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Marky Gets Tortured Twice!

Marky came over to my "dungeon" after work one evening. I secured him on my rack and went to work directly with my brush through his socks, removing his socks slowly after a few minutes. His socks were damp from being in his shoes all day. As the brush dug into his sensitive feet he started wriggling around and laughing. He laughed even harder when the brush slid over his bare soles.

I got my stiff feather and used that for a while on his soles. I had really dug into his skin on the bottoms of his feet with the brush, so his feet were more sensitive when I used the feather. I took the feather and ran over his chest and nipples. His nipples were especially sensitive and he groaned and squirmed when I tickled them with the feather.

I put down the feather and started on his pits. When I started working on his armpits I knew that I had found his most ticklish spot! He laughed and laughed and begged me to stop. Finally he screamed, "Ahhh ! No, No Stop! I'll do anything...!" Anything? I stopped tickling, but I drive a hard bargain, as he would find out."OK," I said. "I'll let you go, but you have to come back tomorrow for more tickling. Do we have a deal?" I moved my hands toward his armpits again. "OK, OK! Deal! Just stop for today. Untie me!" I did untie him and it took him a while to catch his breath. Marky left, but promised to come back the next day (Saturday). I thought that he might not show up again, but my gut feeling told me he would -- I could swear that I had seen a hard-on inside his dress pants after tickling him!
He did show up the next day (a little late, though), so my gut feeling was right. I think he had enjoyed the tickling the day before! Marky started to negotiate with me as soon as he got there. "I'll let you tickle me, but please, only on my feet. I can't take it on my armpits any more, especially because I have sunburn." I thought about it for a minute and said, "OK - but you have to strip down to your underwear." He agreed. I tied his feet down, his hands behind his back and away we went.

Of course, one he was tied up, what could keep me from those sensitive armpits? Anyway, I used my fingers on his bare soles and also pulled out a secret weapon, an electric rotating tooth polisher. The tooth polisher really made him thrash around and laugh. Still, I had better plans for him...

I moved around behind him and started to tickle his chest and ribs. " Ah, Haaahahaha. You, you heehaaahaha, stop! said you wouldn't tickle my ah, ah, haha, armpits..." I wasn't tickling his armpits, I explained, just his chest and ribs. The sunburn made him more sensitive, and he laughed again and again with a panicked tone in his voice. I gave him a breather after a minute or so and I untied his hands. He actually thought I was being nice by untying his hands! When I tied them back however, I tied them up over his head for easy access to the pits. "You promised!" Marky shouted as he struggled. "I lied!" I said as I forced and tied up his second arm and tied it securely...

My assalt on his pits was relentless! He doesn't have much hair in his pits, so my fingers easily slid over and over and over as Marky laughed like a crazy man. Even as he howled with laughter I noticed a bulge in his boxer shorts. I had a feeling there would be another tickle session with Marky in my future...

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