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Matt - Part 1

by Reptilia0702

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My first day of college.

Finally it was here. My name is Jake, and I am 18 years old. I'm a straight dude. Or at least, I was... Now, I'm not so sure. Let me tell you about my experience.

I didn't know anyone else going to Boulder, so I went ahead and picked a random roommate. We didn't talk at all before school, and I finally met my roommate on the first day. His name was Matt. He was 6 foot 1, a good looking guy, with size 14 feet. I'm only 5 foot 10, but I'd say I have a decent body.

Matt was really cool. I found out he was interested in a lot of similar things to me. We'd watch comedy central together, and "It's always sunny in philadelphia" all of the time. We also worked out together. One thing did seem pretty strange though. We never talked about girls. I wasn't really sure why, I just never brought it up, and neither did Matt.

So sure enough, one day I came back to the room and it was locked. So I turned my key to unlock the door and opened it wide. Matt was there, laying on his bed, hooking up with a guy.

"Shit" says Matt as I opened the door.

"Oh..." I managed to stumble out. "Sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No problem Jake, Tom here was just leaving."

Tom, the other guy, looked annoyed, but left without a word.

Matt and I just kind of chilled on the couch and watched tv. "You know its cool that you're gay man. It doesn't make a difference to me."

"Thanks Man." Matt said back to me, smiling. "I'm glad you won't let it affect us."

"Of course not. I'm totally wiped though. I'm gonna go to bed."

So sure enough, I climbed into bed and fell asleep almost right away.

Suddenly I was awoken in the middle of the night. I tried to move my right arm, but I quickly realized it was tied down to the bed. Frantically I jerked my left arm, as a heavy weight pushed down and finished tying that off too. Next, came my feet. Right then left. I struggled for awhile, but I was completely immobile.

"I'm sorry Jake - but I can't let people know I'm gay. It will ruin my life."

"Whaaat. Matt! Thank God. I thought I was gonna be raped or something man. Dude what the fuck is this about. I'm not going to tell anyone, honest dude!."

"I'm sorry Jake. But I just can't take that chance." There's only one way to ensure your secrecy, and that way is blackmail." Jake hopped off the bed and went over to his hamper. Wrestling around in the hamper, I saw his hand emerge with two gym socks.

Meanwhile, I was frantically trying to convince Matt that I wasn't going to say anything to anyone. But it was no use. He climbed on top of me, and he shoved his first sock into my mouth.

It tasted like sweat and salt. It was horrible. I had no idea how his feet could smell so bad. Suddenly, another sock came down over my nose. I tried to spit it out of my mouth, but Matt pulled duct tape out of his drawer, and bound it around my mouth. Then he took out his phone and started snapping photos.

"Sorry man, I wear those to the gym exclusively. And I never wash them. If you ever tell anyone, these photos will be posted online. They will go viral man. And I'm gonna tell everyone I found you like this. And that you are a foot faggot."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was so confused and now I was angry. Struggling violently against the ropes, I tried to break free.

"Ah. I can see I need to be more forceful." Matt walked over to the hamper again, and this time pulled out his jock strap and cup.

Now I really began to struggle. But it was no use. I couldn't break free.

Bringing the jockstrap close to my face, dangled it for a while, and then strapped it around my head and over my nose. He held my nose until I almost passed out, then let go. I was forced to take huge, gasping breaths as I inhaled his sweaty, ball sac scent. I was completely dominated. I had no choice. I was his bitch. Meanwhile, he videoed the whole production.

He then went over to his safe, and locked his phone inside. Then he began to untie me, and let me up. I had to play it cool. I knew he was a big guy, and I didn't want to force a fight right now.

I said nothing, and rolled over and went back to sleep.

A few weeks later, I had the perfect opportunity to extract my revenge...