt in my entire life. Dude I nearly creamed my pants when you started sucking on my toes. You've got real talent. I wouldn't mind letting you worship my feet all the time."

"You really mean it?" Jake asked. "You don't mind."

"No I don't mind," Dylan said smiling. "But do you think you can keep worshiping my feet?"

"Sure!" Jake said. His voice was filled with excitement.
Dylan smiled shyly and he extended his right foot towards Jake, wiggling his toes alluringly in front of the older teen. Jake stared at the proffered limb, completely mesmerized. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Dylan's long suckable toes. They were so divine, like delicious little morsels, and Jake was tempted to draw them into his mouth and have his wicked ways with them.

Dylan then licked his lips and smiled seductively. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Hoping for his hands to stop trembling from excitement Jake reached out and gently took the other boy's foot in his hands. His right hand stroked Dylan's soft sole delicately. He looked up and locked his deep blue eyes with the other teen's hazel green eyes. Dylan nodded, and urged him on to continue.

Satisfied, Jake smiled, lowering his head as he licked a path across the sole, before drawing the big toe into his mouth. He slowly sucked on the digit, savoring the taste and texture of the skin, and then he started sucking on Dylan's big toe with more enthusiasm. Dylan bit his lower lip and tried not to moan when he felt Jake's tongue swirl around his toe and slowly began to suck on it. But he couldn't resist the intense feeling of having all of his toes slowly sucked and licked on by his best friend.

"Oh god dude that feels so good..." Dylan said as a soft moan escaped from his lips and he couldn't help but clutch at his own hair, marveling at the feeling of Jake's tongue licking against his sensitive skin. "Please…don't stop," he breathed heavily.

Pleased that he had found his best friend's weak spot, Jake increased the pressure. He made happy little noises as he applied his lips to Dylan's foot, alternating between kissing and teasing the soft skin, from his wiggling toes to the lower part of the heel. He gently licked at the sole of his foot a couple of times before pulling his mouth away from it and quietly asking. "Is that OK?"

Dylan panted and favored him with a wink. "Mmmm…yes."

Jake smiled sweetly as he kept his eyes locked on Dylan's as he slid his mouth once again over Dylan's big toe, and began sucking greedily, receiving several pleasure-filled moans from the younger teen. Meanwhile, Dylan was struggling to control his young teenage hormones; he had never felt anything so hot in his entire life. This was the first time anyone has worshiped his feet before and he felt ready to exploded, his erection straining painfully against his pants.

"Now time for double the fun," Jake said softly as he brought both of Dylan's feet to his mouth. He licked a long and slimy path across both of his warm sweaty soles and Jake moaned happily as he continued to give them long firm licks with his tongue. He looked up to see a red-faced Dylan watching him with a fond smile, and looking down Jake caught a brief glimpse of an odd bulge growing in Dylan's pants. He suddenly realized that he was turning his friend on but before he could say anything Jake found his face being kissed by his friendly toes. They gently tapped at his face and Jake grinned as he returned the favor by sucking on his long suckable toes, eliciting more moans from Dylan, and he continued to lick the young skater boy's delicious pair of feet until they were dripping wet with saliva.

Once Jake had enough he began to massage Dylan's feet with his fingers rubbing firmly into the saliva soaked soles. His eyes ran over both feet lovingly while his talented hands worked. Squeezing and rubbing, he manipulated the soft flesh like an artist that works with clay. Jake's fingers pressed firmly into the heels and he would gently massage his thumbs in heart-shaped patterns. Jake then moved his thumbs up and down the length of the soles, the wrinkles and ridges that he created made him ever so slightly hard, but he ignored it.

He enjoyed giving foot massages whenever he had the chance; Jake simply found it to be very calming, though in truth he really enjoyed the texture and beauty of Dylan's feet. The soft flesh felt amazing against my fingers and he couldn't stop petting them after a while. It was only after that Dylan's other foot nudged Jake to move on. The older teen suddenly found himself suddenly blushing for his embarrassment of having been caught on focusing so long over just the same area, and he quickly reassumed my task.
"I am sorry…it's just that your feet feel amazing dude."

"You're fingers feel amazing too bro," Dylan sighed happily at the massage. "I never had a foot massage before. I wished I had my feet massaged every day."

"That could be arranged," Jake said smiling. After a long and relaxing session Jake was done massaging both of Dylan's feet, he lowered them back onto his lap almost reverentially. "There all done," Jake said as he delicately stroked Dylan's soft sole with his fingertips.

"Can I ask you something personal dude?" Dylan asked.

"What is it dude?" Jake said smiling.

"Do you like…guys?"

Jake's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the words slowly come out of Dylan's mouth. Not only had Dylan exposed his foot fetish, but his sexuality as well. Something that Jake has long since kept secret from his friends and family. He couldn't just lie to Dylan and he had to tell him the truth. "Yes I am gay," Jake said without any moment's hesitation. After hearing the words roll out of his mouth he closed his eyes and breathed a deep sigh of relief that he no longer had to hide the truth about his sexuality.

When Jake opened his eyes he looked up to see Dylan move across the bed and wrap his arms around him. Jake was completely taken off guard by the younger teen's sudden sign of affection towards him. But he buried his face into the younger boy's hair, inhaling the sweet swell, and pulled him into a tighter embrace. When Dylan began to shift a little, Jake loosened his hold and stared deeply into his hazel green eyes. The blonde haired boy looked into Jake's eyes full of emotion. He smiled warmly and softly pressed his lips against Jake's. The older boy's eyes widened a bit from the shock, but he relaxed into the kiss.

Jake briefly pulled away to look at his dear friend. Dylan looked at him with a mixture of contentment and love, but there was desire evident in eyes. He had the strong urge to tackle the other boy down and make sweet, passionate love to him. Jake did just that by grabbing Dylan by the neck and giving him a passionate kiss on the lips before pushing him back onto the bed. Upon falling on his back with Jake, Dylan let out a small yelp. The older teen looked down at Dylan with concerned eyes and he leaned down and his mouth found his cheek, then the line of his jaw. Jake tasted his skin, sweet and salty, and strong with desire. As his mouth traced the line of Dylan's jawline the younger teen arched up into him

The young skater gasped when he felt the other boy's soft lips against his. Jake saw the perfect opportunity to thrust his tongue into the younger teen's mouth. Dylan's eyes widened upon this intrusion, but he allowed the older teen to explore the territory of his mouth, and he was rewarded with the feel of the other boy's tongue over his gums, around his tongue and across his lips. As Jake sweeped his tongue inside Dylan's mouth to duel with his, the younger teen was just as bold as he was, tasting him and exploring his mouth.

But Jake was on the offense and Dylan was at his mercy as he felt Jake's hand trail up under his shirt and onto the radiating heat of his skin. His hand moved across Dylan's smooth belly and then up to his chest, feeling the soft skin. "God you're so good," Dylan said as he allowed himself to be dominated by the older teen. Jake smiled seductively and continued to make out with his best friend on his bed. Dylan put his arms around Jake's neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. He turned and Jake turned with him and the two of them rolled off the bed and onto the floor. The two teens looked at each other for a moment and they began to laugh as they both laid there on the comfortable warm wood floor. Jake gently kissed Dylan on his forehead and wrapped his strong protective arms around him. Dylan snuggled against him, "Do you mind if I come back over tomorrow?" he asked.

"No I don't mind," Jake said stroking Dylan's blonde hair.

"What about summer school…"

"Shhh don't say anything else. Let's just lie here for a couple of minutes."

"Ok," Dylan smiled as he snuggled closer to Jake. The two teens closed their eyes and laid there together on the floor, wrapped in each other's warm embrace, and afterwards Jake's summer didn't turn out as badly as he thought it would be.