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Tony and Frank

by Jerol Villadolid

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It was very early in the morning and Tony and Frank Humphrey were having breakfast in the small family table next to the kitchen.

Frank had cooked his signature Sicilian omelette and also some delicious chicken sausages. Tony was just beginning to spread farm-fresh butter and jam on his toast when Daniel got down from the stairs appearing to be in a hurry.

"Hey there! Good morning! Your breakfast is ready!" Frank said as he leaned over to look at his son.

"No time dad. I got to get at school before 7 am. The boys are gonna kill me if I miss practice this morning. The game is just 3 days away. I think I'll just grab something to eat when I'm already there." Daniel said while he tied his shoes as quickly as he can.

Tony got up and immediately wrapped the sandwich he was about to eat in some picnic paper. He got a paper bag from the drawer and placed the sandwich inside and also a small bottle of milk. He went to Daniel and handed him his packed breakfast and the young man promptly kissed his father in the cheek as a sign of appreciation.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem. I hope practice goes well. Call us if you ever need anything. Frank made you his specialty because he thought you would have time to eat with us this morning. Oh well. Our boy is all big now and he doesn't have time for us anymore." Tony spoke teasingly.

"Aww dad. It's not like that."

Frank went towards Daniel who was just about ready to leave and the young man promptly gave his other parent a kiss in the cheek also. Daniel was still completely loving towards his very responsible and affectionate parents and wouldn't ever think twice about kissing them even if it has to be in public. Frank was delighted as his son gave him his favorite treat, the two parents smiled sincerely towards their son as Daniel finally left the door waving one last time.

Tony and Frank were a gay couple that have been married for almost 20 years. They were amongst the first gay couples to be legally wed anywhere in North America. Tony and Frank were both lawyers and were very highly regarded in their community. They were model citizens who paid their taxes to the cent and have never broken any laws or even incurred traffic tickets. Tony and Frank were single-minded and were determined to live a normal and happy life no matter what society said. They have built an impressive family that is the epitome of selfless love and unconditional sacrifice. This universe of perfection and happiness revolves completely around a single core. Their 19-year old son. Daniel.

Daniel had been the center of Tony and Frank's life for as long as either of them can remember. Daniel had been legally adopted by the two back in 1995 as an orphan of American diplomats killed overseas in a terror attack. Daniel's mother and father had died when he was just 6 months old. He was in daycare when the unthinkable happened to his parents. Frank knew Daniel's father personally as a close family friend and he immediately felt a strong and powerful impulse to take the burden of responsibility in raising his friend's son. Daniel had no known living relatives as both his parents were single children. Tony and Frank stepped into his life and they prevented him from living a sad and lonely existence being raised by the state in an orphanage.

The years the couple had in raising the happy and bubbly baby which they named after their favorite Calvin Klein model had been a dream come true. Daniel had been the light of their life. The boy was so loving and affectionate and will fall asleep as soon as either of them hugs him. Daniel had an instant spark of connection to his two new parents and had showed unconditional love and trust towards them as soon as they got together as a family.

Tony and Frank had been consumed with their cute and adorable son and couldn't think of anything else that gave them more joy. Daniel coincidentally was also an extremely good looking boy and it became more and more apparent as he grew up and entered adolescence. Tony and Frank had a quiet pride in them knowing that their son looks as good as he does. Daniel had always had groups of girls following him around and even had some of them fight over each other whenever the competition for him got too high. Daniel never became arrogant and had always been level-headed and humble.

Their unique family set-up had inevitably caused several ignorant people to start giving Daniel some trouble. But he had always been remarkably mature about it and never paid any attention to bullies and conservatives. Daniel knew how much his parents loved him, how they gave everything for him, he never hesitated for one moment to always proudly admit that these two were his parents.

Tony and Frank gave Daniel complete freedom and space to choose who he was and whatever he wanted to be. They knew since Daniel learned to walk and talk that their son was going to be straight. That was alright with them. They never applied any pressure on him on what lifestyle is right or wrong. They were happy whatever Daniel decided to do with his life as long as it had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.

They were equally happy to know that as soon as Daniel could, he decided to enter sports and quickly became a champion in his school's junior wrestling team. Daniel was an extremely active adolescent and would lift weights passionately as soon as he turned 14. Tony and Frank tried incredibly hard never to look at their son 'that' way. They knew it was wrong and even though they never fail to notice Daniel's increasingly bulking muscles, they always try and look beyond that and remind themselves that this is their beloved son.

Though admittedly, the couple were only human and would, secretly and without ever telling the other, sneak in whiffs off their son's sweaty socks and jockstrap when he finally turned into a young adult. Daniel was truly a sight to behold when he finally turned 18. Over four years of dedicated and tireless weight-lifting and sports have transformed him into a man straight out of a homoerotic dream. He had close-cut brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was exceptionally muscled in his upper body especially his shoulders and his chest. Daniel looked just like the men Tony and Frank would masturbate to in private. He looked like a Corbin Fisher or Randy Blue model making it that much more difficult for either of them to reach climax without Daniel suddenly replacing the men on screen.

The couple though have well decided and with full determination never to act on these unwanted thoughts. They wanted Daniel's kisses to be sincere and affectionate. Neither of them wanted to break their son's trust by betraying him. They actively took steps to avoid inappropriate contacts with Daniel now that he has a body their knees go weak for. The old tickle-fights before bed which were a ritual Tony and Daniel did nightly stopped as soon as doing it gave Tony an embarrassing boner. So did the gentle foot rubs which Frank loved to use to wake up Daniel when he was running late for school. Those stopped as soon as Daniel's feet grew to be size 11s and were the first in his body to reach adulthood.

Tony and Frank had just about finished eating when they both got up and started getting ready to leave for work. It's a big day for them today. Their moderately sized firm had taken on a new associate and the young Harvard graduate was showing himself to be a true asset to the firm. Landon Yates had already won a very important high profile case just months after joining their team. The hotshot 31 year old was commanding a high premium for his services and the company seems set to offer him an even higher position. Tony had invited Landon over for dinner wanting to get to know him better and form a close personal alliance. There is just something mysterious about Landon that Tony couldn't quite put his finger on, it's as if something is pushing him to get more deeply involved with the young lawyer out of curiosity that he could get something out of it.

"It's perfect Frank. Daniel wouldn't be home until very late at night. We could have a nice and cordial dinner with Landon and you could be the one to cook."

"I still don't know about this Tony. Something about that guy doesn't seem too right. He's too ambitious, aggressive. Are you sure we can't just invite him over at a 5-star restaurant? Why does it have to be our home?" Frank asked.

"Because... I want him to feel that we're truly sincere about him. What's a short dinner? Daniel wouldn't be there. It's just you and me."

"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt. What's the worst that can happen? As long as we finish the thing before our son arrives. I don't want... Landon... To see Daniel."


"I don't trust him Tony. I just don't."

The two finally arrived in their high rise office in downtown Orlando as Frank's last words resonated inside Tony's head. What did his partner mean? Is Frank seeing something that Tony doesn't? Could he be wrong letting a complete stranger into their home? His son's safety immediately went to mind. He started getting second thoughts about having invited Landon over for dinner. He already knew Landon was also gay... And Daniel has a habit of just barging in to the rooms in just his jockstrap. What if Daniel came home early and undressed and then Landon was suddenly there to see him? He knew how capable Landon was... If Daniel ever catches his eye then their son might be in big trouble. Landon does not know the meaning of surrender if he puts his mind on something.

"On second thought Frank... I think we should..."


"How nice to finally see you this morning!"

Tony looked forward at the cheerful voice and suddenly found Landon walking towards them with his winning smile and perfectly put together Armani suit. The young attorney immediately shook Tony's hand before he could even get a greeting back.

"I'm so excited about tonight! I cancelled two appointments with Mrs. Chu and Mr. Peterson because those clients can wait. Getting close together with the team is always top priority. I'm glad you were generous enough to invite me!" Landon said excitedly.

"Yeah... ummm... We can't wait either. Hehe. I am so excited to have you over Landon. Frank and I... Well... Frank and I have put together a sumptuous dinner for all of us. I'm sure you would love it and we could get a little R&R together." Tony replied barely able to put his words together after being caught off guard.

"Mmm...mmmh! I am SURE I will love whatever feast you put for me. My mouth is already watering. I'm not even gonna ask what it is. That would only spoil it. Can I at least bring the wine? I would hate to be a free-loading guest." Landon replied appearing even more excited.

"Sure Landon. You can bring whatever wine you like. That's fine with us. It will be a short dinner. Just three courses. We have to be finished before 10 PM because.... errr..... Tony and I.... Well.... We have plans of seeing a late night.... Play."

"Ohhhh...." Landon replied with his perfect expression of concern. This guy's true emotions are simply impossible to read.

"Gotcha." Landon added as he winked at Frank.

The three finally separated and went into their own work desks as their respective secretary's interrupted them giving much needed paperworks and deadlines their attention. Tony has a busy day and has three hearings to attend to while Frank has several feet of documents to sift through and read before he can call it a day. Landon immediately disappeared into the executive office where he will have a video conference with their highest profile client, a Qatari emir phoning from abroad. The large law office buzzed with life as cases were won and lost and millions of dollars were made in fees. Time literally flew by as all the associates got buried in work and the sun seem to race across the sky and suddenly turn into night. The firm's chief executive finally got out of his office after 5 PM and rang the golden bell at the middle of the room signaling work was over.

Tony and Frank got together again inside Tony's office and the two packed their things and got ready to leave. Frank still has to drop by the local organic grocery to pick up some much needed items for dinner. Salmon, Russian cherries, caviar, and rare purple Greek olives were just some of the items he needed to buy to get his meal put together. They were surprised to see that Landon was no longer there. He was among the first to leave. They reckoned he was going to go ahead and meet with his two clients anyway because their agreed time was 7 PM. The bastard simply couldn't be taken for his word.

Frank finished his trip to the grocery in just 20 minutes and they finally drove into their street before it was even 6 PM. The partners were both very shocked to see Landon's blue BMW already parked in their driveway! They couldn't help but look at each other in disbelief especially since Landon was told the dinner was at 7 PM. The young lawyer was 1 hour and 12 minutes too punctual. Tony immediately got a gut feeling in his stomach that letting this proud and determined young lawyer into their private residence was a bad idea.

"Landon! You're too early! I still have to cook!" Frank yelled In a friendly and surprised manner as Landon turned around from inspecting their house's external structure.

"I'm sorry Frank! I didn't have anywhere else to go this evening after work. I thought we could already start talking with light conversations even while you cook. I'm not really hungry yet so you don't have to worry!"

"Well... You're already here so how can I refuse!" Frank replied.

Tony finally opened the door and invited Landon inside as Frank got the bag of groceries from the trunk. Landon immediately looked around and inspected the entire living room upon entering. He didn't make it obvious to his hosts but he was apparently very curious about Tony and Frank's home.

"Who is this guy?" Landon immediately asked even before Tony could put down his briefcase.

He was holding a picture frame of them with Daniel from their recent trip to a water theme park. Tony and Frank were beside their son who was posing bare-chested with a dolphin and with his arms up in the air. Tony's heart immediately fell to his shoes as just seconds upon entering Landon already shifted the focus to the one topic he was not prepared to discuss.

Tony took the picture frame from Landon and placed it back on the side table.

"That's our son. Daniel."

Landon's eyes bulged out and he turned and looked Tony straight in the eye. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Tony and Frank had a son?! They never mentioned it before!

"W-wha... You have a son? THIS is your son??" Landon asked in slight shock as he looked back at the picture.

Landon didn't speak after that. But Tony could clearly see the unmistakable glimmer in his eyes. He couldn't be wrong. Landon was instantly attracted to Daniel and his eyes locked on him like harpoons. The proud lawyer was suddenly silenced and his gaze secretly scanned all the other pictures Tony and Frank had lying about the living room.

The couple had proudly chosen all the best shots with Daniel to display in their living area. Ironically, good pictures for them also means hot pictures. Daniel can be seen in all sorts of poses both shirtless and smiling. Most of the pictures were very recent and showed Daniel already in the prime of his young adult life. The boy loved to pose and always brought his arms up or flexed his muscles whenever a friendly camera was pointed at him. Landon was in awe as he moved from one picture to another seemingly infatuated how a very hot young man could be living with a gay couple and all three to be alright with that. His mind swimmed with all sorts of possibilities and his face was suddenly locked in its famous poker expression. Neither Tony nor Frank could now read whatever Landon is planning in his head. They will never know the full impact of their mistake in inviting Landon into their home.

"I love salmon with olives and cherries! I read that in a heart-friendly magazine. I didn't know I would ever get to taste that!" Landon said unnervingly placing the topic completely off Daniel.



"That was deeelicious! God. Frank. I never knew salmon could ever be made to taste like that..."

"Boys. Will you please excuse me? I think I need to use the bathroom for a little bit."

"Sure Landon. It's three doors to the right. I'm glad you liked it. Your wine was also amazing." Frank replied.

Landon merely gave Frank his signature wink and then quickly stood up and disappeared into the corridor. Tony and Frank immediately started talking thinking that inviting Landon over wasn't such a bad idea after all. The man was extremely generous, and unbelievably polite. They got to know so much about him, his background and his views. But none more so gave the two partners relief than the fact that Landon never once mentioned Daniel or even brought him up. Tony may have been wrong. Perhaps Landon was just curious, but maybe didn't mean anything malicious by his earlier interest in their son.

"What's taking him too long?" Frank asked as he was just about done doing the dishes.

"I think I'll check up on him." Tony said.

"Landon.... Landon is everything alright?"

Tony opened the bathroom door and was surprised to see it was empty. He proceeded to walk further up the corridor until he reached the doors leading into their private bedrooms. There, he saw the silhouette of a man apparently bent down into the floor. It was next to Daniel's bedroom door. Tony flicked the lights on and was extremely shocked with what he saw.

"What the fuck are you doing Landon???" Tony yelled as he caught Landon sniffing Daniel's sweaty worn socks from a nearby hamper.

"Oh shit!" Landon said as he quickly stuffed the sweaty sock in his pocket.

"What the FUCK is this?"

"I can explain..."

"You better asshole. I am just a second away from calling the cops and having you arrested. You are in MY home!"

"Tony... Please... You have to calm down."

"You're sniffing my son's sock!!!"

"Tony. I... I just wanted to know..."

"WHAT?? What could you possibly know by sniffing his sock? How can you explain this incredibly stupid behavior Landon?!"

"Shit! Will you stop yelling at me? Don't be a hypocrite Tony. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Your fucking son is hot. Okay. Is it a crime to just smell his used gear? Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't done this before. Look me in the eye!"

"What's going on in here?"

"Frank. I caught this piece of shit sniffing our son's used underwear. He even tried to stash the sock on his pocket when I caught him."

"Landon. I think you better leave..."

"Frank. It's not what it looks like... I...."

"We don't need your explanation Landon. I understand what's going on. Now please leave. I won't report this if you just go."

Landon looked at the floor in complete shame and for the first time turned a bright red from embarrassment. He was still holding Daniel's sweaty, used black athletic socks which he wore for four straight days while in football practice. Landon had been smelling a treasure trove of sweaty gear before Tony arrived including Daniel's jockstrap, his cum-stained underwear, the armpit areas in his shirts, and even his knee pads which also had his scent in them. Landon had been too distracted by the odors of an athletic young man to pay any attention as Tony approached. For the first time in his life the eloquent Harvard debate champion was silenced and unable to speak. Landon let go of Daniel's soaked socks and walked quietly to the front door without saying anything. Neither Frank nor Tony followed him as they stood frozen in shock at seeing a business associate suddenly molest their son's dignity by smelling his gear in his very own home.

Tony heard the BMW pull out of the driveway and only then did he get the energy to go to the living room and sit down.

"What was that all about Pa?" Daniel spoke as he entered the main door.

"That guy looked at me funny. Is he your guest?"

"Daniel! You're back early. No... He.... He just dropped by to give me my briefcase. I... I left it at work." Tony said stitching his words together.


"How was practice son??"

"It was great dad... The boys were all really pumped up. They even invited me to sleep over at Matt's place being Friday night and all... But... I told them I was too tired. I stopped by at Jenny's and picked up the jam you told me to get." Daniel said as he threw his bag over the living room futon and peeled off his sweaty shirt.

"I need to shower quick. The water pump at school broke. Im still wearing my practice clothes. God I stink. Haha!" Daniel laughed as he placed his right arm high above his head and sniffed his sweaty pit in front of his dads.

The young man was still extremely comfortable with his parents. Even though he had already grown up, he tried very hard not to make his dads uncomfortable around him. He can sense they looked at him differently now, but didn't want to show that he was affected by it much. He didn't want them to feel rejected.

Daniel left the living room and proceeded to go to the shower in just his boxer briefs. He left most of his clothes at the living room chairs and were going to clean them up later like he always does. Tony placed his face inside his palm and shook his head regretting what a big mistake it was to invite Landon over. He knew it was almost impossible for Daniel to be in danger... But he didn't want to underestimate a guy he couldn't fully read or predict.

Morning arrived the next day and both Frank and Tony were queasy about going to work and seeing Landon again. They didn't know what to say to him or how the incident was going to affect their work relationship. Thankfully they didn't have to fret for long because Landon didn't show up for work that day. He had phoned in on his secretary that he was going to take a short leave of absence for health reasons. The other associates were shocked at this not seeing how a healthy young lawyer like Landon could suddenly need a medical leave. Tony and Frank reckoned Landon was too embarrassed to show his face after last night and felt that the man might still have some humility. They dismissed it and the whole incident slipped from their minds.


It had been two days since the dinner with Landon and nobody at the office had yet seen him. Landon would not return any of his secretary's phone calls and simply emailed them that he was in serious medical trouble and was not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Tony and Frank started getting worried that something unusual might be up. They weren't too imaginative and didn't think the absence could have anything to do with Daniel. They felt that Landon perhaps was contemplating leaving the firm and was simply too unsure yet to give in his resignation.

They went home that evening already thinking of other things and preoccupied with their work commitments. Landon had finally disappeared from their thoughts and neither Tony nor Frank bothered to think about him again. They went home that night surprised that Daniel's car was still not in the driveway. Their son hadn't informed them that he will be staying at any friends house that Sunday night. Daniel had earlier committed to be home early so they could fix their broken garage door gate. This was very unusual especially since Daniel's phone was suddenly out of coverage and they couldn't call him.

Tony and Frank waited anxiously for their son to call or text all the way up to midnight. They started getting seriously worried when it was already 1 am and still no word from Daniel. They finally decided to call the cops at around 3 am in the morning and filed a missing persons report about their son Daniel. Tony couldn't stop crying as they drove by to the police station and had to pull himself together to properly give specific details to the police desk. Daniel was last spotted leaving his school at around 4:30 in the afternoon and his friends were told that he was heading straight home. Tony and Frank's thoughts inevitably drifted to the possibility that Daniel could have been harmed, injured, or possibly even kidnapped. They noted in the report that the prime suspect was Landon Yates, and they even pleaded to the officer to come inspect Landon's house in the west suburbs firmly believing Daniel was being held there against his will.

It was already the next morning when they finally secured a court order from the district judge for the right to search Landon's home. He was, unfortunately, not at the house and his neighbors reported not seeing his car for almost 3 days. The police sifted through every nook and cranny of the home but were unable to find anything unusual. They immediately left the scene and informed Frank and Tony that there was nothing more they could do. Landon it seems was not the one responsible for Daniel's disappearance.

Tony and Frank searched tirelessly for the next two days handing out flyers and posting videos online appealing for the public's help in finding their son. It had been over three days since anyone last saw Daniel and their hearts were beginning to strain fearing the worst might have happened. Both of them cried frequently especially when they went home to rest unable to believe how someone can just vanish like that with no one able to provide a lead.

The police has taken over the investigation and the two were told to stay at home and wait for any further news. Tony was searching the web trying to find out more about their suspect Landon Yates and if he had any other residence. He wasn't able to find out much because the man was apparently extremely secretive. The one email he was able to confirm that belonged to Landon only took him to several x-rated bondage and domination sites which didn't help quell any of his fears. Landon was apparently into S&M and had several secret accounts related to videos and clips of young men being used and abused. His email frequently appears in the comments sections of erotic male stories and among the materials he loved to read were tickle torture, cum-control, mummification, worship, feet, and sensual teasing. Tony suddenly felt extremely guilty because many of the sites Landon had visited were also websites HE visited. His face started getting red from shame thinking that the man who may have kidnapped their son was someone just like him.

Tony's explorations was suddenly put to a stop when a new email suddenly popped up on his inbox. He quickly opened the new message and almost fell down from his chair when the sender was named 'Landon'.

Tony's breathing suddenly became twice as normal and his heart rate spiked. His fingers quivered as he hesitantly pressed the open button and couldn't fully look at the screen out of fear of what it might contain. There was a single audio clip attachment to the message and Tony decided to open it first. The small file only took 5 seconds to download. It went into auto play the second it appeared on his downloaded folder....

(3 seconds of silence)

"OH PLEASE.... Mister..... Sir.... Let me go....AAHHHH..... No..... Don't do that.... That tickles.....Oooohhhh.....shit! That fucking tickles! Stop it! God! HELP!!!!"

- end of audio -

The audio clip ended as Tony's mouth was completely wide open. His eyes were staring in the laptop screen but he was seeing nothing but pitch black darkness. Tony was in complete shock. Unable to think. Unable to move. His QuickTime player had been set to loop and the audio clip kept playing again and again as Tony was paralyzed. Against all his will and his conscious intentions, his pants very slowly began to tent. His son's cries of sweet agony and blissful voice of deep satisfaction rung inside his mind and demolished all his definitions of boundaries. Daniel's erotic wails whenever he begged for a 'tickling' of sorts to stop immediately made Tony's hardening dick drool precum. The phrase especially 'That fucking tickles...' Which Daniel said almost making the listener feel the level of pleasure he is feeling was almost too much for Tony. His mind immediately showed unwanted visions of Daniel possibly being licked on his soles, maybe made to squat and someone might be licking his virgin hole, maybe stretched and one or two, maybe more, people nibbling his sensitive body parts.... Maybe fingers and hands are slowly exploring his muscular bound body.... Or maybe it was something his mind couldn't even imagine...

The possibility that this was being done to Daniel, the beautiful son he loved, threw Tony over the edge and he drooled in his desk as the audio kept playing.

'That fucking tickles...Stop it!... God!....HELP!!'

Tony's eyes flickered as they rolled behind his head and he spontaneously started cumming in his pants. His dick wasn't even fully erect and yet his emotions at hearing these unbelievable sounds were enough to make him reach sudden climax. His pants formed a wet and sticky spot at the center as his whole body shivered and convulsed.

'Mister....sir....let me go....AHHHH!'

"Stop this!!!" Tony yelled as he finally unfroze himself and threw the laptop to the floor breaking the screen and turning the power off.

He threw his head in the desk and started crying profusely. He was so overwhelmed with emotions that he had broken down while still very hard. Tony was torn on two different feelings of love for Daniel. One of fatherly concern and the other of intense attraction. Landon had pierced right through the family taboo and knew just how to play Tony in his hands and make the poor man putty by giving him what he so desperately wants...which is Daniel in his deepest fantasy scenario.


"FRANK!!" Tony yelled while still sobbing.

His partner rushed down the floor as he heard the loud and hysterical cries after a large thump on the floor. He was shocked to see the laptop broken and Tony in tears. Frank's heart almost stopped thinking the worst had happened to their son. He almost couldn't breathe fearing Daniel might have been harmed.... Or worse.


"Frank... No.... It's not... It's not like that...."

Tony shook his head and got himself together fearing his partner might have a heart attack from the wrong impression. He got up and sat both of them down near the couch and took a deep breath before trying to explain what he just discovered in his mail.

Tony later played the audio clip to Frank on his own laptop as the other parent experienced just about the same reaction as Tony did. His absolute shock made him equally paralyzed and unable to move or speak. Tony though was able to stop the audio clip after just two plays preventing Frank from having the same embarrassing episode he had. The two looked at each other in disbelief as Tony forgot that there was even a note attached to the email before the audio file.

He quickly turned the laptop around and they both read the message.

'Your son is delicious Tony! He smells even better in person especially on his pits and his feet. I've never given anyone a tongue-bathe before who squirmed and begged as much as Daniel has. Do you know he goes ballistic when his toes are sucked? Together while his nipples are sucked too?? Oops! I think I slipped and told you there are more than one of us. Darn. Haha! But it's not like you can get to do anything about it now.

Don't call the cops. The moment you do or tell anyone in the office Daniel here is going to cross the border into Mexico and it's bye-bye son forever. I will return him to you... Eventually... But you need to cooperate with me first.

Now. I want you to help me decide. Email me back with a rant and begging for your son to be released within 24 hours and we will give Daniel an edging torture with hours of nipple pleasure and rimming. Fail to email back and we will tickle torture him until he cries and breaks down. Your choice. This is your first challenge.

Oops... He's awake again.... Got to resume munching on those soles. You guessed it. The sounds were from foot pleasure. Byeeee!!!'

"FUCKKKK!!!!!" Frank yelled almost throwing his own laptop away just like Tony had. He stopped himself just in time and merely got up and punched through the wall. He didn't like how Landon was teasing and tormenting them. The last phrase when Landon seemingly teased them made him even more angry. This all appears like a game to Landon. The sick bastard doesn't know that he has committed a very serious crime with abducting their son. Is his head even straight? Does he seriously think he will get away with this?

Landon probably knew Tony and Frank more than the other way around. Almost prophetically, the couple decided not to tell the cops of this new discovery fearful that Landon was in a city close to the border and could very well put actions to his threats. The safety of their son was top priority and they felt that they needed to thread carefully if they will ever have him safely back.

The two settled in sending Landon a pleading email begging him to let their son go and that they will be prepared to forgive him for his crime. They told Landon that it wasn't yet too late and if he let their son go now then they will tell the cops it had all been a big misunderstanding and that Daniel had merely gotten off with a chick. Tony and Frank wrote a nearly 12 paragraph plea for mercy from Landon begging him not to hurt their son and to keep him safe. They reiterated how much they love their boy and how neither of them could live if anything were to happen to Daniel. The two poured their hearts out hoping against all hope that Landon could see some reason. They hesitated for a little bit before sending the email remembering Landon's warning on what would happen to Daniel if they messaged back. They decided to send the message anyway and surrendered all doubts to fate and hoped for the best.

The next two days had been completely agonizing for Tony and Frank. They were constantly glued to their computer and kept checking the inbox every 15 minutes. Not being able to hear back from Landon and not knowing if he will even message back is pure torture for them. Tony and Frank were obsessed with worry and stuck with sorrowful reflections on what might be currently happening to their son.

Neither of them had been able to sleep. And were complete wrecks when the inbox finally ringed indicating the arrival of a new message.

Tony was currently texting his clients apologizing to them how he had to drop their cases when he heard the beep. He almost dropped his phone in the sofa and rushed to the desktop as soon as he can to see if the message came from Landon.

It did.

"Frank!!....FRANK!!!!" Tony yelled.

Frank rushed down from their bedroom as soon as he heard the loud call. The two sat down beside each other in front of the computer and breathed very deep before they got the courage to open the message.

There was just a single word in the email.


A very large video file was attached at the bottom. Tony clicked on the link and they were taken to a file sharing site where the description indicated that the size of the video was a huge 2.6 GB. Tony and Frank looked at each other in total shock as they were apparently being sent a long video file of their son. They gulped down their fears and their distress was suddenly replaced by unwanted curiosity on what might the large video contain. Landon's words 'enjoy!' tormented the two men to no end as they hurriedly clicked on the download page starting the 1-hour wait for the transfer to finish.

The pressure was too much for them and Frank returned to their room to try and cope with his anxiety and subconscious excitement away from his partner. Tony found himself breathing heavily and his mind began to float with all sorts of possibilities in what Landon might have done to Daniel. No matter how Tony tried to reason with himself, he simply couldn't see a scenario wherein Daniel was harmed or hurt because he didn't conclude Landon was capable of that. Instead, his imagination began to swim thinking that the video might be a steamy sex scene where he will get to see Landon have his way with their son in ways he had always imagined in his repressed fantasies. Tony almost slapped himself to keep it together and get these sick and twisted visions out of his head.


The two men were now sitting beside each other in front of the computer after waiting 1 hour and 26 minutes for the download to progress. They were both sweating profusely from anticipation unable to wait the final 4 minutes for the video to complete downloading. In a short while, the download folder bounced indicating the transfer has completed successfully. Tony wasn't able to press the video file yet and took a couple more seconds to get the strength. He had to take a short drink of water first before returning to the computer and finally deciding to proceed.

Tony and Frank very hesitantly pressed play on the large file...

The media player immediately occupied the entire screen, Landon had sent them an HD video. The two men scooted over to the edge of their seats and brought their faces close to the monitor. The screen was black at first and then suddenly changed into a footage of a dimly lit, confined room with red walls. It was a basement. And there were chains and bondage gear scattered about. Tony and Frank had to squint several times not believing at first what they saw in the middle of the room. There, standing on a platform, was Daniel. He was stripped naked and had both his wrists cuffed high above his head. He was wearing a black blindfold and was twitching and shivering as... Three grey-haired and balding men explored his muscular body with their fingers. The men all had looks of animalistic lust in their eyes as they lightly pinched and fondled Daniel's defenseless bound body. Their poor son would jump slightly whenever one of the men would flick his tits or gently stroke his shoulders. The men knew just how to stroke a man's body and it was clear they were experts at this. They divided Daniel's large 6'0 frame by making sure to pay each area their own individual attentions. Two were on either side of him playfully kneading his ribs and stroking his exposed pits and chest. While the third was crouched down on the floor behind him visibly spidering his hands all over Daniel's buns.

Daniel's mouth was moving desperately as pleas and cries for mercy reverberated throughout the room. His voice was very erratic as he was barely able to get any words out from the molestations on his bound body. His breaths were very deep and gentle squeals and giggles would occasionally escape as the men increased the pressure with their fingers and dug deeper into his sensitive muscles.

Daniel was writhing so erotically before Tony and Frank's eyes as he constantly pushed his chest out trying to get away from the spidering fingers in his back. He would plunge them back in when the other two men would flick his tits when they protruded forward too much. The entire scene was a dance of sensual teasing and hopeless escape where a muscled young man is forced to endure the caresses and squeezes of 30 lustful fingers exploring him in his most intimate areas.

The tempo suddenly changed when one of the men broke ranks and plunged his face deep into Daniel's sweaty left pit. The young man yelled at the new sensation of wet lips and sucking nostrils nuzzling all over his sensitive armpit. The other two quickly followed suit and planted their own lips and tongues on their own favorite areas. Daniel was soon being licked and nibbled all over his body as he struggled twice as much and begged even harder. Tony and Frank had to stop the video which was only in its 15th minute after experiencing their own sensory overloads. Frank stood up without speaking to Tony and quietly made his way out of the room. Tony stayed glued to his seat unable to stand up even if he wanted to. The two men each dealt with the devastating video clip on their own ways before they could think straight. Frank went to the bathroom and shamefully masturbated himself to the images of Daniel writhing in ecstasy while Tony did the same in the living room staring at his son's muscled body so helplessly exposed and with three heads buried in his most private areas licking and kissing him.

Tony and Frank were in the twilight zone unable to use reasoning and logic and overwhelmed with the urge to see more of Daniel's video. They quietly returned to each other and without muttering any words pressed the play button again.

The men on screen continued to give Daniel a thorough tongue-bathe as they tried to systematically slither their tongues on every part of his body. They even licked his knees, his elbows, his chin, his cheeks, and even nibbled on his ear lobes. The men though finally settled on three parts which they pleasured and teased with great concentration for the rest of the clip. Two men settled on gently chewing on either of Daniel's hard nipples while the third, the bald one, got down on his knees and swallowed Daniel's balls one by one sucking off the sweat. Daniel threw his head over his shoulders and faced the ceiling with his mouth wide open in a low and very deep moan. You could feel the intensity of the sensations coursing through his body with the way he sucked in his stomach and pushed his chest out trying to both get more of the sucking lips and also to get away from them. He swayed left and right rhythmically as the men followed him in his every movement never letting go and never disengaging their mouths and their tongues.

Both Tony and Frank had by now pulled out their own cocks masturbating profusely to the scene not caring anymore the ethics of what they were doing getting wildly turned on with the sexual teasing of their son. Their instincts and their common sense have completely disappeared giving way to their red hot desires to see the beautiful young man on screen completely melt and break down by the actions of three determined tongues. Tears began to stream down Daniel's blindfold as the combined nipple-pleasure lasted for over 20 minutes. He had already stopped struggling and was merely swaying in synchrony with the lascivious mouths pushing his chest one way and then the other. His large pec muscles involuntarily twitched and flexed from exhaustion with the two men's tireless efforts. The third guy had by now swallowed his cock whole and was giving him a blowjob adding one more unbearable sexual sensation to his torment.

Daniel's cries have stopped being desperate pleas to be let go and for the torment to stop and has transformed into uncensored screams of pure sexual surrender. His mind had reached over the edge and there was no other priority for him now other than to be allowed to cum. Daniel pushed his chest out even farther seeking more of the sweet sensations as his abs tightened signaling he is getting close.


Daniel started shaking his head and his tongue hung to the side of his lips as it was clear he couldn't take it anymore and was going to explode in the biggest cum of his life. Sensing this, the man sucking his dick surprisingly slowed down his efforts and soon the large, steel hard shaft was pointed straight in the open air desperately fucking the empty space trying to seek out stimulation. The man who had once been sucking him off laughed hard at seeing Daniel's torment at being refused to cum. His dick burped clear fluid which stringed its way in an unbroken line all the way to the platform where it pooled. The nipple chewing continued without abandon and it was clear Daniel was now going out of his mind from the endless teasing and being refused to climax.

A masked man suddenly appeared on screen bringing with him two wooden chairs. He placed both chairs in the platform on either side of Daniel's legs and both he and the bald old man helped place Daniel's feet on either surface of the chairs. He was too disoriented and distracted from the continued abuse in his chest to notice that the men were putting him in a new position altogether. Before he could sense what was going on, they shackled Daniel's ankles to the chairs and placed a thin leather rope around his waist attaching it to a hook on the back wall.

Daniel was now in a perfect squatting pose with his legs bent backwards and his asscrack fully exposed. He was somewhat elevated from the floor because of the height of the chairs his feet were planted on, and so his virgin pink hole was in just about the perfect height for some intense, romantic rimming. Tony and Frank knew exactly what was going to happen next and both of them almost went wild from anticipation thinking they will explode and go insane when they see their dear Daniel get rimmed for the first time. Daniel tried to struggle and move his hips from the unusual position to no avail. The clever straps had been so strategically attached that he was in a perfect 'sitting' pose and will not even be able to twitch his hole much because they were so spread open to investigation. The bald man squatted down behind Daniel's butt with his mouth positively drooling from excitement at being able to taste Daniel's most ticklish spot. He was going to show that innocent, pink hole what it feels like to be loved and teased by an old and experienced tongue. Daniel is certain to melt into the floor when the wet rimming finally adds to his torture. Tony and Frank were on the edge of their seats and had their eyes fixed on the bald man's wiggling tongue as it finally disappeared between their son's cheeks.

And then... The video went black.

Tony and Frank both jumped high up from their chairs in shock at suddenly being left out cold just when they so desperately needed to see what will happen next. A few short words appeared on screen in white letters as the two immediately got their faces back to read what it said.

'Daniel completely lost it with the rimming. He cried and howled and begged for it to stop but we only increased our efforts. When one mouth got tired from pleasuring him in his hole, another quickly replaced it while the old one rested.

We rimmed your son for three hours and he came five times especially when he relaxed enough to let us penetrate deeper up inside him. You should have seen his face after the third cum Frank.... God.... I've never seen a boy enjoy himself more. You should have seen the way he drooled into his chest and shook his head muttering nonsense. I've broken your boy. And I did it using only pleasure. He is passed out now, and the three businessmen who flew all the way to taste him are fully satisfied as well. They told me they have other friends who are experts at torturing boys. More videos to come.

Oh! And by the way! If you want to see the rest of the clip.... Your son melting into the floor.... Send me the complete list of his friends and all his contacts from his phone as well as his photos which are displayed on your living room. I want to know everything about your son Frank. I'm sure you wouldn't agree now.... But tomorrow you will. After spending the whole night sweating yourself thinking how hot it must be to see your son's rimming. Hahaha!'

Frank immediately threw a fit after reading the text attached to the end of the video clip. The way Landon teased and tormented him blackmailing him to give more info about his son in exchange for the rest of the torture video has pushed him beyond his limit. He broke vases and jars around their living room at being so pressured and tormented at wanting to save their son and at the same time wanting to see him pleasured some more. Tony got up and helped Frank calm down and the two soon sat at the sofa trying to make sense of what was happening and find a way to move forward.

They took consolation in the fact that as long as they cooperated, Daniel will never be harmed and these sexual torments will not damage him in any permanent way. The room was soon filled with silence as the two got lost in their own deep thoughts and reflections about their son. The inevitable urge soon surfaced that they were willing to do anything just to see the rest of Daniel's video. They were both falling deeper and deeper into Landon's web of control and getting more immersed into his grand scheme.

...... To be continued.